  • How to find a boyfriend in one evening?

    Location: billiard room

    Billiard room( a club, not a pub with a couple of tables in the aisle) is a small female paradise. Firstly, you can not play here, but sit at a table and have supper. Secondly, it is relatively quiet and you can chat quietly. And thirdly, there are a lot of young people with soulful faces in the billiard room. Many people think that all these beautiful young people come to the billiard room, like a men's club - to take a break from women and play with themselves. Nothing like this! The attention of the billiard player is equally divided between the balls and the women at the neighboring tables. Some girls come here on stiletto heels and neck. If you thought: "Poor things, how uncomfortable you are to play!" - then I assure you, they did not come here for this! The method of acquaintance is as follows.

    Together with a friend - it will be more natural - go in and go slowly around the hall, sort of as you are looking for a good table. In fact, you are looking for good neighbors. If you like some player, quickly evaluate the situation - with whom he came. Sometimes a guy plays, and his girlfriend drinks beer nearby. If everything is in order, pile the table, take the cue, sometimes knock on the balls, but at the same time frankly admire the game of his chosen one. Let your girlfriend sometimes tell you: "Are you smashing or what?" You must absent-mindedly answer "Now", look at his stroke, nod with satisfaction - beautiful;and return to his game. Every time an object clogs a ball, smile consciously, respectfully look at it. He will think that you know the game and you can appreciate his skill. Checked - he will not remain indifferent. Disadvantages. A woman in a billiard room is perceived by men as a pleasant misunderstanding. But if she plays, and plays well, she becomes a misunderstanding unpleasant. No matter how bad a young man can drive balls, he can not lose a woman. Advantages. Billiards is a noble game, besides, the balls are worth the money. Therefore, you can be sure that you will not meet frankly unworthy candidates here. Probability of acquaintance: 5 points. Young people always notice that they are watched by a woman, and start showing off. After three hits you will notice that the object began to take prideful poses, loudly to say to the partner: "But look how I am now!" - and ask your glance sideways.

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    Location: auto parts and auto cosmetics store

    The interior is impressive. On the left there are silvery hubcaps on the wheels, next to each other, close to each other, black mats hang, on the right on the racks are placed multi-colored cans with engine oil. .. This is the alleged place of pilgrimage of the male specimens. It is necessary to go there for exploration with the appearance of a connoisseur, so that there is no feeling that you are clearly someone else's at this celebration of life, in a separate auto mechanic. Cognitive, of course, but the quality of men from 3 to 4 points. The first impression is different dark calibrated backs: jeans, suede, leather. I'll have to push forward unceremoniously to see the faces of the visitors. Moreover, in the majority of the examined, this action causes almost childish annoyance and irritation. Classify the audience can be pretty quickly. The first type is men of 18-25 years old who have recently purchased their first car. Quite pretty! Draw 4 points. The second type is the fathers of families. They are thirty and closer to fifty. You can, of course, ask one of them what to prefer: ordinary antifreeze or high-quality antifreeze, but you will hardly wait for detailed instructions-out of his iron friend parked on the street there are children's screams and barking of a huge shaggy dog. Not more than 3 points. Disadvantages. Getting acquainted in a car dealer - it's like getting acquainted in a pharmacy, in the plumbing department or in the construction market. All these are places where the person was led by another problem, which, naturally, is accompanied by stress. And in this state a man is unlikely to admire your hairdo and smile at your joke.


    street Street( or rather, parks and squares with cozy benches) was and remains an excellent place to meet people. Why? First, here people come to rest, dream, read - which means that they are relaxed and friendly. Plus they have free time! And then a lot of people usually flock to places of cultural rest, that is, it is possible selectively to choose a potential "victim".You can choose the right place and introduce yourself as a journalist:

    - Good evening, my name is Tanya. I am a journalist. On the instructions of the editorial staff, I spend a street poll and can not do without your opinion.

    And, without letting the "respondent" come to his senses, take a notebook out of the bag and smartly stick on:

    - What's your name? Ivan. It is possible on you? Tell me, what do you think about women's magazines?

    - Ivan, how old are you and where do you work?

    He is 27 years old, an advertising manager in a fairly well-known agency.

    - By the way, just in case, leave your phone - suddenly there will be additional questions.

    - Of course, write down: mobile. ., working. ..

    And they say that we have incredulous people! And although this could be put a stop and consider the experiment successful, but try to still offer Vanya a sheet with the address of your mail or phone. For feedback, so to speak. You will feel quite comfortable yourself: you yourself have chosen whom to meet, but the place and time are quite available for a casual conversation. Disadvantages. You understand, different men roam the streets. There are attractive, and there is not much. But that's also a good street, that if you do not like someone, you just pass by and after 10 meters you come across Mr. Perfection. In addition, unlike blurred cafes and nightclubs, street and daylight do not mask the appearance of candidates. It may be that a young man is waiting for his girlfriend or is not at all ready for dating. The main thing here is not to stumble and look for a new object.

    Location: train

    It is necessary to choose a prestigious route, better to the capital, seat in a sitting business class car: all candidates are available( unlike coupe and CB).Comfortable seats, delicious food, TV - all this has a good mood and a pleasant pastime. Train departs. With interest you look around. There are many men. Most do not fit in age: either too young, or already very young. Finally stop your eyes on the attractive man, go towards him, come back and sit closer to the object with a magazine in hand. You are tying up a casual conversation: "Could you cover the door? And then a draft. ""Is it cold?" He asked sympathetically."Uh-huh," you say, already smiling sincerely.

    Wagon-restaurant for dating does not fit. Usually, all tables are busy, because all men drink vodka or at best cognac. Here, apparently, what are spent on business trips, and the fine for running in a state of intoxication does not threaten anyone. And although you are in the spotlight, but it's not encouraging. Disadvantages. The degree of discomfort is large. Walking on the train in search of an object for acquaintance tires, in the tambours cold and very smoky. If you do not confuse the presence of an engagement ring on a man's finger or that he is not quite sober, then you have every chance. But it's quite difficult to meet a really interesting man. If you are ready to take the initiative, then it will be quite easy to get acquainted. The non-binding environment and a few hours of free time make men more sociable. And if you do not like something the interlocutor, then you can always say that the station will meet her husband.

    Location: jazz concert

    The audience is decent. Well-dressed young and not very young men. Some with women, some - about joy!- on their own. The people are intelligent, listen attentively, quietly beat off the tact with their fingers on the backs of the armchairs. ..But what to do next? Start the conversation with the man you liked: "I immediately noticed that you are some kind of special and profitable different from this crowd."The phrase, of course, is good. But how to pronounce it? Hit the neighbor's program in the back and, when he looks back, give all this tirade to his amazed face? Or maybe bend over to him and cover his eyes with his palms?. . When the concert comes to an end and the people are drawn to the exit, one can turn to his "prince", catch his gaze. He smiles politely.

    - Good evening, - you will say.

    - D-kind, - the prince continues to smile, obviously trying to remember who you are.

    - We do not know each other.

    - Uh. ..

    - But I really want to meet you.

    Prince, of course, in shock, the main thing is that there was no heart attack!

    - So it's like this: I like you. Here is my business card. If you want, call.

    Announce in two days. The prince will call to work, you will meet, you will have supper. And then again. And then more. .. Disadvantages. Probability of acquaintance is pure coincidence. Around full of smart men. Unaccompanied. But whether you can talk to them - everyone will be absorbed in music. And then somehow it's indecent to scour the ranks, stepping on the audience's feet, and in their outraged exclamations to answer in a whisper: "Oh, I immediately noticed that you are somehow special and different from this crowd!"


    nightclubA friend invites to a party in a trendy night club. It's true that she does not know what kind of party and in honor of what, but it does not matter. And although the mood is not for dancing - go. And not for dating. But if a handsome young man, who has already run past you five times, suddenly stops as if dead and blurts out: "Hello! And you ate meat at home in French! "To start dating is unexpected, right? Moreover, you are the young man at all the first time in your life you see. You can talk and find out who is right. The main thing is to go to the club with a good mood. And even if you do not get acquainted with anyone, you can just light up.

    It is difficult to meet a worthy companion in clubs. But my friend, in order to have fun, it's easy. Everything depends on the brilliance in the eyes. However, here too the main thing is not to overdo it.