  • Paints for body and nails

    Body paints and nails - this is a new COMFORTABLE addition to paints for body art, as they can be applied to both nails and the skin. These paints look like ordinary nail polishes in bottles with a brush in the lid.

    Ultraviolet paints

    For a special evening, POSEXPERTIME with ultraviolet paint for the body. It is best to use those that look like ordinary paint when you apply them, and shine under the ultraviolet light in a nightclub. A colorless variant is much harder to apply correctly, and you will have to wait until you are under ultraviolet light to see the results of your work.

    Pens and pencils for body art

    Color pens and pencils for body art are FANTASTIC INSTRUMENTS for drawing drawings by hand. They allow you to draw directly on the skin and can be used both for drawing parts and contours, and for painting large surfaces. Pencils for tattoos are fat thick sticks that can be used for painting and mixing colors. For more detailed work, they should be carefully sharpened.

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    Ink and stamps for tattoos

    Ink for temporary tattoos are sold in sets of five colors along with a brush. Their consistency is more liquid than that of conventional body art paints, so the picture is SEMI-TRANSPARENT and can be strengthened by applying additional layers of paint.

    These inks are also available in the form of handles. The ink dries in three minutes and will last three days. Since they are WATER-RESISTANT, they need to be washed off with alcohol or wiped off with circular motions of a soapy brush.

    Stamps in the form of hearts, flowers and Chinese characters are sold together with body art paints and work exactly like ink stamps. First practice practicing to stamp drawings on paper. If you put too much ink on the stamp, it will smear;if the paint is too small, the pattern will turn pale. Prototyped drawings can be painted in different colors with felt-tip pens or paints with the help of thin brushes.

    Shimmering powder and sparkles

    Trembling shiny colors are great for giving a festive appearance and for adding a fashion flicker to the picture. Friable powders and sequins can be found on cosmetic shelves. They can be applied with brushes, cotton pads or makeup sponges through stencils, or you should use a large powder brush or sprinkle on a drawing to add a glowing spark. Brilliant paints can be used as a material for body art, but they are more suitable for STRESSING AND STRENGTHENING DRAWINGS painted with opaque paints. Brilliant powders and colors can be washed off with soap or an everyday cleanser, although their individual particles adhere to the skin firmly.

    Jewelery for the body

    Jewels for the body, bindi and rhinestones make the last sparkling smear. They should always be added only after the drawing is finished and dried. SELF-ADDING ornaments and bindi are sold in packs in universal and haberdashery, as well as in specialized Indian stores. You can find different shapes and sizes. Any decoration with a flat base can be used to decorate the figure on the body. Especially popular are "diamonds", because they are very diverse in color and size, and can be purchased separately or in packages in jewelry stores.

    To attach a self-adhesive jewelery, remove it from the package and glue it to a clean, dry skin with your fingertip. Very small decorations are conveniently glued with tweezers. Make sure that the skin is not moistened, as the decoration may not stick to such a surface. Jewelry and their imitation can be peeled off and used again.

    To attach a rhinestone with a flat base, take it with tweezers, apply a little glue to the base for gluing eyelashes or latex glue, then press the decoration to the desired place. It can be removed by washing off makeup or using a cleansing cosmetic.