  • Different ways to lose weight

    Outsmarting the body is not so difficult. At least this is the opinion of nutritionists from different countries whose recommendations we offer to you.

    All that concerns drinking

    Warm drinking allows you to feel satiety. And not cold or hot.

    The fact that a woman needs to drink 2 liters of fluid a day for good health is known to everyone. Another

    essential detail: drink slowly, sip for a sip. If you drink a glass in one gulp, the water will slip without any unloading effect.

    Green tea activates calorie consumption by 4.5 percent. Drink on a cup in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.

    According to the teachings of Ayurveda, this recipe "fires the fire of digestion."A piece of fresh ginger( no more than 5 cm), clean, cut into slices, pour 1 liter of steep boiling water and insist half an hour. Drink slowly, in small sips throughout the day.

    If before drinking a glass of water with 2 teaspoons of fruit vinegar, the body will be more willing to get rid of fat.

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    Skimmed cream - buttermilk - excellently removes slag and rid the body of "perekislennosti."Once a week, you need to buy 3 liters of buttermilk and 1.5 liters of mineral water without gas. Drink it all during the day, for breakfast and dinner, eat 250 grams of stewed vegetables. Losing 0.5 kg of weight is guaranteed!

    A cup of fennel tea reduces appetite 2 times.


    Mustard oils, which are rich in radish, bind the fat that comes with food. So eat 5-6 radish before you take the sandwich.

    Potatoes replace kohlrabi cabbage or broccoli - the body spends more energy on their digestion than they supply!

    Eat celery. Firstly, in 100 g of celery only 15 kcal. Secondly, the useful root quickly satiates;thirdly, celery helps well from constipation.

    The so-called ballast substances, which are contained in whole grain bread or fresh vegetables, literally "absorb" all the fat that enters our body from other foods.

    To distinguish the "hormone of harmony" thyroxine, the thyroid gland needs iodine, and it is especially abundant in algae. Therefore, eat a salad of algae.

    The juice of sour cabbage contains bacteria that perfectly clean the stomach and intestines. Our ancestors drank during the winter and spring a glass of sauerkraut juice a day!


    Citrus fruits in the morning improve metabolism. Therefore, the best breakfast is an orange or grapefruit.

    Apple is an indispensable product when you want a snack. Fiber quickly fills the stomach, and you feel full.

    Replace all cakes and sweets with bananas. They have a lot of potassium, which removes excess fluid from the body, and they are much less caloric than confectionery sweets.

    If you go to a party where a plentiful meal is supposed to be, drink a glass of lemon juice diluted 1: 1 with water. Shock dose of a vitamin.

    Instead of sweets, it's better to have dried fruits. They are not only sweet, but also useful: they contain fruit acids, pectins and fiber, which activate digestion.


    Eat cottage cheese. It supplies us with useful amino acids: arginine, fat burning, and phenylalanine, which dulls the appetite. If the body lacks calcium, it produces a little "harmony hormone."But just one package( 150 g) of low-fat yogurt per day will help you to get the calcium rate.

    Often eat fish, poultry and legumes. The digestion of proteins consumes 18 percent more energy than digesting carbohydrates.

    Thiamine( or vitamin B1), which is abundant in poultry, fish, young greens and germinated sprouts of wheat, regulates the natural mechanisms of hunger-saturation. If thiamine in the body is enough, you will not die of hunger.


    Seasoning vegetable salad, forget about mayonnaise and the estimate well. Let it be vegetable oil.

    If you eat something sharp( before, mustard), then the body burns 25% more fat for 3 hours.

    Other factors

    After the dinner, brush your teeth. This will signal to the brain that the meal is over for today, and it will automatically switch to a rest mode.

    People with excess weight have too shallow breathing, so the body does not receive enough oxygen, and the food is not digested correctly. Right breathing: put your hands on your stomach and breathe deeply through your nose so that your stomach tenses, but not your chest. Then exhale slowly. Repeat until you get bored. Accustomed to breathe properly, you will accustom the body to burn fat more actively.

    Twilight is relaxing, and you start to uncontrollably eat. Eat by the light. Bright colors cause the release of adrenaline and increase the rate of fat burning.

    Even sitting you can activate metabolism, if at least shake your legs!

    For optimal metabolism of the female body it is absolutely necessary to sleep 7-8 hours.

    The contrast shower for 2 minutes speeds up the metabolism twice! Start and finish with cold water.

    Dissolve 1 kg of sea salt in a warm bath( water temperature 38 ° C)( you can buy it in a pharmacy) and lie in a tub.15 minutes. After a month of procedures( 1-2 times a week) you will see the result.

    Sitting in front of a computer or TV keep posture! To "open" the chest, the body spends 10 percent more energy than the "crooked" option.

    «Points of harmony».First find them, step back 3 cm to the right and left of the navel. This is the acupressure points that excite the metabolism. Within seven seconds, press down on them with your index and middle fingers. Stimulate "points of slenderness" can be as many times per day.