  • Fat-soluble vitamins

    In order for fat-soluble vitamins to be absorbed( especially for vitamin A and carotene), foods rich in these vitamins should be consumed with fats - butter, fatty sour cream or mayonnaise.

    Vitamin A

    This vitamin exists in two forms: actually vitamin A( retinol) and carotene( "previtamin"), which in the liver is converted to vitamin A. Vitamin A is found in animal foods, carotene - mostly in plant.

    The most active is the so-called beta-carotene. It is believed that 1 mg beta pattern is 0.17 mg retinol. Therefore, beta-carotene is recalculated for retinol and expressed in its content in the so-called retinol equivalents.

    Vitamin A provides the health of the skin, hair and nails, helps in the treatment of acne and boils, prevents night blindness, increases resistance to respiratory infections, and helps a quick recovery. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that prevents aging.

    For better assimilation of vitamin A, the products should not only be mixed with fat-containing products, but also ground. For comparison: if carrots are to be rubbed and eaten without refining, only 5% of carotene will be absorbed from it.

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    If carrots are finely grated, 20% of carotene will already be absorbed. And if finely grated carrots fill with oil or sour cream - 50% carotene.

    2/3 of the vitamin A needed for the body should be provided by carotene.

    Products containing vitamin A - fish oil, beef and pork liver, butter, carrots, green onions, red peppers, apricots, pumpkin, tomatoes.

    Vitamin D

    It is formed in the human body mainly under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Adults under normal conditions do not need additional intake of vitamin D. However,

    with insufficient solar exposure, as a rule, lacks this vitamin, for example among miners, residents of the Far North.

    Vitamin D is primarily needed by children to properly form the skeleton and to prevent the development of rickets. Therefore, it is useful for children to visit the sun more often. Vitamin D helps to assimilate calcium and phosphorus.

    Products containing vitamin D - fish oil, beef liver, fatty fish, caviar, eggs, butter. In plant foods, vitamin D is very small.

    Vitamin E( tocopherol)

    Participates in the processes of tissue respiration, improves the absorption of fats and proteins, affects the function of sex and other endocrine glands. As an antioxidant, it slows down aging, improves the supply of oxygen to the skin.

    For cooking, vitamin E is stable, but it breaks down when rancid fat and under the influence of sunlight. Therefore, it is better to store the oil in opaque containers away from the window.

    Products containing vitamin E - vegetable oils( especially cottonseed, corn and soybean), peas, buckwheat, beans, nuts. In small quantities, vitamin E is found in all staple foods: eggs, dairy products, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits.

    Vitamin K

    plays an important role in the mechanism of blood clotting, reduces the abundance of menstruation.

    Resistant to cooking.

    Products containing vitamin K - lettuce, spinach, cauliflower and cabbage, pumpkin, sorrel, liver, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, beets, rowan berries.

    Vitamin F

    Provides healthy skin and hair, prevents the deposition of cholesterol in the arteries, helps prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, improves well-being, promotes weight loss, burning saturated fats.

    Destroys during heat treatment.

    Products containing vitamin F - vegetable oils( linseed, soy, sunflower, peanut), walnuts, almonds, avocados.

    Table The daily need of an adult in vitamins


    Daily requirement, mg

    C( ascorbic acid)


    B1( thiamine)


    B2( riboflavin)


    PP( niacin)


    Bp( pantothenic acid)


    Bg( pyridoxine)


    B9( folic acid)


    B12( cyanocobalamin)



    0.15-0, 30



    Routine( P)




    A( different forms)






