  • Vascular asterisks

    Couperose - a violation of blood circulation in the skin. Signs of the disease are small dilated vessels on the skin, which have the appearance of asterisks or meshes. Vascular asterisks are more common in women with light dry and sensitive skin, less often vascular asterisks occur in men. In the literature, such defects are called telangiectasias. Teleangiectasias are formed most often on the face - in the region of the wings of the nose and cheeks, and also on the lower limbs.

    Causes of Vascular Sprockets:

    is a hereditary vascular weakness that is combined with an age-related decrease in the strength of connective tissues;

    prolonged exposure to sun, wind and cold;

    too frequent visit to the solarium;

    various ailments( liver disease, violation of venous outflow, blood coagulation, pathology of endocrine glands, metabolic disorders, poor bowel function);


    excessive consumption of alcohol, spices and coffee;

    work at the computer all day long.

    In addition, pregnancy often serves as an impetus to the development or a significant increase in the number of vascular asterisks.

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    If you already have telangiectasia, you must follow certain precautions to avoid exacerbating the problem.

    So, for example, you should avoid washing with hot water, steam trays, contrasting facials and compresses. Wash only with water at room temperature or cool. If the vascular asterisks is on the

    legs, do not bathe in very hot water. Refuse use of soap, giving preference to gel or foam for washing. Do not use lotions and tonics containing alcohol. Also you are contraindicated: vigorous massage( including - vacuum), too active facial cleansing, paraffin shirts and hormonal creams. When vascular sprouts on the legs should be abandoned the use of hot wax.

    In summer, try to be less in the heat - the higher the air temperature, the greater the pressure on the vessels. In addition, do not abuse tan. He does not disguise the vascular network, but from the excessive exposure of the sun, new stars may appear. But since somehow you will still be in the sun, do not forget to protect your skin using sunscreen. On holiday do not hesitate to wear a wide-brimmed hat.

    In the cold season, especially in winter frosts, leaving on the street, put on the skin cream "from bad weather" - it will help to save the vessels from sudden temperature changes.

    Treatment of

    There are special preparations of creamy consistency that allow to reduce the severity of vascular asterisks, but it will not be possible to completely get rid of telangiectasia with such means.

    Microthermocoagulation, laser photocoagulation, ozone therapy are used to effectively remove vascular asterisks.

    Microthermocoagulation is used to remove multiple vascular asterisks on the face and lower limbs. The procedure allows the removal of telangiectasia with a diameter of less than 0.3 mm. The method is based on the use of high frequency current. To do this, a microelectrode is introduced into the expanded vessel, to which instantaneous current pulses are applied. Heat acts on the expanded capillary, and it disappears. In this case, the skin and adjacent tissues remain intact. Depending on the area of ​​the lesion, the session lasts from 10 to 20 minutes, during which 30-40 microinjections are performed. Treatment is carried out once in 5-7 days.

    Microthermocoagulation is absolutely safe for health and almost does not cause pain. The only drawback is that at the place of the capillaries there is slight reddening, but it completely passes in 3-4 days.

    The procedure for conducting microthermocoagulation

    is as follows:

    1. First, the skin is treated with an antiseptic solution at the site of the proposed coagulation.

    2. Then, an anesthetic injection is performed.

    3. Coagulation is carried out - the vessels are removed by means of an electric current supplied through a thin needle.

    4. The skin is wiped with an antiseptic solution.

    5. The treated area is covered with talc.

    Laser photocoagulation

    This procedure is

    is a reliable method of eliminating telangiectasias. During processing, the laser beam penetrates through the skin, lingers in the expanded capillary and, transforming into heat, seals the lumen of the vessel. In this case, the effect is only on the walls of the capillary to be removed, and the surrounding tissues remain unscathed. Many lasers also have a cold-protective skin system, which prevents burns.

    During the procedure, you may feel a slight tingling or burning, but it is quite possible to withstand, especially since the procedure takes only 5 to 15 minutes. If the asterisk was small, it will disappear after 1-3 treatments, to remove large defects, 2-5 sessions are required, which are carried out with an interval of 7-10 days.

    After the laser photocoagulation procedure, slight reddening remains on the skin, but it lasts for an hour. After removing the asterisks with this method, scarring does not remain, but sometimes depigmentation sites appear - white spots. In this sense, microthermocoagulation is preferable to a laser.


    This method is based on the use in very small quantities of an ozone-oxygen mixture with a high concentration of ozone. The composition is introduced into the lumen of the vessel. This leads to oxidation of the membranes of the cells of the inner wall of the vessel, after which the walls of the damaged vessel are glued together. As a result, a complete and traceless disappearance of the asterisk is observed.

    There are no skin defects in the place of the former vessel in the form of point scars and pigment spots - and this is the main plus.