  • After training

    How to relax

    When physical work is replaced by rest, in the functioning of the functional systems of the body, which ensure the fulfillment of the load, reverse changes occur, that is, restoration of working capacity. During the recovery period, the products of the working metabolism are removed from the body and energy reserves, plastic substances( proteins, carbohydrates, etc.) and enzymes expended during the time of muscle activity are replenished. In fact, there is a restoration of the equilibrium state of the organism disturbed by work. However, recovery is not only a process of returning the body to its former state. In this period, there are also changes that provide an increase in the functional capabilities of the body.

    The rest intervals between sessions depend on the amount of training load. They must ensure a complete restoration of the operability at least to the original

    level or, at best, to the super-recovery phase. Training in the phase of incomplete recovery is unacceptable, since the adaptive capacity of the organism under this is limited.

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    The longer the duration of the training load with the corresponding intensity, the longer the rest intervals should be. Thus, the recovery time of the basic functions of the body after a short anaerobic exercise is only a few minutes, and after a long operation of low intensity, for example after a marathon run, a few days.

    It is known that the optimal dosage of training load is one of the criteria for the effectiveness of fitness. In addition to special tests that allow you to determine the level of physical fitness and choose the appropriate load, there are other ways to regularly monitor the condition of the muscles. The total value of the load( duration plus intensity) is the value of heart rate( heart rate), measured 10 and 60 minutes after the end of the session.

    After 10 minutes the pulse should not exceed 96 beats per minute, and after 1 hour it should be 10-12 beats per minute higher than the initial( pre-working) value. For example, if your pulse was 70 beats per minute before the start of the exercise, then in the case of an adequate load 1 hour after the end of the training, it should be no more than 82 beats per minute. If, for several hours after training, the values ​​of the heart rate are much higher than the baseline values, this indicates an excessive load.

    Objective data reflecting the total amount of training effect on the body( for a week and a month's training cycle) and the degree of recovery can be obtained by counting the pulse daily in the morning after sleep in the supine position. If its changes are in the range of 2-4 beats per minute, this indicates good tolerance of loads and complete recovery of the body. If the difference in the pulse zones is greater than this value, you are overworked.

    No less important for self-monitoring fatigue are and subjective indicators of the state of your body - sleep, well-being, mood, desire to train.

    If you have a sound sleep, good mood and high working capacity during the day, training loads for you are adequate. If, on the contrary, you complain about a bad dream, lethargy and drowsiness from the very morning, you do not have the desire to exercise - this is a sure sign of fatigue. If you do not take the appropriate measures and do not reduce the load, you may have more serious symptoms of trouble - pain in the heart, rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure, etc.

    In this case, you should stop training for a couple of weeks or reduce the load to a minimum. After the disappearance of these problems, you can again start training and gradually increase the load to normal values.

    Reversibility of training effects is manifested in the fact that the results of regular lessons are reduced to the point of total disappearance( return to baseline) with reduced training loads or with complete discontinuation of exercises.

    After resumption of training after a while again there are positive training effects. People who are systematically engaged in physical training, a noticeable decline in performance is noted after two weeks of termination, and after 3-8 months the level of physical fitness is reduced to pre-training. Especially fast this process occurs in the first period after the termination of training or after a sharp drop in training loads.

    For the first 1-3 months, the functional indicators achieved as a result of previous training are reduced by half. In people who have recently started training, most of the positive training effects disappear within 1-2 months of rest.

    Therefore, if you want to be in shape, regular training sessions with sufficient intensity of the loads you just need!

    Before you lose weight, make sure you really need it. To do this, calculate your body mass index( BMI) using the formula:

    BMI = weight( kg): height( m2)

    BMI 18.5 - 24.9 - you have a normal weight.

    BMI 25.0 - 29.9 - you are overweight. It would not hurt to lose weight.

    BMI more than 30 - obesity. You should immediately start a weight loss program.

    Traditionally, weight loss methods are essentially nothing more than a restriction on calories consumed. Unfortunately, there is no more effective way to reduce body weight.

    Therefore, we have one thing - to learn to reduce weight, reducing the calorie content of food, but do it not to the detriment of health.