
Choosing a hairstyle for a face with small defects

  • Choosing a hairstyle for a face with small defects

    It can be too long or very small nose, short or too thin and long neck, large facial features, low or high forehead, etc.

    You can smooth or visually reduce such shortcomings with the help of a correctly selected hairstyle. So, for example, for a person with an elongated, thin neck, hairstyles of half-length hair, trimmed just below the chin, hair & gt; will suit. You can also visually reduce the neck by lowering the knot or waves from the long hair.

    A face with large features and a forward chin can be corrected by a calm smooth hairdo, the basic details of which are carried away from the face. Light curls falling on the forehead will give the person a softer expression. You can not leave your ears open, as this increases the lower half of the face - a heavy chin and a snub nose protrude into the foreground.

    With a long nose, do not do hair styling with back hair. A long nose conceals a magnificent hairdo with curls directed to the face. If you make a parting, it is better to make it oblique, since the straight parting gives the person symmetry, and the symmetry emphasizes the shortcomings.

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    For a person with a short neck, a hairstyle is recommended that will create the illusion of a long neck. For this, the hair on the neck is sheared in the form of an elongated mousel or combed up on the back of the head. For this type, too short a haircut is not recommended.

    The high forehead, as well as the low one, is closed with a bang. This is the most effective way. The rest of his hair is combed from his face, opening it. The bangs should be lush, long and full.

    The low forehead, on the contrary, is closed with a short bang, which only covers the line of hair growth on the forehead. Hair in such a hairstyle is stacked up steeply from the bangs, as if continuing the line of the forehead. It is desirable to open the ears. Not recommended for hair, in which the lower part is wider than the top.

    For a face with a snub nose, lush hairstyles are recommended from a hair no longer than the earlobes, the tips of the hair should be pointed upwards. Needless to say, straight hair and wrongly directed hair curls can highlight the imperfections of the face, haircuts that completely cover the ears are also not recommended.

    And the last thing: choosing a hair, you need to take into account your height and shape.

    Women of high stature will not approach both too high and too smooth a hairdress, as in that, and in other case the growth will seem more. The best for tall hair is medium length hair.

    Women of medium height will be treated with a hairstyle with long or long hair, as well as a haircut.

    Women of small stature should in no case do a three-dimensional haircut, so as not to disrupt the proportions of the figure. They are more suitable bundles, knots of long hair, which attractively open the neck.

    A thin woman with a small head can not wear short men's haircuts, as this will further reduce the volume of the figure. It is best to do a mid-size hairstyle.

    A short haircut, as well as smooth hair, is not recommended for obese women, as the volume of the head visually decreases and body volumes increase. Not recommended and too voluminous, intricate hairstyles, it is better to make a good haircut with large waves.

    Do not stop your choice on one, even if successfully found hair. Change your image more often to please yourself and others.