  • Sick muscles?

    Many fitness lovers are familiar with the sensations of muscle pain that occur during and after classes. However, most of those involved are sure that the more unpleasant the sensations, the more effective was the training. Unfortunately, this is far from the case.

    The nature of the origin of such pain is quite diverse. Muscles can cramp during exercise. The cause of the pain can be a hyperextension of the muscle fiber. Severe sharp pain, which appears and does not pass, can be a consequence of tearing or even muscle rupture. In this case, the occupation should be stopped, a pressure bandage applied to the injured area, cold applied and the doctor called.

    Another cause of discomfort during the exercise is the depletion of glucose and glycogen stores in the muscle fiber with the formation of a large amount of lactic acid and hydrogen. Special receptors sensitive to the formed substances inform the central nervous system that the energy capabilities of the muscle decrease, causing a burning sensation.

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    The production of lactic acid leads to the fact that the muscle fiber increases in size for a short time, and because of this increase there is a sensation of muscle swelling. After stopping the exercise, the body begins to utilize lactic acid, and the muscle fiber returns to its original size, so that the "swelling" disappears. This process occurs quickly enough, and after 2 hours the muscles are completely released from lactic acid.

    But many dealers also know the pain that occurs on the first or second day after classes. The cause of its occurrence are microtraumas not so much muscle fibers, as the structures providing rigidity of the muscles of connective tissues. The stronger the pain, the more such disruptions occurred in the muscle, and the more time it needs to recover. The process of "healing" of injured cells can last several days.

    Very good, if the next day the muscles slightly ache a little, causing a pleasant feeling of tonus.

    What can I do if my muscles ache badly? In such cases, the best option will be a small aerobic exercise in a moderate mode, stretching and massage. A sauna is very useful, which relaxes and strengthens recovery processes, thus helping to reduce unpleasant sensations in muscles.

    Remember, the stronger the pain after training, the more accurate you should think about the intensity of the selected load and, therefore, the qualification of the instructor or coach.