
Paint for hair Casting: reviews, palette, new shades - chocolate, blond, dark color

  • Paint for hair Casting: reviews, palette, new shades - chocolate, blond, dark color

    Hair dye Casting from Loreal( without ammonia): palette, reviews and videos

    Today, most women regularly dye their hair with a variety of coloring agents. One of the most popular tools is the hair coloring casting from Loreal. We bring to your attention its detailed review.

    To begin with, this is a hair dye without ammonia. She takes care of the hair, does not overdry them and does not irritate the scalp. This is a professional paint that not only gives your locks the desired color, but also significantly improves them. Hair will become alive, soft and silky, will acquire a natural sheen. In addition, this drug from Loreal strengthens and restores the structure of the hair.

    The only drawback - the paint of this series does not paint over the gray hair, since it completely lacks ammonia.


    So, let's look at the color palette.

    "Shining Blondes"

    This series is created especially for those who dream of becoming a blinding blonde. There are 6 beautiful shades in the palette. All colors are as close to natural as possible.

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    "Ice Chocolate"

    This series is perfect for brunettes. The palette contains the lightest brown shades.

    "Chocolate glaze"

    Here you will find the newest chocolate shades.


    The palette contains the most intense dark shades.

    Paint composition

    Incredible hair care is possible due to the presence of an effective complex with royal jelly. He perfectly nourishes the hair and carefully looks after them. As a result, your curls will become unusually soft and shiny. The paint does not have an unpleasant smell, but, on the contrary, it smells of forest berries.


    Loreal Casting is very convenient to use. It can be used both in the cabin and at home. It does not spread and is easily applied. If you stain the skin during the dyeing process, do not worry, you will easily wash off the paint, even if it's already been a long time.

    Since the paint does not contain ammonia, it can be used even by pregnant women and during lactation.

    Professional hairdressers are strongly advised to refrain from using paint if you currently have irritation on the skin of the face or head. Also, you should not use paint if you ever had an allergic reaction to some kind of Loreal paint. Women who have had an allergy to a tattoo with black henna, also do not buy this remedy.

    Color fastness

    After the dyeing procedure you will get a rich natural color. Loreal guarantees that you will always get the color you have chosen, because the entire Casting palette is built on natural shades. Therefore, for a better stunning result, choose the shades closest to your natural color.

    The color on the locks lasts about 3-4 weeks. But all this time the hair will please you, as they will be silky, shiny and with a rich color. Do not think that Casting - a bad paint, because of what keeps on the hair for a month. Think about the fact that over the same time you will grow roots and you still have to be painted again.


    Svetlana, 27 years old : A few years ago my sister recommended me this paint. I wanted to dye my hair in its natural shade to liven up the color. I really liked the paint. It is easy to apply and does not spread, so it can be used at home. The cost of paint is not cheap, but it's worth it. Hair after painting became more well-groomed and silky.

    Valeria, 32 years old : I often experiment with different colors and, finally, it's the turn to casting. The result surprised me pleasantly. The color turned out to be saturated, almost identical to the one painted in the palette. Hair became obedient and softer. I advise everyone this remedy for Loreal.

    Marina, 25 years old : I used to never paint, I was afraid to harm my hair. But more recently, I wanted some changes, and I dyed my hair with this paint. The condition of my hair has not worsened, which can not but rejoice. Even, on the contrary, the curls became even softer and more well-groomed. The color was very deep.

    Interesting video on the topic of the article

    Today, most women regularly dye their hair with a variety of coloring agents. One of the most popular tools is the hair coloring casting from Loreal. We bring to your attention its detailed review.

    To begin with, this is a hair dye without ammonia. She takes care of the hair, does not overdry them and does not irritate the scalp. This is a professional paint that not only gives your locks the desired color, but also significantly improves them. Hair will become alive, soft and silky, will acquire a natural sheen. In addition, this drug from Loreal strengthens and restores the structure of the hair.

    The only drawback - the paint of this series does not paint over the gray hair, since it completely lacks ammonia.


    So, let's look at the color palette.

    "Shining Blondes"

    This series is created especially for those who dream of becoming a blinding blonde. There are 6 beautiful shades in the palette. All colors are as close to natural as possible.

    "Ice Chocolate"

    This series is perfect for brunettes. The palette contains the lightest brown shades.

    "Chocolate glaze"

    Here you will find the newest chocolate shades.


    The palette contains the most intense dark shades.

    Paint composition

    Incredible hair care is possible due to the presence of an effective complex with royal jelly. He perfectly nourishes the hair and carefully looks after them. As a result, your curls will become unusually soft and shiny. The paint does not have an unpleasant smell, but, on the contrary, it smells of forest berries.


    Loreal Casting is very convenient to use. It can be used both in the cabin and at home. It does not spread and is easily applied. If you stain the skin during the dyeing process, do not worry, you will easily wash off the paint, even if it's already been a long time.

    Since the paint does not contain ammonia, it can be used even by pregnant women and during lactation.

    Professional hairdressers are strongly advised to refrain from using paint if you currently have irritation on the skin of the face or head. Also, you should not use paint if you ever had an allergic reaction to some kind of Loreal paint. Women who have had an allergy to a tattoo with black henna, also do not buy this remedy.

    Color fastness

    After the dyeing procedure you will get a saturated natural color. Loreal guarantees that you will always get the color you have chosen, since the whole casting palette is built on natural shades. Therefore, for a better stunning result, choose the shades closest to your natural color.

    The color on the locks lasts about 3-4 weeks. But all this time the hair will please you, as they will be silky, shiny and with a rich color. Do not think that Casting - a bad paint, because of what keeps on the hair for a month. Think about the fact that over the same time you will grow roots and you still have to be painted again.


    Svetlana, 27 years old : A few years ago my sister recommended me this paint. I wanted to dye my hair in its natural shade to liven up the color. I really liked the paint. It is easy to apply and does not spread, so it can be used at home. The cost of paint is not cheap, but it's worth it. Hair after painting became more well-groomed and silky.

    Valeria, 32 years old : I often experiment with different colors and, finally, it's up to Casting. The result surprised me pleasantly. The color turned out to be saturated, almost identical to the one painted in the palette. Hair became obedient and softer. I advise everyone this remedy for Loreal.

    Marina, 25 years old : I used to never paint, I was afraid to harm my hair. But more recently, I wanted some changes, and I dyed my hair with this paint. The condition of my hair has not worsened, which can not but rejoice. Even, on the contrary, the curls became even softer and more well-groomed. The color was very deep.

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