  • Is there a motivation for success in you?

    Psychologists have found that people who are optimally motivated for success and who ultimately achieve it, prefer an average level of risk, do not seek to avoid failures and are fantastically efficient by any means. However, this is too general a portrait of a woman seeking to reach career heights. If in more detail, closer to life, then you are already programmed to succeed by nature, if. ..

    Diligence and the desire to achieve excellence in everything are your main features.

    It's easy for you to "agree" with someone who works hard.

    You work, your plans are directed to the future, you have no time to be proud of your achievements.

    You lose optimism when the week is not occupied with business.

    Everything, for what you undertake, you bring to the logical end.

    You pay tribute to your colleagues, without which your professional success could not have taken place.

    Only a sneaky liar could call you lazy.

    When deciding, you are looking for the best option.

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    You never envied rich girls who can sit back, thanks to the capitals of a husband or dad-nouveaux riches.

    When you are sure that you are on the right track, you are ready to go to the end to prove your rightness.

    Do not lack ambition, but you do not suffer from stellar illness.

    When you work on a project, you fall in love with it.

    You are strained by situations where you can not do a job well.

    In work to yourself, you are more strict than others.

    You work stably, without swinging and failing.

    It's hard for you to do things that are not interesting.

    Constructive criticism stimulates you more than praise.

    When you work without inspiration, it's almost impossible to hide.

    Completing a project, you feel satisfaction, pleasant fatigue and some devastation.

    You consider a decent monetary reward as a solid foundation for diligence and do not allow yourself to work for a humiliatingly small fee.

    Rumors have repeatedly reached you that both colleagues and management respect you for their professionalism, and you are ready to answer them the same.

    You do not neglect pauses for rest, from the last forces depicting a perpetuum mobile.

    Obstacles and setbacks harden you and teach you mind-reason, and do not discourage the desire to burn at work.

    You are convinced that it is possible to combine a successful personal life with successful professional activity.

    You do not put off until later what you can and should do now.

    You never rely on luck.

    Refusing a task of increased complexity, you then file yourself for indecision and softness.

    You are used to basically rely only on yourself, despite the abundance in your environment of efficient people.

    You are not jealous of those who have already achieved success.

    By the end of vacation( or even earlier) you really want to work!