  • About the color of clothes

    The color in the clothes of a woman also plays a big role. It is necessary to dress depending on the complexion. The skin is very light - red, light blue, light pink, light green, light yellow, heather color. Light skin - tobacco, blue, yellow, blue. Ivory leather - light blue, cyclamen, banana. The skin is ordinary-the color of red wine, green, pink. The ruddy face is gray, dark blue, dark green. Olive skin - coffee with milk, olive green, brown. Dark olive skin - blue, dark green, light blue, red. Slightly tanned skin - chestnut, light blue, red, gray. Tanned skin - mustard, banana, gray-green.

    Mary Spillane - the leading English specialist in the field of design - offers her own version of the gradation of types of appearance and recommended colors of clothes.

    Warm type

    Hair: light, red or chestnut.

    Eyes: topaz, walnut, green, greenish-blue.

    Skin tone: ivory, with freckles, golden brown, tan, yellowish-beige.

    Recommended clothing colors: brown, beige or olive. The best way to paint your natural colors is to emphasize the colors of camel wool with reddish and pale shades. If you want something yellow, red or green - then only muffled tone. Avoid the white! It is better to replace it with a cream or yellowish tone. As for the black color - it is contraindicated to you. Is that with one exception - away from the person.

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    Cold type

    Hair: ashy-chestnut.

    Eyes: blue or brown.

    Skin tone: pinkish, beige.

    Recommended clothing colors: blue and pink. The main neutral colors are better to choose blue and charcoal. Strict impression from them will help to smooth enough bright accessories: lilac, pink, blue. Red suits you only a cold shade. Remember: too bright colors - not yours, so it's better to focus your attention on softer tones.

    Bright type

    Hair: black, chestnut or bright gray.

    Eyes: blue, steel, green or rich brown.

    Skin tint: porcelain, ivory, ashy-swarthy.

    Recommended clothing colors: black, charcoal, royal blue and even red. In gentle pastel colors, you can look awful! Advantages of your type will be favorably emphasized by catchy colors. And to soften the impression you will help selected in a set with bright clothes lighter shades near the face. It can be a hat, a muffler, a scarf or beads.

    Soft type

    Hair: light brown or light chestnut, ash-blond.

    Eyes: bluish-green, light brown, gray-blue.

    Skin tone: pinkish-beige or light beige.

    Recommended clothing colors: not dark, not light, but something in between. In bright, catchy clothes, you risk looking crisply. Looks more elegantly you will not help mottled, and one-color clothes of light and dark shades. Try the colors of ivory, dark gray, tin, bronze or their combinations.

    Dark type

    Hair: black, dark chestnut, dark brown with graying.

    Eyes: brown or walnut colors.

    Skin tones: matt, beige, ivory.

    Recommended clothing colors: black, charcoal and navy blue. However, accessories are necessary bright: blue, red, yellow, turquoise. People of this type in pastel tones risk to look pale, even unhealthy. But if you really do not want to give up the white color, then only "ice" shades will suit you: pink, lilac, bluish. To fully reflect the natural data will help juicy clean colors: purple, olive, green.

    Light type

    Hair: blond or light blond.

    Eyes: blue, gray-blue, light green.

    Skin tones: ivory or porcelain, peach.

    Recommended colors of clothing: grayish-white, dark-pale, delicate greyish-blue. It is better to avoid dark tones - they can discolor and pale. Optimal shade of white is ivory. You can try and more intense colors. For example, sea blue or gentle pastel colors: peach, yellowish brown, lemon, pink. But not brighter. Excellent will suit bluish-green and turquoise tones. But the colors of jewelry and accessories are allowed to choose any - depending on the mood.