
Cystitis: symptoms, causes and treatment. How to treat cystitis

  • Cystitis: symptoms, causes and treatment. How to treat cystitis

    A disease called cystitis is a pathological inflammation of the bladder, more precisely, of its mucous membrane.

    The development of the disease provokes a certain type of bacteria entering the urethra.

    This disease is most often characterized by acute course, pronounced symptomatology and impaired functions of the diseased organ.

    Causes of cystitis

    Regardless of the way of infection, the root cause of cystitis is almost always an infection. In most cases, and this is approximately 90% of the total number of cystitis diseases, the patients find an E. coli, less often - staphylococcus and other types of bacteria.

    But the disease of non-infectious nature( toxic, allergic, thermal, radiation, chemical, etc.) is very rare.

    Infection enters the bladder directly through the urethra. Since in women it is much shorter and wider than in males, they are sick more often than men.

    There are many factors contributing to infection in the urinary tract, the most common of which are:
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    • hypothermia
    • non-compliance with personal intimate hygiene
    • bladder injury
    • lowered immunity
    • frequent intercourse
    In some cases, cystitis can trigger other diseases. For example, pathologies of the structure of the genital organs, tumors located in the pelvis, stones in the kidney or bladder.

    Often the infection gets on the bladder mucosa after some surgical manipulations, for example, the installation of a catheter.

    Symptoms of cystitis

    The very first sign of starting cystitis is frequent urination. With the progression of inflammation, desires can occur up to 5-7 times in one hour.

    Other symptoms of cystitis are associated with frequent urination, which cause pain: sharp pain and burning sensations during the toilet visit are replaced by pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Over time, pain intensifies, urine acquires a murky tint, and in particularly difficult cases, it can detect an admixture of blood. Body temperature, as a rule, is increased to 37-38 degrees.

    The above symptoms refer to the clinic of acute cystitis. If the patient has not received the appropriate treatment, or the bacteria have appeared to be insensitive to antibiotics, then the cystitis often turns into a chronic form.

    The chronic course of cystitis is characterized by the alternation of the acute stage with the stage of remission. As a rule, with time, accompanying diseases join the chronic form: pyelonephritis, candidiasis, inflammation of the appendages.

    Treatment of cystitis

    Treatment of cystitis, in the first place, is aimed at fighting infection. For this purpose, the doctor appoints to pass an urine test, both general and Nechiporenko. Also bakposev urine surrenders. With its help determine the type of bacteria that caused inflammation, and find out which drug works best for him.

    Based on this, the attending physician prescribes an antibiotic, which is specifically for the treatment of cystitis, it can be: nitroxoline, palin, monural, furagin, nolycin or any other.

    Antibacterial drugs are applied in courses, after each course, the next delivery of tests is mandatory, on the basis of which a decision is made about the advisability of further treatment. In addition to antibiotics, various kinds of antispasmodics are used to treat cystitis. They are very effective in the acute phase of the disease, because they help quickly get rid of unpleasant pain.

    Women, especially those with cystitis who has passed to the chronic stage, are recommended to also sanitize the genital tract with antibacterial suppositories. This will help to avoid re-infection( see how to treat cystitis in women).

    With cystitis, patients are also prescribed a certain diet. From the diet should exclude all sharp and salty dishes, marinades, alcohol. Substances contained in such products irritate the mucosa of the bladder, thus contributing to the further development of the disease. In addition, a generous drink is recommended. Pure water, fruit drinks, and herbal decoctions help the body to get rid of the infection faster. In some cases, physiotherapeutic procedures such as magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, diathermy are prescribed for the treatment of cystitis.

    Certain situations may require and prompt intervention. It is, as a rule, a recurrent cystitis, combined with the pathology of the structure of the urogenital system. In this case, the ailment practically does not lend itself to traditional therapy. Such patients are most often performed operations to expand the urethra or do a resection of the neck of the bladder.

    See also treatment of cystitis at home

    Prevention of cystitis

    Since the disease belongs to the category of fairly common diseases, its therapy necessarily includes also the observance of certain preventive measures.

    Prevention of cystitis will allow people who have a tendency to inflammation of the bladder to avoid recurrence. Thus, in order to prevent this disease, it is advisable:

    • to avoid hypothermia
    • adhere to the usual mode of urination, in no case do not hold back the urge for a long time
    • not to wear synthetic underwear and tight clothes
    • to hold the toilet of the genitals before and after sexual contact, after sexual intercourseit is desirable to urinate
    • to use a sufficient amount of liquid
    • to treat chronic diseases of small pelvic organs
    in a timely manner. People prone to the appearance of cystitis, tkzhe recommended from time to time to pass guzzle a course of preparations with lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. With their help improves the microflora of the intestine and mucous membranes, which increases the immunity of a person and its resistance to pathogenic bacteria.

    Read also, treatment of cystitis in men.

    Complications of

    In the absence of an adequate treatment complex, cystitis can give serious complications. Most often, this disease affects the condition of the kidneys. Infection by the urinary tract enters the kidneys and causes their inflammation, which has the scientific name of pyelonephritis.

    Also, simple cystitis risks developing into an intercytial. With this complicated form, not only the mucosa, but the entire bladder, including the submucosa and the muscular wall, becomes inflamed.

    This condition is very serious, as the further progression of inflammatory processes is fraught with irreversible changes in the bladder. In most cases, it ends with an operation to transplant the affected organ.

    One of the complications of cystitis is hematuria - the appearance in the urine of blood or blood clots. As a rule, there are few blood impurities in such cases, but in certain situations bleeding may occur, which requires urgent transfusion of blood.

    The prevalence of the disease

    Despite the fact that such a disease as cystitis is not often publicized, it is a very common disease. At the same time, the overwhelming number of patients are young women of reproductive age.

    According to statistics, every fourth representative of the weaker sex, at least once in her life, had an inflammation of the bladder. In a significant number of women it goes into a chronic form, from which it is much more difficult to get rid of. Particularly vulnerable to cystitis are pregnant women who have hormonal changes and a weakening of protective functions.

    The wide prevalence of cystitis among women is explained, first of all, by the fact that it is much easier for them to get sick due to the special structure of the genital organs. In addition, in many cases the situation is aggravated by the fact that with the first symptoms, not everyone is in a hurry to resort to the help of a doctor and are trying to recover themselves.

    In the course are advices of girlfriends and recipes of alternative medicine. Unfortunately, this approach gives very negative results. In the best case, cystitis passes into a chronic form, at worst complications begin.

    As for men, official medicine claims that, compared with women, the number of cystitis patients among this population group is minimal. For example, in Russia there are no more than 8 cases per 1000 men per year.

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