  • Buttocks

    Exercises without shells

    Steps of

    . The pile is standing, hands on the belt. Before the foot is a small stand or chair.

    Step on the stand and off it to the floor, trying to keep your back straight. Change your legs and step on the other leg. Hands always keep on the belt( if possible, adjust so that the chair seat looks even).


    An inflexion - standing exactly, feet on the width of the shoulders, hands along the trunk. Sew until the thighs are parallel to the floor. Do not tear off the feet from the floor. While squatting the hand, straighten forward parallel to the floor.

    Sit-ups with

    stool. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the trunk. Behind the feet is a chair. Sit on the edge of the chair, while squatting, straighten your arms forward parallel to the floor and push forward hard with your entire body.


    I. p. - standing, feet shoulder width apart, hands on belt.

    Make a big step forward with your right foot, bending the right knee to a level where the thigh will be parallel to the floor or slightly lower. The left leg should be in tension, her knee should

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    at this moment to stand clearly under the buttock. The body is retained by the vertical floor, the pelvic movements are directed up and down.

    Then, force the front leg back into its original position. This exercise is best done first for one leg and, having rested 30 seconds, repeat it for another.

    Raising the pelvis lying

    I.P. - lying on the floor, legs bent at the right angle, hands along the trunk, palms resting on the floor.

    Straining the gluteus muscles, raise the pelvis from the floor as high as possible. At the same time, the hands remain along the trunk.

    Sit-ups with dumbbells

    . The pile is standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the trunk. In his hands - dumbbells, palms inward.

    Slowly sit down until the hips become parallel to the floor. During the squat, the chin should be kept parallel to the floor, the back - flat. The hands must remain straight and perpendicular to the floor. Dumbbells should not swing.

    Exercises with the bar


    The stump is standing, legs are shoulder-width apart, on the shoulders is a bar, taken with a straight grip.

    Sit down, tilting your back forward. Low crouch does not follow - it is enough that the thighs of the steel are parallel to the floor. Slowly return to the starting position. Run the movement 8-10 times.

    Failures with the bar

    I. p. - standing, feet shoulder width apart. Behind his head on his shoulders is a bar, taken with a straight grip.

    Make a big step forward with your right foot, bending the right knee to a level where the thigh will be parallel to the floor or slightly lower. The left leg should be in tension, her knee should at this moment stand clearly under the buttock. The body is retained by the vertical floor, the pelvic movements are directed up and down.

    Then, force the front leg back into its original position. Lunge with the other leg. Drops should be performed alternately with each leg, without changing the position of the arms and the bar.