  • On the compatibility of the picture

    Speaking of the figure in clothes, we mention the recommendations of famous fashion designers. So, knowledgeable people claim: the geometric figure corresponding to the shape of your face, in clothes you should avoid. For example, chubby is not recommended to wear fabrics in peas, girls with a triangular face - clothes in triangles, etc.

    In general, choosing your wardrobe, it is better to follow the rule "Ryabye must be something one - either up or down."For example, it is recommended to wear a plain blouse

    ki or a skirt to a blouse with a pattern, and vice versa, it is better to wear a monochrome top to colorful trousers or a skirt.

    You can combine the multicolor top and bottom, but you need to do this extremely accurately and carefully, following the following rules.

    Well look top and bottom with the same in size and shape pattern, if the pattern is the same color and on the general background. This, in the first place, ready-made costumes and dresses. However, not every costume or dress with a pattern looks good. So, for example, a full woman in a suit with vertical stripes will look more like a mattress than an elegant lady.

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    A good combination of top and bottom with the same in size and shape pattern, if they go on different backgrounds, but the color of the bottom picture coincides with the color of the background of the top and vice versa. In this case, the colors of backgrounds should be combined with each other. So, for example, a black blouse with a white polka dot will go to a black skirt with black polka dots. Or a brown skirt with a beige pattern "lace" is suitable beige blouse with the same brown pattern.

    Perfectly harmonize the top and bottom with a pattern of the same color on the same background, but of different sizes. So, a black blouse with scarlet roses will suit a black blouse with small flowers of the same variety.

    The top and the bottom of different colors are well suited to each other, if in one part of the suit there is an insert or another detail repeating the background color of the second part.

    In some cases it will be good to look at a combination of such objects on the fabric that are found in nature in close proximity to each other. So, to the skirt, on which picturesque trees are depicted, a blouse can approach, where a flying bird is equally pictorially depicted in the blue sky, while the proportions of the landscape are observed.

    Sometimes the combination of bands looks attractive. For example, on a skirt stripes are presented vertically, and on a blouse - diagonally, or on a skirt - horizontally, and on a blouse - vertically.

    It looks like a combination of strips and cells, for example, if the top and bottom of one tone, and the cells and strips - the same width.

    The combination of abstract unobtrusive drawings of top and bottom - divorces, dashes, etc.