  • Cellulite

    Cellulite - a cosmetic defect, which gives a lot of frustration to the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Externally, cellulite is characterized by the appearance of dimples and tubercles on the skin, which create the effect of an "orange peel".As the development of cellulite defects becomes larger.

    Most often cellulite appears on the buttocks, hips, abdomen, less often - on calves and hands.

    Causes of cellulite

    Let's start with the fact that belonging to the female sex is a predisposing factor to the development of cellulite. The fact is that in women the connective tissue partitions are located almost perpendicular to the surface of the skin, and in men - at an angle. In addition, in women, fatty lobules in the hypoderm are larger than in men, and therefore when the volume of fat cells increases in women, dimples and tubercles appear on the skin, while in men the relief of the skin remains practically unchanged. Therefore, we can say that the tendency to cellulite for a woman - a natural phenomenon.

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    At the same time, progressive cellulite is ugly and harmful to health, and therefore it is necessary to know the factors that cause and aggravate this problem. Let us list them:

    a sedentary lifestyle;

    hormonal disorders caused by pregnancy, adolescent or menopause;

    improper power;

    slagging of the body( it can be a consequence of malnutrition, abundant drug intake);

    poor environmental conditions;

    abuse of alcohol and tobacco.

    The development of cellulite is also promoted by: excess weight( with cellulite also occurs in lean ones), metabolic and water-salt metabolism, reduced thyroid function, pancreas, hereditary predisposition to fat accumulation.

    Cellulite treatment

    It is easier to fight cellulite in the early stages. However, when the problem is started, one should also not despair: if uneven patches become clearly visible, then blood circulation and metabolism are difficult in the thickness of the skin. This is evidenced by the fact that the skin acquires a specific cyanotic shade, becomes swollen and swollen, in a number of cases, when the epidermis is tied, a strong soreness is noted.

    Getting rid of cellulite is a long process, so you need to be patient. Also tune in to the fact that in addition to visiting the salons, you yourself will have to make a lot of effort to achieve the desired result.

    In the beauty salon

    In the treatment of cellulite, the main role is played by massage, which can be manual or hardware.

    With manual massage, a specialist relies only on his hands, and with hardware stimulation is carried out with the help of certain devices. With any method of affecting the skin of pain, either not, or they are insignificant.


    This procedure is the first stage of anti-cellulite-sing program. The principle of the apparatus is simple: a flat round nozzle of the massage apparatus is applied to the site of the body affected by cellulite. Due to vibration of the device, the skin improves blood and lymph circulation, edema decreases, capsules containing fat deposits are destroyed, which creates the "orange peel" effect.

    Vacuum massage

    This kind of massage is very good at treating cellulite. The effect of stimulation is based on the same principle as conventional therapeutic cans, which are used to warm up the body. During vacuum massage, skin areas are sucked into the device's nozzle, which allows you to "work" the deeper layers of the dermis. The vacuum procedure promotes strengthening of a lymph flow, improves a metabolism in a skin, clearing an organism of slags.

    However, with varicose veins and phlebitis, vacuum massage can not be done.


    Under this name is known the hardware method, which combines vacuum and roller massage. That is, the skin area is simultaneously drawn into the nozzle and massaged by "rolling the wave".

    To ensure that the procedure is not painful, massage is performed only after you wear a special suit that softens the impact of the device.

    The effectiveness of endermology in the fight against cellulite is quite high, this method is considered one of the most modern in cosmetology. In addition, endermology promotes skin elasticity, toning of muscles and relaxation. At the same time, you can not expect to get rid of cellulite with this procedure alone.

    Since in this case the skin is exposed to vacuum, endermology is contraindicated in people who have problems with the vessels of the legs.

    Pressotherapy( pneumomassage)

    The procedure is carried out by changing the air pressure. To do this, the patient is wearing special pants, which are equipped with pneumatic chambers from the inside. When the machine is turned on, a feeling is created that the feet are massaged by an elastic roller. In fact, these cameras inside the pants in a certain order are filled with air, creating a massage effect.

    With the help of pressotherapy, you can strengthen the lymph flow, eliminate swelling, get rid of the heaviness in the legs. This method of treatment is the least traumatic.

    Pressotherapy was originally used to treat vascular diseases of the lower extremities. The treatment procedure can also be used as a prophylactic against varicose veins.

    Microcurrent therapy

    Stimulation is based on the effect of a weak impulse electric current on the skin. And do not be surprised that the procedure looks very simple: the cosmetologist, easily touching the skin, leads two metal sticks along the massage lines. Membrane cell potential after this changes for the better, microcirculation is increased, elimination of toxic substances is accelerated, edemas are eliminated. In addition, under the influence of microcurrents, the division of elastin and collagen cells is accelerated and, consequently, skin elasticity increases.

    Ultrasonic therapy

    It is used in the treatment of advanced stages of cellulite. Ultrasonic waves emitted by vibrators promote the softening of connective tissue partitions in the subcutaneous tissue layer, which improves metabolism, microcirculation and lymph flow. When using ultrasound, anti-cellulite cosmetics, such as a warming gel, are additionally used to maximize the lymph flow, to remove accumulated slags and toxins from the subcutaneous layer.

    Electrolipolysis The principle of this procedure is the destruction of fat deposits by means of an electric current. It looks like this: on the problem areas of the body, electrodes are applied and then a current is applied. The procedure is almost painless - only sometimes there may be a slight tingling sensation. The duration of therapy is about 1 hour. Electrolysolysis

    is effective enough in the fight against cellulite, in addition, with his help, you can slightly adjust the figure, if you want to remove small body fat.


    Myostimulation is the contraction of muscles under the action of an electric current. In other words, you do not move, but your muscles work. The dipping electrodes are applied to those areas of the muscles that need correction.

    This procedure causes improvement of blood circulation, lymph flow, activation of metabolism.

    Currently, so-called myostimulation in infrared radiation is also popular. This is a normal myostimulation, but during exposure the device emits light in the infrared range. This increases the temperature of the tissues, and fat deposits melt much faster. Customers themselves feel more comfortable - infrared light relaxes and relieves stress.


    The method consists in introducing into the skin at a depth of 3-4 mm microdoses of various drugs. A cocktail of medications is selected by the doctor individually for each patient, depending on the existing problem.

    The action of injectable drugs can be directed to the cleavage of fat, improving the circulation of lymph, stimulating the formation of new collagen fibers, etc.

    Multiple injections are carried out quickly - the entire problem area is cracks. At the same time, the client does not feel pain, since the composition of the cocktail includes analgesic substances.

    Mesotherapy is most effective in treating the initial stages of cellulite.

    The last squeak of fashion is the use of mesotherapy in combination with local cooling of the skin. First, the body area is cooled with ozone vapors, then - a cocktail of preparations is beaten. This procedure helps to keep the drug much longer in a certain area, not allowing the drug to resolve, but the consequences of this impact are not fully understood.

    Ozone therapy

    Can be used as a monotherapy in the treatment of I-III stages of cellulite, as well as in a complex with more neglected forms. Options for treatment with ozone are selected strictly individually, depending on the availability of contraindications and the nature of the problem. It can be: subcutaneous injections of the ozono-oxygen mixture, massage, wrapping with ozonized preparations and oils, intravenous injection of ozonized blood solutions of the patient.

    Usually the ozonotherapy course consists of 10-20 procedures, which are carried out 1-3 times a week. A positive effect usually appears after 5 procedures. In the future, signs of cellulite are reduced or completely disappear, the volume of the subcutaneous fat layer is reduced.


    The procedure is the use of the beneficial effects of the seaside climate - sea water, mud, algae, sand and other environmental components. To conduct a course of thalassotherapy it is recommended to spend 14-20 days in a specialized sea resort, where specialists will solve the problems with the skin. Special dietary

    , water treatments, massage, other types of spa treatment, and just positive emotions, given to you by the sea, will not only save you from cellulite, but also allow you to clean up and get energy for a year.

    Thalassotherapy is certainly a good procedure, but not always available. Therefore, many methods of influence have been modified in such a way that they could be used outside the sea resort. Many seafood are easily processed and transported, and water procedures and massage can be performed anywhere.


    Healing wrap is one of the varieties of thalassotherapy. With proper conduct, this procedure

    not only leads to a good apparent result, but also has an excellent relaxing effect.

    Before the beginning of the action, the body is cleaned and massaged with the use of scrubs - this helps purify the pores, remove dead cells, which increases the efficiency of the subsequent wrapping.

    The procedure can also be preceded by a special warm-up massage. Then the main drug is applied to the skin - usually based on seafood and herbs.

    Wraps are hot and cold.

    Hot wrap is aimed at enhancing blood circulation, vasodilatation. Through the open pores slag and toxins are easily removed. With hot wrapping after applying the product on the

    , the body is wrapped with a special film - this enhances the penetration of substances inside thanks to the effect of the sauna.

    However, hot wraps are contraindicated in vascular diseases - in such cases a cold wrap is recommended.

    Cold wrapping leads to a narrowing of capillaries and blood vessels, so blood and lymph do not carry toxins and toxins into the skin, but are excreted by the liver and kidneys. Cold wrapping is particularly well used for swelling, fatigue and a feeling of heaviness in the legs, and as a rehabilitative agent after sclerosing veins.

    In practice, if there are no contraindications, hot and cold wraps can be combined.

    The wrapping procedure in the shower ends, where the drug is washed off. In addition, you can take a bath with sea salt.

    The recommended number of wraps is strictly individual, but usually it's 6-15 procedures that take place within 3-6 weeks.

    At home

    Get rid of cellulite will help you:

    Normalization of nutrition. More fresh fruits and vegetables, less harmful products( chips, sweet fizzy drinks, fatty foods).If you are overweight, try to make your food less caloric.

    Becoming the path of a healthy lifestyle. If you smoke, give up this bad habit. Minimize the intake of alcoholic beverages. Walk more in the fresh air and normalize your sleep.

    More physical activity. The more you move, the less chance for cellulite to remain on your body. It is especially useful to perform exercises for those areas where cellulite actively progresses - thighs and buttocks. And the best kind of sport, helping to "smooth" cellulite, is swimming.

    Self-massage. If you regularly do self-massage for a few minutes, you will significantly improve the condition of the "problem areas".Anti-cellulite massage is performed starting with the ankles, with the transition to the hips and buttocks. The massed area seems to be raised and compressed, as if you are kneading dough. To enhance the effect of

    massage, you can use a special brush against Cel-lulit with thick rounded teeth.

    Water procedures. A contrast shower enhances the elasticity of the skin, a cool shower will also be of use to you. In addition, you can drive the shower over problematic areas, massaging the skin with cool water jets.

    If you do not have contraindications( high blood pressure, etc.), you will benefit from a sauna. The sauna causes increased sweating, and with it slags and toxins are removed - the true companions of cellulite.

    Anti-cellulite products. It is best to apply them to wet skin after a bath or shower, or after a massage, so that the active components of the agent are absorbed into the skin better. Anti-cellulite funds, if used regularly, are a good assistant in the fight against cellulite, but they perform a preventive and supporting role and are ineffective in advanced stages of cellulite.

    Myostimulation. Helps improve blood circulation, limfotoka and activation of metabolism, which, in turn,

    will help reduce the amount of fat cells and make cellulite less visible.

    In order to maximize the effect of myostimulation, before each procedure it is necessary to treat the problem area with a massage brush against cellulite for 5-10 minutes. During the procedure, you should wear a special hyperemic zone - this will help warm up the subcutaneous fat, and the process of its cleavage will be much faster.

    At the same time, do not expect that after switching on myostimulator cellulite along with excess centimeters will disappear without a trace. Myostimulation is primarily designed to restore and strengthen muscles, and not to combat excess weight and "orange peel."

    Therefore, it is more appropriate to use myostimulation for those who have weak and untrained muscles, but want to strengthen them and prepare for regular physical exertion.