  • Fighting stretch marks

    Nutrition of the skin

    Causes of stretch marks

    The most common cause of the appearance of stretch marks is a sudden fluctuation in weight, when a woman rapidly loses weight or, on the contrary, too quickly accumulates it - the skin simply does not have time to evenly decrease or, conversely, stretch. The same thing happens during pregnancy. Thus, the growth of the fetus leads to a relatively rapid stretching of not only the muscles and fascia of the anterior abdominal wall, but also to the stretching of the skin, which, in turn, leads to the appearance of tears.

    Similar processes occur with the skin of the breast, which can significantly and dramatically increase during pregnancy and lactation, resulting in the appearance of stretch marks on the chest as well.

    Prevention of stretch marks

    In order to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, the following rules must be adhered to.

    For pregnant women:

    during pregnancy and after childbirth wear a bandage - this device reduces the load on the spine and muscles of the abdominal wall, prevents the appearance of a pendulous abdomen, stretching the skin;

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    every day before going to bed lubricate the places of the alleged appearance of stretch marks( abdomen, hips, chest) with cream for pregnant women against stretch marks or olive oil. Olive oil perfectly improves the elasticity of the skin.

    For all:

    , try to keep your weight stable, and if you want to lose weight or recover, do it gradually;

    eat right. Sweet, flour and other carbohydrate food is useful only in moderate, and even in small quantities. Proteins, from which collagen and elastin are synthesized, as well as vegetables containing vitamins, carotenoids and other useful substances, will be very useful;

    to improve the elasticity of the skin will help you with such types of physical activity as swimming, running, rhythmic walking, dancing, jumping rope( pregnant only allowed to walk and swim);

    in order to prevent blood stagnation in the problem areas, the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks daily mash up to slight reddening with plucked movements( pregnant women can only do this massage after consulting a doctor);

    use a contrast shower - it increases the elasticity of the skin. After the shower, rub out with a towel and apply the cream against the stretch marks to the intended places of the appearance of stretch marks in circular motions. Typically, these creams include nutrients, hyaluronic acid, silicone, moisturizers, natural elastin and collagen. Most of them do not get inside the skin, but stay on the surface, creating the thinnest film that prevents loss of fluid, thus keeping the elasticity of the skin, so necessary when stretching.

    If the stretch marks have already appeared and their age does not exceed 1.5 years, to fight them you can use all the same creams against stretch marks. Self stretching can be eliminated if you use regularly a contrast shower and a pinch massage. However, with regard to cosmetics, those that are really effective, are quite expensive and give a good result only if they are used constantly.

    At home in the anti-stretch you can try to carry out this procedure:

    1. 2 tbsp.l.chamomile boil in low heat in a glass of milk for 15 minutes. Decoction to filter, cool. In a warm mixture, wet a few pieces of dense tissue, coinciding with the size of the problem areas that you plan to process.

    2. Compresses should be placed on those areas of the skin where stretch marks are available.

    3. On top of the skin put food film. Over the film - a terry towel. To sustain 15 minutes.

    4. Wipe the skin with a towel, apply cream against stretch marks.

    If stretch marks appeared on the skin for a long time, and even more so if they are deep, then it is almost impossible to remove them on their own. However, you can be helped in the beauty salon by polishing the skin( microdermabrasion).After this procedure,

    stretch marks become less noticeable or even disappear altogether. Also, in order to get rid of stretch marks, you can undergo laser therapy.

    In any case, the likelihood that the extensions will disappear, the higher the earlier you start to struggle with them - the same applies to the skin polishing.