  • Candles for the treatment of hemorrhoids: brands and varieties

    This "delicate" disease, like hemorrhoids, is now more and more common. They are affected not only by middle-aged and elderly people, but also by youth.

    The potential risk group includes pregnant women and those who:

    • has pelvic inflammation;
    • holds an eight-hour day sitting;
    • is obese and inactive;
    • often consumes alcohol.

    Most people do not think about prevention and even with the first symptoms of hemorrhoids do not rush to resort to treatment, missing, thus, precious time. In the first and second stage of development, when the disease is accompanied by burning and rare bleeding, it is often more often necessary to use local therapy - ointments and suppositories.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids with candles

    Candles are a good option for treating hemorrhoids, because they have many advantages over other drugs. When treating hemorrhoids with candles very rarely allergies occur, substances quickly enter the blood. Ease of use makes it easy to use candles for older people who have difficulty in self-service. Instruction for candles from hemorrhoids will allow you to quickly learn about the characteristics of the drug and its contraindications.

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    Hemorrhoids are most common in men( 80%).The reason for this can be hard work, heavy sports, often careless attitude to their health. The delicacy of such a problem as hemorrhoids, leaves its imprint on the emotional state of a man - he becomes more irritable and rude.

    Hemorrhoids candles for men are more acceptable than other methods of treatment, such as baths, etc. A man is often guided by the rule: "The simpler, the better."Hemorrhoids can appear in men against a background of another disease, for example, prostatic adenoma. In this case, you can carry out treatment with one drug. Effective candles from hemorrhoids and prostatitis are, for example, methyluracil or suppositories with propolis.

    Candles from hemorrhoids with propolis

    On the healing properties of propolis written a lot. To list all the advantages of such treatment simply does not make sense. Candles based on propolis with hemorrhoids help relieve pain, burning, promote the resumption of normal circulation, have antibacterial and resorptive action.

    In addition, propolis helps to activate internal defenses in the body and accelerate the healing process. This method of treatment is not suitable only for people who are allergic to propolis, the use of which can aggravate the situation. The use of candles from hemorrhoids with propolis is harmless and very effective.

    Candles with ichthyol

    For quick anesthesia in the early stages of hemorrhoids, ichthyol suppositories are used that cope well with pathogenic bacteria, thereby eliminating inflammation. The use of ichthyol suppositories in hemorrhoids helps to quickly eliminate all symptoms( within a few weeks), which indicates a rather high effectiveness of the drug.

    Ida candles

    Increasingly, proctologists recommend using cold in the fight against hemorrhoids. When exposed to cold on the affected area, the nerve endings are frozen, so that the person does not feel pain. As a result, affected tissues themselves are rejected by the body without external surgical intervention, leaving even scarring behind. Candles are easily prepared at home.

    Water is poured into paper forms and frozen. Instead of water, you can also use decoctions of herbs. The candle is inserted into the anus at first for half a minute, and then, after three to five days, another half-minute is added.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids with ice candles helps to narrow the blood vessels and restore normal blood circulation. Ice candles are suitable for use in hemorrhoids in neglected form.

    Candles with anesthetics from hemorrhoids

    For a quick analgesia with hemorrhoids, candles containing anesthetics, such as benzocaine or procaine, are used. Candles with novocaine in hemorrhoids and anal fissures help to remove the pain that can accompany the trip to the toilet.

    Do not use such suppositories for patients who have seen allergic reactions to procaine( or another active substance in the drug).These candles have an impact on people driving vehicles or working with mechanisms. They are also not suitable for the treatment of recurrent, poorly healing hemorrhoids.

    Candles made of potatoes

    Another method of treating hemorrhoids, which came to us from folk medicine, is the use of candles cut from tubers of potatoes. Sam potatoes contain a large amount of starch, which has an enveloping effect, fiber, nitrogenous substances and pectic acids.

    International medicine raw potato has gained popularity in the treatment of diseases of internal organs, such as gastritis and ulcer. To treat hemorrhoids from a mature tuber, a candle with a diameter of about 1.5 cm and a length of up to 5 cm is cut out. When injecting the candle, it must be lubricated with honey or sunflower oil.

    It is best to conduct the procedure before going to bed, leaving a candle in the anus for several hours. Candles from potatoes from hemorrhoids are suitable for use at any stage of the disease. This will reduce bleeding and swelling in the hemorrhoids.

    Herbal candles

    Candles from hemorrhoids on herbs are very popular and more than available. To inexpensive candles from hemorrhoids are preparations on a plant basis with bellies, calendula, sea-buckthorn. Candles with belladonna - these candles have an analgesic and therapeutic effect. The belladonna extract itself can be used in other candles in a complex manner. Candles are also effective for anus fissures.

    However, with all the benefits, much more often than other drugs, can cause side effects - drowsiness, dry mouth, sleep disorders, etc. Candles with sea-buckthorn - these candles have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Thanks to the complex of vitamins and fatty acids, they contribute to the rapid restoration of damaged tissues. Treatment of hemorrhoids with suppositories with sea buckthorn will also help the treatment of anal fissures.

    Candles with calendula - have pronounced bactericidal properties, are quite effective at the initial stages of the disease development. Relatively harmless and non-toxic, can be used in pregnancy and lactation. The use of suppositories for the prevention of hemorrhoids does not make sense, since a person at risk of a disease or relapse should reconsider their lifestyle, diet, habits, which will make it possible to forget about hemorrhoids forever.

    Instructions for use

    It is recommended to enter candles in the evening before bedtime, after hygienic procedures and emptying. The suppository is extracted from the individual package, and then inserted into the anus. Under the influence of body heat, the drug melts and then useful therapeutic substances produce their effect.

    Is it possible to cure hemorrhoids with candles? If the treatment is started on time and after the disappearance of all the symptoms the patient adheres to the prescriptions, then the probability of returning such a disease is very small. Determine which particular candles are better and are suitable for you, can only help a proctologist.

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