
Depending on their attitude to fashion, its trends and trends, all people are divided into several categories:

  • Depending on their attitude to fashion, its trends and trends, all people are divided into several categories:

    experimenter , leader, rationalist, skeptic, lagging behind. If you determine to which type of people you belong, it will be easier for you not only to replenish your wardrobe, but also to feel comfortable in it.

    The experimenter knows how and likes to take risks, not being afraid to seem ridiculous, does not spare his time or strength on his wardrobe, believing that clothing is the most important means of self-expression;all extravagant and original causes him deep respect.

    Experimenters are the smallest group that does not depend on fashion. It can be argued that much of his wardrobe will not be fashionable today or tomorrow.

    And if with age the experimenter less and less wants to shock the public with his appearance, he will choose for himself a different role. The role of the leader.

    leader wants to look fashionably dressed, but preferably in an exclusive version. What he put on, has not yet become familiar on the streets. His self-esteem depends very much on what he is wearing at the moment. Even the youngest people can afford to be leaders - after all, in their midst all the most fashionable is not necessarily the most expensive. For the rest of the age categories, leadership is a ruinous occupation. It is enough to look into any brand store to be sure: the prices for new models are 1.5-2 times higher than for everything else. But you do not need to update your wardrobe every year. After all, no expert can confidently say how long a skirt should be today or what width trousers should be. Try to have a few super-fashionable things, and pick up the rest to them.

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    Rationalist does not spend too much time on his wardrobe, he does not dress the same way as three years ago, but does not pursue fashion. He is interested in democratic fashion, comfortable, coming for at least two seasons.

    The skeptic dresses a little monotonously, but always with taste, carefully concealing his small shortcomings and underscoring certain merits. He is irritated by impractical hairpins, ladies who, in the complete absence of the waist, pack themselves in tight jackets - even a supermodel silhouette. He chooses clothes only flowers that go to him and will not stop near the clothes of "non-native" shades. A person dressed in the latest fashion, next to you may seem more vivid and noticeable. But many experts( though not all) believe that until the end of this century, women and men dressed in a light, modest and very harmonious fashion will be in fashion.

    A backward person has long stayed in the past years and does not want to change anything. But maybe he should go into the category of skeptics, giving up too old clothes? Or to reach out to the rationalists, just once, after a closer look at the people on the streets? If these tips do not cause any initiative, you need to become an experimenter, replenish your wardrobe on flea markets, and also on your own mezzanines. You just need to defend your style creatively, boldly and decisively.