  • Dark circles under the eyes

    Bluish circles under the eyes of , often called bruises, may appear by themselves or be combined with severe swelling.

    The causes of the appearance of dark circles

    These factors can be diseases of internal organs - kidneys, heart, as well as increased intracranial pressure, liver and gastrointestinal pathology, adenoids, sinusitis. Bruises under the eyes may indicate chronic intoxication of the body, which, in turn, may be caused by the presence in the body of parasites - worms or lamblia. Very often, dark circles are a manifestation of chronic fatigue and regular lack of sleep.

    Sometimes this cosmetic defect is a sign of a lack of vitamins. In the summer, bruises under the eyes can appear as a result of profuse sweating.

    Promote the appearance of dark circles under the eyes of constant stress, smoking, regular intake of alcohol. Bruises under the eyes can also occur as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun( under the eyes there is a pronounced pigmentation), after a sharp loss of weight, due to allergies to cosmetics or after plastic surgery.

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    Another important factor is hereditary predisposition. If your mother and grandmother had bruises under your eyes - there are great chances of this cosmetic defect appearing in you.

    Mechanism of dark circles

    The skin around the eyes is very thin - about 4 times thinner than in other areas of the face. If there are problems with the circulation in the epidermis, the blood is not properly saturated with oxygen, stagnates in the capillaries under the eyes and begins to shine through. If the surrounding tissues also lack moisture( for example, with increased sweating or as a result of age-related changes), this circumstance contributes to an even more darkening of the skin - then the eyes look sunk.

    Elimination of bruises under the eyes

    If the cause of the formation of dark circles is a disease of the internal organs, then it is necessary to treat primarily these ailments. To diagnose the problem, so as not to waste time in city clinics, standing in lines to numerous specialists, you can undergo a comprehensive examination of the organism in a private laboratory.

    Under no circumstances should exfoliating agents be used to eliminate dark circles under the eyes - they are practically ineffective and, in addition, unsafe for this area of ​​the face.

    But what really needs to be done to solve the problem of bruises under the eyes is to take care of a good blood supply. To do this, try to sleep at least 8 hours a day, spend more time in the fresh air or more often ventilate the room, increase your physical activity. Give up smoking, reduce the amount of alcohol consumed. It is very useful to enrich your diet with foods rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Such products include: citrus fruits, raspberries, red pepper, broth of wild rose, tomatoes.

    Special care should be taken to care for the skin around the eyes.

    Using decorative cosmetics, remove it with soft cosmetic milk, which does not cause irritation. The movements of the cotton swab should be performed along the massage lines: the upper eyelid - from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner, the lower eyelid - from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner. Wash the area around the eyes with cool water.

    Daily on the skin of the problem zone should be applied a cream, created specifically to care for this area. Apply the chosen remedy gently, with your fingertips along the massage lines - so you not only supply the skin with the necessary substances, but also perform a massage. In addition, to solve the problem of dark circles under the eyes, it makes sense to pay attention to the pharmacy products that the cosmetologist should choose.

    At home, to eliminate dark circles, you can use the same masks as for combating bags under the eyes( see the previous article).It is very useful to apply ice cubes to the area under the eyes. As in the case of bags, to eliminate dark circles it will be useful gymnastics for the eyes.

    And, finally, masking tools. They will help you out forever. To hide dark circles, you can use concealer - a special tool for the eye area. Before using it on the skin around the eyes, apply a lifting cream, let it absorb. Then evenly distribute the concealer, after which the area of ​​the lower eyelid should be slightly powdered.

    You can also use tonal cream to mask the circles under the eyes, but it should be two tones lighter than the makeup base for other areas of the face - otherwise, you will only intensify the bruises.

    Apply any tool under the eyes with delicate movements, without stretching the skin, moving on massage lines.

    In the conditions of the salon for the control of bruises under the eyes, it is possible to apply such procedures as lymphatic drainage and mesoterapia.

    Contour plastic, or injection correction of age-related skin changes, is a safe and effective way to youth and beauty.

    To date, contour plastic surgery is carried out either with the help of preparations based on botulinum toxin( Botox, Dysport), or stabilized hyaluronic acid( Juvi-derm, Restylane, Perlayn).The first cause muscle relaxation, after which the facial wrinkles disappear. The second, related to the group of fillers, are volumetric fillers, they not only allow you to cope with deep wrinkles, but also are used to correct the shape of the lips, the relief of the face. In both cases, the effect of

    from the procedure will be temporary - it will last from 3 to 12 months, after which the plastic will need to be repeated.

    Certainly, someone will find it more attractive to rejuvenate for a longer period. In this case, specialists can suggest the use of a so-called "permanent" filler( although its effect is temporary).But you need to be careful. The fact is that all fillers are divided into two groups: non-absorbable and absorbable. Non-absorbable include silicone, biopolymer and acrylic preparations. To absorbable - preparations based on hyaluronic acid and collagen.

    Non-absorbable drugs are "yesterday's".The same liquid silicone is already banned in Europe. Such means give many complications - unevenness of contours, heterogeneity of soft tissues, sensation of a foreign body. In addition, the risk increases after several years to get serious complications: acute or chronic inflammation at the injection site, a change in the natural color of the skin, granulomatosis, migration of the filler( lips can "move" somewhere to the side), etc. Delete the insertedin the skin formulations can only be surgically done. It is better not to use fillers of this type.

    As for collagen, it is quite good. But collagen, unlike hyaluronic acid, is a protein and can cause allergic reactions, and therefore before its use requires a long test, which is not always convenient.

    Therefore, the best and safest of the methods of injection correction is the use of drugs based on botulinum toxin and stabilized hyaluronic acid. It is on such means that you should stop your choice.