
How to dress an infant - how to dress a newborn for a walk in the fall

  • How to dress an infant - how to dress a newborn for a walk in the fall

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    Maternal care is expressed not only in feeding, nursing or wearing on hands, but also in deciding on how to dress an infant. However, from the very moment of his birth, a healthy full-term child is "programmed" to exist under normal natural conditions, that is, without an electric heater at his side and a dozen thick blouses and panties. But if you do not immediately start this mechanism, wrapping the baby in warm diapers at a temperature of about 30 ° C, the function of the body's temperature self-regulation "withers" as unnecessary( remember cosmonauts who after a month of weightlessness have weakened muscles to such a degree that a special course is requiredrehabilitation).

    Dressing for the house

    Dressing the baby for the house

    So, the child does not need additional "fur coats" at home, if the temperature in the room will be at a level of 20-22 ° C.In this case, only one light diaper or a disposable diaper with a thin undergarment is enough for a newborn baby. Do not be afraid of cold hands and feet - so the baby's organism shows its adaptive reactions to the cold, causing his heart to beat more often and increasing the muscle tone to restore the heat balance. In addition, the lack of excess clothing allows the child to move freely with unruly arms and legs. In turn, even such elementary movements lead to acceleration of the physical development of crumbs( he will sit down before, crawl, stand and walk if, of course, parents allow him to do it).A sleeping baby can be covered with a light blanket.

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    Usually parents, as well as grandparents, believe that the child is cold, based on their own feelings. But they forget that the human body gets used to the conditions surrounding it pretty quickly. And if the same grandmother leaves her warm dressing-gown and slippers, and at a temperature of twenty degrees she will change into a thin gown of cotton and get rid of shoes, then in a couple of weeks even her body will stop "freezing".What can we say about the baby, not yet "spoiled" by the blessings of civilization?

    At the same time, the "lowered" temperature has one more "plus": babies suffering from diathesis quickly get rid of itching and redness of the skin( but they can come back, just increase the temperature in the room).The only condition is that there should be no drafts in the room, otherwise the child really risks catching a cold. If, even with the door closed, it "pulls" the cold, instead of prohibiting the kid from playing on the floor, replace the doors and windows with new ones( with gaskets) before the birth of the crumbs.

    Dressing for a walk

    Dressing a child for a walk

    Another situation in which parents have to decide how to properly dress a newborn is a walk. Here you should use the "golden rule": the child should have one more clothes than you( provided that you are dressed in the weather).At the same time it is worth considering that most wheelchairs have additional warm "pockets" for the legs of the baby;and the fact that in sling children are also wrapped up with an additional layer of tissue, and even to the warm mother's( or daddy's) side are pressed.

    When choosing for yourself how to put on babies, try not to let it overheat. The sweating child will begin to be capricious on a walk, forcing him to take him in his arms from the stroller. That's where the danger lies - a breeze that can blow the baby. Therefore, take with you for a walk a light shawl, in which you hide with the taken up crumbs( to feed and reassure him).

    When traveling in a car, a toddler sitting in his car seat can also sweat. So do not forget to check if the cold air is blowing on it;and when you leave the car on the street, put something on crumbs, even if it's only ten meters to the entrance.

    Approximately up to one year, the most suitable for the child clothes "on the way out" - it's sliders on the straps and raspashonka. On top of these things, depending on weather conditions, others are put on, warmer. For example, what to wear a baby in the fall, depends not only on the weather conditions, but also on the degree of warmth of the walking overalls( try not to put the crumb in separate panties and jacket, since they have the ability to bully on the back of the baby).

    In addition, the number of clothes depends also on the route of the walk. If in the cool and cold season of the year, my mother plans to spend some time in a warm room, the baby should be dressed for a walk so that some clothes from it can be easily removed.

    In the summer, the opposite situation arises: to put on a baby on the street it is necessary taking into account the possibility of entering rooms with operating air conditioners( grab an extra blouse or shawl).And do not forget that the sun can also overheat in the sun, so try not to walk in the sun and choose shaded places.