
Jerusalem artichoke: benefit and harm, medicinal properties of earthen pear

  • Jerusalem artichoke: benefit and harm, medicinal properties of earthen pear

    The plant, which has a non-standard name "Jerusalem artichoke," is known to many today. This amazing plant with fruits spread from North America.

    Beautiful and tall, proud of large flowers, similar in appearance to the sunflower, this gift of nature grows easily and is completely undemanding.

    "Earth pear" or "solar root" has a high nutritional value. It is often compared with potatoes. It grows unpretentiously, does not need special humidity lighting, rarely suffers from any diseases. Even if you do not look after Jerusalem artichoke, it will grow quietly and give yields for several years.

    The healing, useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke

    The tubers of Jerusalem artichoke are large, similar to potatoes. Nevertheless, the composition of the plant is more useful. There is an earth pear from proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Also has in the composition of fiber, water, ash components, disaccharides and monosaccharides. The salts of iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc make it very useful.
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    Only 50 grams of this plant replenish the body's daily norm in silicon, and 200 grams - the daily norm of vitamin C. Note that the vitamin B group, vitamin C in it is several times greater in comparison with carrots and buryaks. Concerning caloric content, the solar root can be used in normal and dietary nutrition.

    Tubers are the most important component of plants, they are used in nutrition. They are distinguishable in size - from 10 gr.up to 140 g., forms and shades( red, yellow and violet).The most useful way of using Jerusalem artichoke is in raw form. It tastes like a cabbage cabbage. The fried option is similar to sweet potatoes.

    In such a "sunny root"( as the Jerusalem artichoke is called in another way) contains a special substance - inulin. This is a soluble polysaccharide, an analog of insulin, which is effectively used to treat diabetics.

    Inulin helps with prolonged use not only to fight diabetes, but also becomes its excellent prevention. With curative purposes, Jerusalem artichoke is used 10-15 before meals, applying 2-3 tubers three times a day.

    Penetrating into the body, part of inulin is broken down, reincarnated into fructose molecules. In the blood, inulin removes harmful decomposition products. The part that has remained uncleaved has also cleansing abilities. With its help, toxins and radionuclides bind, cholesterol crystals, and other harmful components, which inulin effectively excretes.

    Unique in its properties component of Jerusalem artichoke deduces from the body any toxic constituents. It stimulates the active activity of the digestive tract, improves the secretion of bile. When using Jerusalem artichoke, the body's resistance to various viruses and infections affecting the digestive organs is felt. Due to the plant, the penetration and further advancement of such parasites as opisthorchis and lamblia is not allowed.

    Curative in composition topinambur forms the optimal microflora in the intestine of the body. For this, all the necessary conditions are created. If you suffer from dysbiosis, be sure to give preference to such a product as Jerusalem artichoke! Earth pear also improves the supply of mucous blood, so as an additional treatment Jerusalem artichoke is used for duodenitis, ulcers, gastritis, heartburn, pancreatitis and diarrhea. The plant relieves nausea and vomiting, removes the bitter taste in the mouth, as well as bloating and pain. Combining a variety of medicines with this plant, you can get rid of such unpleasant symptoms much faster.

    The components of Jerusalem artichoke well activate the functioning of the liver and urogenital system, prevent the appearance of cystitis and stones and kidneys. Strengthen with an earthen pear can be a gallbladder and liver. Due to the components contained in artichoke, an outflow of bile is provoked. Blood and intestines are cleaned naturally through Jerusalem artichoke. Despite the fact that the plant is non-selenium, it contributes to its better digestion.

    Vitamins and trace elements that make up the plant are excellent at preventing anemia. The "solar root" also struggles with the most dangerous diseases like oncology.

    Jerusalem artichoke is an excellent method of maintaining immunity. It contains many useful components that help to cope with seasonal vitamin deficiencies. Elevated levels of potassium and magnesium help to strengthen the cardiovascular system. This prevents the occurrence of heart disease.

    Becoming younger outwardly and getting rid of wrinkles with this amazing plant can be no less successful than using costly cosmetics. Eat this plant inside, and also make a mask out of it, then notice that the result will be stunning after a short time.

    Jerusalem artichoke is also irreplaceable for people living in megacities. It effectively removes heavy metal salts. The use of Jerusalem artichoke is manifested in the raw form of the plant, but do not forget about the use of skins, since it is here that silicon is concentrated.

    The use of Jerusalem artichoke for men

    The advantage of Jerusalem artichoke is that the fruits are able to maintain a normal potency before old age. In addition, the "solar root" reduces the risk of prostate adenoma. If you contribute to your menu, although 2-3 times a week this product, the results will be excellent!

    The use of Jerusalem artichoke for women

    Its features the artichoke showed in cosmetology. From the roots of this plant create a special gruel, it in the form of a mask is applied to the face. Perfectly removes seborrhea and reduces small wrinkles( see how to remove wrinkles under the eyes).

    The use of Jerusalem artichoke for children

    The doctors conducted a study, which revealed that Jerusalem artichoke is very useful for a child's unformed organism. Raw root crops of Jerusalem artichoke raise appetite, improve hemoglobin in the blood, remove the salt sediment in the urine, improve immunity.

    Thanks to the use of Jerusalem artichoke, the number of children suffering from infectious diseases decreases.

    Contraindications, harm Jerusalem artichoke

    Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, Jerusalem artichoke is capable of bringing both benefit and harm.

    When you enter Jerusalem artichoke, you do not need to abuse this fruit. Only a minimal amount of it - a couple of tubers every day and a normal reaction of the body will allow you to use it both for curative and preventive purposes!

    Part of the components of Jerusalem artichoke is capable of provoking excessive gassing in the intestine. This is worth considering, especially if you are prone to flatulence. With the proper use of Jerusalem artichoke for food, you will give yourself and your loved ones even more health and good mood!

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