  • Cryomassage

    This procedure can not remove deep wrinkles on the face. But if the skin has the first wrinkles, elasticity and elasticity have decreased - these are direct indications for cryo-massage.

    In addition, cryomassage relieves inflammation, itching, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminates edema, restores microcirculation and metabolic processes in the skin. The procedure is used to treat porous skin with an increased fat-separation, for the treatment of acne, and gums. cryotherapy is used to eliminate post-traumatic puffiness in the rehabilitation of patients after cosmetic surgery.

    The effect of cryomassage is based on the short-term effect of cold on the tissue. Liquid nitrogen is the refrigerant. Low temperature first causes a sharp spasm of the vessels, and then their expansion. As a result, the blood supply to the skin improves, metabolic processes are accelerated, the epidermis and dermis are energized.

    The rejuvenation procedure is as follows: a cotton swab attached to a wooden stick is dipped in liquid nitrogen and shaken off excess liquid. On the massage lines of the face with intermittent rotational movements, massage the applicator. During the procedure, the patient should be closed eyes, in addition, you need to ensure that nitrogen does not hit the lips. Manipulations never begin with a zone around the eyes where extreme caution is required. The whole procedure of cryomassage takes 5-7 minutes - the cosmetologist works very quickly so that nitrogen does not evaporate.

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    After the procedure, you will feel a rush of heat, as if the skin "opened" and breathed. Like chemical peeling, cryo-massage helps exfoliate the surface layers of the epidermis and develop new healthy cells. But in this case the process proceeds more gently and physiologically.

    To protect yourself, you should know: cryomassage can only be done by those cosmetologists who have specially trained the

    for this technique. Otherwise, if used incorrectly, liquid nitrogen can leave marks on the skin in the form of scars, as well as cause more severe complications.

    Depending on skin type and specific patient problems, the scheme of cryomassage may be different. But it is usually recommended to take a course of 10-15 procedures that are performed 2-3 times a week. Twice a year, the course of treatment can be repeated, and for the prevention of acne cryomassage can be performed more often.

    Contraindications for cryomassage are: cold allergy, acute pustular inflammation, herpes, epilepsy, migraine. As for inflammation, it is possible to start working with the skin immediately after the inflammatory process is completed.