  • Fitness office

    No. 1

    I.P. - standing, holding on to the support. Feet together. Start the leg back and fix it for a few seconds, holding the foot with your hand.

    Please note that:

    the knee of the bent leg was directed to the floor;

    knees were near;The

    muscles of the abdomen and back were strained. Do the exercise with the other leg.


    1. I. p. - standing, hands on the belt. The right leg is behind the trunk and slightly raised - it needs to be held in place. The heel of the right foot is slightly turned outwards. The weight of the body is transferred to the left leg. The shoulders are straight, the back is straight. Look - directly in front of you.

    2. Inhale and, keeping your back straight, on exhalation, raise your right foot back up with a slight inclination forward. You should feel how the gluteal muscles work.

    3. While inhaling, lower the right leg downward, but do not touch the floor with it. It is necessary to control every repetition and it is impossible to hurry - it is necessary to lower the leg slowly enough.

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    After completing the exercise 12-15 times, change the foot and perform as many repetitions for the right foot. Try to do 2-3 approaches.

    During execution, note that:

    Movements must be made only in the hip joint. When lifting, you can not bend the leg in the knee joint: you need to leave the position of the knee joints unchanged.

    Under no circumstances should you round your back when tilting, but you need to keep it straight and your stomach is retracted.

    Do not allow the pelvis to swing to the side of the supporting leg.

    During the tilt, the leg should not be raised above the back, at the same time the leg and back must form a straight line.

    After completing this exercise, be sure to do the following.

    No. 3

    The stems are legs together, the right leg is bent and its shin lies on the left thigh above the knee. The supporting leg is bent at the knee.

    Run the slope with a straight back forward, while stretching your arms parallel to the floor. In this position, stay for 10-15 seconds, then repeat the same with the other leg.

    We advise you to perform this exercise 2-3 times a week in the office in between business breaks or warm-up after a long sedentary work.