  • Eye Correction with Makeup

    Most often, the eyes have these or other disadvantages. At someone they are small, at someone too closely planted, etc. With the help of make-up you can make your eyes more beautiful. However, when correcting, it is necessary to be guided by the rule: first of all, to correct the deficiency that is noticeable most.

    For example, if you have small eyes with lowered corners, you should choose makeup for small eyes, rather than adjust the lowered corner, because the dark outline will make the eye even smaller.

    Make-up of wide-set eyes( the distance between the eyes is longer than one eye)

    1. Eyebrows should be painted as close as possible to the bridge of the nose.

    2. Shade of a darker shade to apply on the inside of the eyes and rub upward towards the eyebrow.

    3. Using a pencil or eyeliner, strengthen the contour of the inner corners of the eyes, but leave the outer corner untagged.

    Make-up of closely-set eyes( distance between eyes is less than the length of one eye)

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    1. Pluck eyebrows in the nose.

    2. In the nose and inner corners of the eyes, apply shadows of light tones, and from the middle of the eye apply shadows of dark tones.

    3. Shadows rub from the middle of the eye upwards and to the side beyond the outer corner of the eye.

    4. Apply a contour pencil or pencil from the middle of the upper eyelid to the outer corner of the eye, from the outer corner of the eye to the middle of the lower eyelid.

    5. When painting eyelashes at the inner corner of the eye, do not apply mascara at all, but more carcasses - on the outer corners of the eyes.

    Make-up of narrow eyes

    1. Apply a shade of light tones to the upper eyelids.

    2. Circle the outline of the upper and lower eyelid with a strip of the darkest shadows( strip width 2-4 mm).

    3. On the contour of the lower eyelid under a dark strip, using light shadows, apply a light strip.

    4. Slightly shade the light stripe by lightly pulling the ring finger in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one.

    Eye make-up with lowered corners ( outer corner of eye below inner)

    1. Apply light shadows at the inner corner of the upper eyelid. Dark shadows put on the outside of the eye in the direction of the tail of the eyebrow.

    2. Apply the contour pencil along the ciliary edge to the upper eyelid, while the line should expand from the middle of the upper eyelid to the outer corner of the eye. On the lower eyelid, along the inner ciliary margin, the dark parts of the same tone as in the upper eyelid can be inflicted on the S part.

    Make-up of deep-set eyes

    1. On the upper eyelid, until the eyebrows are applied light, pearly shades are possible.

    2. Use a soft contour pencil to draw the outer corner of the eyes. To do this, first apply a line from the middle of the upper eyelid to the outer corner, and then from the outer corner - to the middle of the lower eyelid.

    3. Dye in ink "superweave" or use false eyelashes to create the effect of thick fluffy eyelashes.

    Makeup of the convex eyes

    1. Apply a matte shade of muted tones over the entire surface of the eyelid( light, shiny and very dark shade is not recommended).To draw a narrow strip of shadows of the same color under the lower eyelid along the ciliary edge.

    2. Under a brow to put shades of more light shade, than basic shadows, to shade.

    3. To dye eyelashes by classical ink( volumetric and lengthening to use it is not recommended).

    Makeup of round eyes( rather big)

    1. To put a narrow strip of light shadows on internal corners of the upper eyelids.

    Apply dark shadows in such a way that from the middle of the upper and lower eyelids they are connected at the outer corner, forming an elongated triangle that extends beyond the outer corner, and, as it were, continue the line of the incision of the eyes.

    2. Use the contour pencil to circle your eyes, moving along the ciliary edge of the upper and lower eyelid. In this case, towards the outer corner of the eye, these lines should expand.

    Makeup of small eyes

    1. On the inside of the lower eyelid, draw a line with a white pencil.

    2. On the upper eyelid, apply shadows, in color close to the natural color of the skin. Suitable are dark beige, light brown, shade of the color of sunburn.

    3. Apply white shadows to the sub-barren space, shade.

    4. When painting eyelashes, dye only the upper eyelashes.

    It is strongly recommended not to use dark eyeliner or pencil, to impose dark shadows on the lower eyelid - this will make the eye even smaller.