
Cyst of the renal pelvis, how it manifests itself and how it is treated

  • Cyst of the renal pelvis, how it manifests itself and how it is treated

    Kidney of the renal pelvis is a rare deviation which, as a rule, is located in the renal parenchyma and takes an oblong or round shape, communicating with the lumen of the calyx and pelvis. The cyst is covered with a urothelium in the same way as the calyx and pelvis. Basically, it is in the zone of the middle calyx, in rare cases - in some of the poles of the kidney.

    Classify several varieties of cyst in the pelvis, namely:

    • Sprouting into the lumen of the pelvis.
    • Growing intramural.
    • Expanding into the area of ​​the gate gate location.

    The location of the neuromuscular apparatus of the kidney forms a blind protrusion that can expand under the influence of urine pressure, provoking the formation of a cyst. At the same time, the urinary retention is formed from the formed cystic enlargement, in this connection, urine stagnates, contributing to infection of the organ.

    Cystic neoplasm can grow due to stretching it with urine. Sometimes the walls of such a cyst are stretched so much that they begin to stand out above the surface of the kidney. As a rule, cysts in the renal pelvis do not reach large sizes - from one to five centimeters. Often a cyst is called a diverticulum in the kidney or a pyelogenic cyst.

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    There is no typical symptom for a cystic cyst. And before the moment of complications, such as hypertension or the process of inflammation, the disease does not manifest itself. Stagnation of urine can provoke infection of its contents and the subsequent spread of inflammation not only to the surface of the cyst, but also to the renal parenchyma, so pyelonephritis develops.

    At times, total hematuria and hypertension are formed, which is the result of pressure from a large cyst on the arterial branches inside the kidney or the chronic form of pyelonephritis. Usually, the blood in the urine appears due to the pressure of the venous trunks, but it can also be a consequence of the process of inflammation and erosion in the vessels.

    Symptomatology of pathology

    A simple cyst can be classified into the following varieties:

    • Acquired or congenital.
    • Multiple or single.
    • Hemorrhagic, serous or infected cyst.

    Its causes in the kidneys are different and depend on the influence on the body of negative factors. Simple cysts usually do not cause symptomatic development, as pathognomonic manifestations simply do not exist. The patient's complaints of pain, blood in the urine, palpable tumor, which often appear in the formation of the cyst, may also indicate the presence of other pathologies of a urological nature, for example, kidney tumors, etc.

    In both adults and children, cysts are often ignored and can be accidentally diagnosed during an ultrasound scan, a CT scan performed to determine the presence of other diseases.

    Sometimes cysts are identified as large neoplasms in the abdominal cavity, which cause severe pain, secondary hematuria due to perforation in the pelvis-calyx system.

    Because of the development of segmental ischemia, secondary arterial hypertension may develop. Also, cysts often cause obstruction of the pelvis and calyces of the kidney or cause an exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the organ. Over time, they increase in size, but the flow of simple cysts is very rarely supplemented by complications such as hemorrhage, infection, or rupture.

    Ordinary cysts are often combined with malignant tumors - kidney cancer. Benign tumors rarely combine with a cyst and are described as isolated cases in medicine. Also special cystic types of kidney cancer are distinguished.

    Diagnosis and treatment of pathology

    Diagnosis of this pathology is very complicated, since an accurate diagnosis is established only during surgical intervention, and on urograms it becomes visible only the defect of filling the renal pelvis. With the proper functioning of the kidney and inadequate filling of the cavity with contrast material, a spherical shadow becomes visible next to the calyx.

    Differential diagnosis is required to exclude the presence of kidney tuberculosis. Occasionally, cysts can form in the lumen of the cyst, which speak of themselves as typical signs.

    The process of treating a pathology usually consists of surgery. Indications for the operation are pain, arterial hypertension, blood in the urine and suppuration in the cyst. The operation involves performing a resection of the kidney segment and the process of excising the cyst, after which the formed cavity is filled with cellulose. Serious organ changes may require a nephrectomy.

    A less invasive treatment is ultrasound puncture. This process is suitable only for the development of small cysts that are located in the area of ​​the kidney poles and on its back surface. The essence of this intervention consists in puncturing the cyst with a needle, removing its contents and introducing a substance that adheres to its walls. When performing a puncture for large cysts, they can be re-formed.

    The most modern and effective way to remove cysts in the kidney is laparoscopic resection, which allows you to radically eliminate the cyst, no matter what. In which area of ​​the organ it is located, and also to make differential diagnosis with a tumor of the kidney. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, and the length of hospitalization is approximately three to four days. Rehabilitation without complications takes only five to seven days.

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