  • Everything for the success of women

    Many men are convinced that the service career is purely male. Yes, do not argue: a woman, especially cute, sometimes it is easier to achieve some sort of concessions from the leader and take a particular position. But will this benefit the common cause? Here are two examples of a successful career of seductive women - espionage and political, the leadership of which, no doubt, belongs to Mata Hari and Ciccioline. ..

    Yes, there are women - tough leaders who have an analytical mindset, organization. But we should not forget that the female vocation is an extension of the human race. If men were able to bear for 9 months of the child, it would be possible to argue with this. And if it is so laid by Mother Nature itself, it should be recognized that deep down behind the mask of the most successful business lady lies a tremulous wife and a tender mother. Of course, there are examples of bright successful careers in women. But these are, rather, exceptions that confirm the rule. If you hold a small contest by the fire or a fireplace and ask to write the names of ten prominent politicians. .. What do you think, with the exception of Margaret Thatcher and Raisa Gorbachev, will there still be someone there? The same applies to the hit parade of historically significant personalities.

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    And, speaking objectively, in the triangle "man - career - woman" the last link does not fall out at all. Because a man can not be considered successful in his career, if he does not have a number of wonderful Women!

    Image in any business is as important as business qualities. According to image-makers and psychologists, to achieve success, you need to pay attention to the following points.

    Car. Even if the company has official transport, the preference will be given to the employee with a personal car. If you head the department, the machine will create the necessary distance between you and the subordinates who get to work by public transport. Although, of course, you can quite manage and taxi. Tip: unnecessarily expensive car to anything. If your boss car is easier than yours, then such a transport advantage will not contribute to a trusting relationship with the boss.

    Apartment in the center. Since most self-respecting firms are located in the center, in order to save time on the road, it is better not to choose an apartment in remote areas. The argument "I live close to the office" is important only if the employer requires you to come to work on demand. Tip: It is more important not the location of your housing, but the state in which it is located. If you decide to have a party at home, then take care that colleagues do not have occasions for gossip.

    Healthy lifestyle. Owners of companies are interested in the employees not being sick. Therefore, in a conversation with colleagues and boss boldly mention that they signed up for the pool, started running around in the mornings and switched to separate meals. It's even better if it is in reality. Tip: if you smoke only for a couple of minutes of rest, arrange another mini-relaxation: open the window, inhale fresh air, sit back in the chair and just relax for five minutes, imagining that you are on the lake, near a waterfall or on the beach.

    Marital status. Ideal for a career, if you are married and in the "left" connections are not seen. The presence of a strong family means that you are balanced and devoted to your relatives, and therefore you will be faithful to your company. Civil marriages are less desirable, but you decide in any case. Tip: if you are not married, do not wear an engagement ring for an interview. Sooner or later all the secret becomes obvious, and the lie will affect your image much more than the status of "young lady".

    Literate speech. A person who can not speak will never make a career. Your vocabulary is very important, the timbre of voice, intonation. If you have problems with the speech, go to the rhetoric courses. Tip: Even if in a team where you work, slang and profanity are generally accepted, do not change yourself. The moon should not fall into a puddle, even if it seems to be in a puddle of stars.

    Knowledge. It's impossible to know everything about everything. But always be aware of the launch of new brands, sensational cinemas, opening of fashionable restaurants. Share news with colleagues and friends first, then they will hurry to tell you something interesting. Tip: be interested in new items. If you do not have time to read books, at least look through them. And always make up your own opinion.

    Wardrobe. Clothing should not be defiant. It is better to wear a strict business suit for an interview. And when you are recruited, you can dress freer. Tip: if you want to recommend yourself positively, and the dress code is adopted in the company, do not violate it.

    Business card. This card is very convenient, because the interlocutor does not need to record your phone number. On the reverse side of the business card, it is appropriate to write down the reason for your acquaintance. For example: "On the issue of vacancy in the PR department" or "Always glad to advise you on bank loans".Tip: the business card is inappropriate at the interview, because all the information about you from the potential employer is in the resume.

    Working table. Poster on the whole wall with the image of a muscular half-naked guy leave for the cottage. But the photos of her husband and children boldly expose. You can put a photo of your favorite cat in the frame. Advice: try to keep on the table less things. But this does not mean that the order should be provided at the expense of the fact that there is nothing at all there, but you always ask the colleagues and paperclips and pens.

    Accessories. Clock, folder, briefcase, mobile phone and other exquisite and expensive attributes without words will create the image you need. But beautiful folders are a tribute to fashion. Much more important professional and internal qualities, because respecting you and doing business with you will not be due to the fact that you have the phone of the latest model. Tip: if you are called to a mobile phone, do not immediately offer to call back to a regular phone. In business it is considered bad form.