  • Envy in our lives

    You admire your girlfriend, and in the eyes - tears. Everyone thinks that this is for joy. Nobody realizes that you are trying to hide envy. Get rid of it - and do not cry! They say that envy is the engine of progress, and yet it is repainted all the time in white, then in black. But whatever color it is, when envy moves in the heart, it becomes bad on the soul. Rejoice! You have the strength to resist. After all, being a bit envious( like a little pregnant) is impossible. Someone else's successes either please you, or upset and prevent you from seeing the sun. Settle envy in the far corner of the heart and do not allow to protrude. After all, if you just loosen your vigilance for a minute, it will ruin your life. But, like any poison, in homeopathic doses envy can even be useful.

    Stop being sorry. When someone from your family, friends or acquaintances claims that he has never envied anyone in his life - do not believe it! He has every right to write on his business card after the name and surname: "I suffer from amnesia."Envy is a feeling inherent in many: beautiful and not very rich and poor, adults and youngsters. The difference is how people relate to this. If you do not go on about this feeling, and try to understand the reasons for its occurrence, you will surely tame this beast. And it all began as a child. Once my mother praised a neighbor girl, the same one with a red bow and a big talking doll in a toy carriage. It became painful and insulting, even it seemed that my mother did not love you, that you are not so beautiful and not so clever. Mom did not buy you a doll, like her neighbor, but she repeated that it was not good to be jealous. She loved you very much, but she always compared with other children. And for some reason they always turned out to be cleaner, smarter, kinder! And then the most beautiful boy kissed some ugly woman in the disco, you passed the session badly, you were not promoted at work. The circle is closed! All your free time you feel sorry for yourself and complain. Are you unable to stop? Then you have to come to terms with the idea that, focusing on your failures, you will not achieve anything. But your own success is the best remedy for envy. Is not it time to start moving in this direction?

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    Do not try on someone else's life. She has a bigger breast size, her husband adores, children are geeks, a house is a picture from a magazine. And let her be the best friend, a worm-eaten thought creeps into her soul: why is everything to her? When you return home, you are annoyed by a close and small apartment with old furniture. The work is not happy, and the new blouse is gathering dust in the closet: it would look better on her friend. And you rarely try to run to visit her. Soon you will become one friend less. It's a pity? Find something good in your life and arrange a holiday about this find. Do everything to feel like a queen in your little kingdom.

    Be proud of your achievements. Potential envy is often tormented by the thought of how much she did not have time. I would start learning English as a child - now it would be easier to find a good job;would have married not for Petya, but for Vasya - would have lived in greater prosperity. This portrait of someone reminds you? Stop, you are after the mirage. You do not value your own achievements, and when something turns out, you start sighing about something else. Do not turn your life into dashes from one great goal to another, rejoice at what you have already achieved! Do not be jealous of your classmates who made a career while you fumbled with diapers and bottles. You will catch up with them and drive them. There will always be someone whose career is moving faster and the business is more successful. Understand, you can not get all the stars from the sky. Do not set for yourself too much height, which you need to take at any cost. Leave the time for small pleasures, and you will find peace of mind, and this is a huge achievement. Methods of prevention. Remember that insidious envy disfigures even dazzling beauties. You do not want to be like the wicked stepmother of Snow White, whom the beauty of the girl gave no peace to? If you do not like the reflection in the mirror, visit the beauty center - they will teach you to emphasize the dignity of your own appearance. You will feel like a different person! Alas, from envy there are not only wrinkles. It can cause a nervous breakdown and even a real illness. So, when you feel the first signs of this unpleasant feeling, say to yourself: "Yes, I envy a little, but I do not want this person anything bad. Soon and my life will be fine, I will do everything for it, I will succeed! "

    The basic methods of combating insidious feelings. Wear magic glasses. Probably, you see in others only virtues, but in yourself - some drawbacks. Put on rose-colored glasses and look. .. in the mirror. Be indulgent! Take a paper and a pen and write down all your advantages in order. "Reread this list, make your small and big achievements into it, and if you become a zandra, it will help to restore faith in yourself.

    Praise yourself, do not be shy. There is no point in sitting in a corner and dreaming that someone will come, find and appreciate you. About what you treasure, people need to constantly remind. Soviet teachers were wrong when they said that "I am the last letter in the alphabet."To praise yourself is useful and necessary, the main thing is to do it gracefully. Subtle compliments to herself will serve an excellent service. Do not overdo it by reading out the full list of your merits, it's better to talk about them little by little( you're a modest girl!), But often. And do not be shy: you say the truth, only the truth and nothing but the truth. Pay attention, you are already looked at with respect and are asked to act as an expert on the contentious issue. Very soon you will begin to bathe in the rays of glory. Therefore, learn how to respond to compliments in a proper way, so that others would like to speak them to you more often. Listen to praise with a slight smile, without blushing or justifying yourself. You deserve it! In response to the words, how well you look today, do not need to shyly embarrass: "What are you, this dress has been for many years."And do not forget the courtesy of the courtesy. True, when you sing praises to your business qualities, you do not need to add that you can also sew on a typewriter. Let about you, as a professional, tell the results of work.

    Envy with benefit for yourself. It is possible to envy constructively, without harm to others and with benefit for themselves. Do not ask fate to make a colleague fat. Nobody prevents you from looking even better! If she lost a few pounds after a year of separate meals and regular visits to the gym, go on a diet and sign up for an aerobics group. Distribute the budget so that from time to time replenish your wardrobe with beautiful and fashionable things. And soon you will form a worthy competition to a colleague. A friend got a good job - why do not you take a refresher course and learn another foreign language? The realization that you are not sitting still, but acting, will strengthen your self-esteem. Have fun, have fun, love - and you will not have time and desire to envy someone.