  • Treatment of hemorrhoids at home: 14 topical ways

    Hemorrhoids are considered one of the most unpleasant diseases.

    Inflammation and varicose enlargement of hemorrhoids provides not only great discomfort in ordinary life, but also quite painful sensations.

    To date, there are a lot of different methods to get rid of this problem.

    However, many people, disillusioned with official medicine, try various folk methods of treating hemorrhoids at home. In spite of the widespread skepticism towards such folk remedies, they are often effective and perfectly cope with many symptoms of hemorrhoids.

    And so, if you really want to quickly cure hemorrhoids at home, then we recommend you try each of the methods.

    Home baths from hemorrhoids

    Baths with hemorrhoids are primarily aimed at removing the most acute symptoms - pain, itching, a feeling of heaviness in the anus. They are very easy to cook at home and used regularly.

    Steam bath with garlic and milk

    This bath is prepared at home using natural garlic and combining it with milk. Milk( slightly less than a liter) is poured into a container of the correct volume and throws 300 grams of peeled garlic. Then the vessel is put on a weak fire and kept so for one hour. After removal from the fire, you can begin the procedure. The back passage is heated by a pair until it cools down. Then the anus is plentifully lubricated with any antihemorrhoid ointment.
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    Bowl based on onion husks

    Onion husks have an excellent antimicrobial effect and at the same time it acts quite gently. That's why this product is perfect for preparing baths for home treatment of hemorrhoids. To prepare a similar bath, you have to boil the husk in the water, until it darkens. Then cool the broth to a comfortable temperature. Make a tray of onion husks is recommended once a day, and the full course at the same time a week.

    Cold bath

    Hygienic procedures with cold water os always have a beneficial effect on the health of the anus and rectum. When hemorrhoids, doctors advise to continue using cold water. It gently relieves pain and helps to get rid of irritation. In addition to the usual washings, you can also use a cold sitting bath. It is prepared as simply as possible: several pellets of maragant are added to the basin with cold clean water. In this water, a person is recommended to sit for about 5 minutes. You can do a cold bath twice a day.

    Warm bath based on medicinal herbs

    Camomile, oak bark, calendula, celandine - all these herbs are excellent assistants in the fight against hemorrhoids. Their healing properties consist in antibacterial and astringent action, which greatly facilitates the life of a person who has been diagnosed with inflammation or enlargement of hemorrhoids.

    To prepare a warm bath of herbs you only need to steam the grass, or a mixture of herbs, with boiling water and let it brew. When the infusion slightly cools, it can be used as a sedentary bath.

    Candles and tampons for hemorrhoids

    Candles for hemorrhoids are considered one of the most effective external means. Due to their design, they favorably affect the nodes located even in the depths of the anus and rectum.

    In addition to various pharmacy candles, you can prepare similar candles or tampons from natural products. This method of treatment will not only be very economical, but will also show a good and fast result.

    Potato candles

    Potato is considered one of the most popular remedies in the fight against internal and external hemorrhoids. Potato candles are especially often used. In order to make a similar candle, take one potato and carefully clean it. Then, an oblong candle is cut from it, about 3-4 cm long. It is recommended to insert a potato candle from hemorrhoids before going to bed, the course of the candles is on average 10 days.

    Iced Candles

    Such candles are very simple to prepare and when treating hemorrhoids at home, they quickly relieve pain and swelling. To receive such candles, you must first acquire molds for ice with an elongated shape. Then, water a small amount of chamomile, cool it, pour it into molds and put it in the freezer. When the ice hardens, it is pulled out of the mold, wrapped in gauze and inserted into the anus. It is not necessary to abuse such candles, they are recommended to be used if pain or pruritus causes severe discomfort.

    Candle from geranium

    Such simple candles have a very strong anti-inflammatory effect. To resist the candles, take one sheet of geranium, carefully wash it and dry it. After that, the leaf is smeared with any vegetable oil, rolled into a tube and inserted into the anus. This method is very convenient, because such a candle will not fall out, even if it is used in the daytime.

    Sea buckthorn tampons

    Sea buckthorn oil is one of the best tools in the fight not only with hemorrhoids, but also other diseases of the rectum or anus. It quickly and effectively helps the healing of damaged tissues, so this oil is often used for anus cracks or bleeding hemorrhoids.

    Tampons with sea buckthorn oil are very useful when the units are located outside. To do this, a cotton-gauze swab soaked in sea-buckthorn oil and inserted into the rear passage. Do it best at night.

    See also, especially the treatment of hemorrhoids in women and hemorrhoids in men.

    Home enema from hemorrhoids

    How else to treat hemorrhoids? Enema is an indispensable tool for the treatment of hemorrhoids, especially if the nodes and cracks are located deep inside the rectum. When hemorrhoids can be used as a large enema, prepared in the so-called Esmarch mug, and small microclysters with a volume of 50 ml.

    Home enemas contraindicated in the event that the nodes are bleeding or in the rectum there are any inflammatory processes.

    Oil enema

    This enema is excellent for those who experience constant dryness and irritation in the anus and rectum. In addition, it does a good job of managing constipation, which is a frequent companion to hemorrhoids. To prepare an oil enema, you usually use one of the traditional vegetable oils: olive, linseed, sunflower or any other. Before the procedure, it should be preheated to a comfortable temperature.

    Cleansing enema

    Very often people who have had hemorrhoids are disturbed by such things as constipation and bloating caused by the accumulation of gases. In such cases it is recommended to make a cleansing enema. It is traditionally cooked in a circle of Esmarch. To prepare enema water is boiled, and after it has cooled to a warm state, add 2 tbsp to it.l.sea ​​salt and glycerin, and used for the procedure.

    Therapeutic enema

    A good result in the home treatment of hemorrhoids gives an enema from the collection of medicinal plants. For its preparation, seeds of horse chestnut, chamomile, oak bark, sage leaves and nightshade leaves are used. All herbs are taken in approximately the same amount. The ready mixture is poured with boiling water, wrapped in a warm blanket and left for several hours to insist. After this, the broth can be used, without diluting, for enema.

    Read more on how to treat external hemorrhoids, as well as internal hemorrhoids quickly.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids

    Treatment of hemorrhoids is not limited to using only external means.

    At home, you can take a variety of decoctions and tinctures that improve the condition of the patient from the inside, which in turn helps to cure hemorrhoids faster.

    Dandelion Infusion

    Dandelion Drug is a very mild laxative and cleanser. When treating hemorrhoids, dandelion roots are usually used at home. They are crushed and poured with cold water. Infusion should be kept at room temperature throughout the day, then it can be consumed. Take an infusion of dandelion before eating in the amount of 1/4 cup.

    Infusion of horsetail

    Horsetail field is used to treat hemorrhoids, complicated by bleeding. For the preparation of infusion 2 tbsp.l. Herbs are poured with boiling water in an amount of 200 ml. After 2 hours it can be eaten. It is recommended to drink one glass of infusion during the day, dividing it into several receptions.

    Rowan red from hemorrhoids

    Red mountain ash is not only a storehouse of vitamins, but also a wonderful tool for home therapy of various types of hemorrhoids. It is especially effective at closed sites, as the use of this berry contributes to their breakthrough and alleviation of the patient's condition. To treat hemorrhoids take fresh juice of red ashberry.

    According to the recommendations of traditional healers, this juice should be consumed three times a day, half a glass. If desired, it can be sweetened with a small amount of sugar or honey.

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