  • Paraffin masks

    Warning! Paraffinotherapy can not be used for people who have high blood pressure, diabetes, infectious diseases, pustular rashes on the face, varicose veins.

    Use of a paraffin mask

    Only purified, well-dehydrated paraffin, whose melting point is + 52-55 ° C, can be used at the pharmacy. The paraffin mask is applied to dry, cleansed skin. This procedure is best done in the evening for 1-1,5 hours before sleep. After removing the paraffin mask, relax for at least 30 minutes.

    Wax before warming. For this purpose it is more convenient to use a special bath for warming up paraffin, which can be bought in specialized stores. If there is no such bath, paraffin can be heated in a water bath. To do this, take 2 pots of this size, so that one can be placed in another. In the pot, pour more water, put paraffin in the top. It is necessary to pour water into the bottom pan so much that the

    it does not touch the bottom of the top pan. When warming up the pan with paraffin, close the lid tightly so that when boiling it does not get into the paraffin, not only water spray, but even steam. This is very important, since even a drop of water heated to paraffin temperature can cause a burn! On a direct fire paraffin can not be heated. Such security measures are necessary in order to prevent the occurrence of fumes and volatile inflammable substances. Heat paraffin in a water bath for 15 minutes to +100 ° C, allow it to cool and apply to the skin in a warm form. The temperature of paraffin may fluctuate depending on the endurance of the body and the skin condition and be above or below + 52 ° C.

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    A paraffin mask is applied lying down, slightly tipping back the head. Before applying the paraffin mask on the eyelids, large pieces of cotton wool or cotton wool should be put in order to prevent hot paraffin from entering the eyes. The total layer of paraffin on the face should be at least 0.8-1 cm thick.

    To enhance the thermal effect of the paraffin mask, the face can be covered with a piece of warm tissue, where holes for the eyes, nose and mouth are pre-cut. Withstand the mask for 15-20 minutes. All this time, the face must be immobile, otherwise the impermeability of the mask will be disturbed.

    It is desirable to remove the mask entirely. To do this, separate the edges of the paraffin layer with a wooden spatula, lifting it slightly. Separate the mask around the holes for the eyes and mouth, then place your hands under the mask at the chin and, slowly lifting up, remove the paraffin from your face. If the pieces of paraffin are left on the skin, remove them with cotton wool or a hot compress.

    It is desirable for each mask to use a new paraffin, since paraffin is contaminated with sweat, fat and partially loses its elastic properties.