  • Pedicure

    Pedicure is necessary for the feet as air. In summer - more often( every three to four weeks), in winter - less often( every two months).

    Adhering to such a schedule, you will provide your feet with not only an impeccable appearance, but also regular prevention of such serious medical problems as fungus and calluses. If you go to the salon, then do not hesitate to be interested in the education and work experience of the master. Pay attention also to the means of disinfection. In a good salon, the client will readily demonstrate a thermal disinfector( sterilized instruments) and bacilol( hand treatment).

    Classical( edged) pedicure. This procedure is extremely simple. Legs are steamed in a bath, and the dead skin is cut off.

    The hardware( unedged) pedicure is done on a "dry" special device. The skin of the feet is handled painlessly and jeweled.

    SPA pedicure - the synthesis of the two previous options: using sea or mineral water for steaming and a device for effective cleaning of feet in any condition, as well as a special set of foot care products( mineral rich algae, aromatherapy oils and herbal extracts)it will provide the skin with hydration and nourishment. In addition, SPA involves a whole range of procedures - this is massage, relaxation, and much that at home you will not be able to repeat.

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    And the last kind of pedicure is home. It can be done on their own.

    1. Put your feet into the warm water for 10-15 minutes. Add there sea or table salt and a drop of iodine( to strengthen the nails).

    2. Treat with pumice heels, and scraper( sawing movements) - both feet in turn.

    But do not try to clean the feet with a razor: you can get hurt, and on the feet the wounds heal for a long time.

    3. Carefully cut the nail file around the nails. And do not forget to rub the sides of the little fingers and thumbs. But do not use a metal nail file, it will easily cut down along with the dead skin alive.

    4. Use a special hatchet or orange stick to clean the nail bed and move the cuticle. Manicure scissors gently cut it. If the cuticle is almost invisible, you can not delete it at all.

    But carefully work with an ax and scissors. Otherwise, damage the matrix( from which the nail grows), and the horny plate will grow uneven.

    5. If you have wavy nails, fine-grained nail file cut the tubercles.

    But do not do it often.

    6. Cut off the nails with special pliers, leaving about two millimeters from the free edge. Cut the line straight. Using the nail file, give the nails a rectangular shape.

    But do not cut your nails too short, otherwise they will start to grow.

    7. Applying a foot cream, do a relaxing massage. Rubbing the foot with circular movements from the fingers to the heel. Then grasp the foot with both hands and do stroking movements in the opposite direction. The same is with the other leg.

    But you should not put much pressure on the feet - a lot of nerve endings.

    8. Degrease nails with nail polish remover and color.

    But one pedicure is not enough. To make the feet look well-groomed, at least two or three times a week after the shower, it is necessary to scrub your feet with scrub, brush and lubricate with a nutritious cream.