  • Hair cleansing

    To make the hair look good, they need to be washed as soon as they become dirty, so the norms for washing hair simply do not exist. Someone has to wash their hair every day, and someone is enough to perform this procedure once a week. Those who use a large number of styling products will often need to wash their hair, since all these preparations, accumulating on the hair, make them heavier, prevent hair from breathing, and impart a sloppy appearance. And in the cold season, all the hair has to be washed more often, because under the hat they get greased faster.

    Required water quality For washing hair, it is better to use purified drinking water or softened water.

    You can soften the water either by prolonged boiling or by adding drinking soda to the water at the rate of V4 tsp.for 1 liter of water. After softening the water, you need to let it stand for another 15 minutes.

    Melt water is also very useful for washing hair. Prepare it quite simply: in a plastic bottle you need to pour the usual tap water and completely freeze it. Then, as soon as V3 of all the water in the bottle has melted, it needs to be drained into a separate container - this is thawed water, a powerful biostimulator. In the process of regular washing with melt water, hair grows better, sebum production normalizes, dandruff disappears. The ice that remained in the bottle must be poured after thawing - it can not be used, since it contains too many impurities and precipitation of harmful substances.

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    If you do not have the opportunity to wash your head with clean fresh water, then at least rinse your hair with water after washing.

    Required water temperature

    Water for washing hair should be warm ---- 1- 35-37 ° С.

    With hot water( + 37-45 ° C), washing your hair is harmful. Such water, on the one hand, increases sebum separation, on the other hand - it dries the skin, as a result of which dryness and skin peeling may appear. Yes, and the hair itself after washing with hot water becomes dull. The fatter the hair, the cooler the water for washing.

    Cold water( + 12-20 ° C) - badly laundering hair from dirt. In addition, washing with cold water disrupts the nutrition of the hair, because under the influence of cold in the skin there is a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels. And very cold water, the temperature of which is below + 12 ° С, especially the ice well, is not suitable for washing hair, as it leads to a general cooling of the head.