  • Leather and sunburn

    Each of us knows very well - a light tan refreshes your face superbly. But insidious ultraviolet rays can provoke various skin diseases, including

    and malignant melanoma. Therefore, sunbathe wisely and protect your face and body with cosmetic armor.

    Use sunscreens with the abbreviation SPF - the index of solar protection. Nearby figures indicate how many times you can increase exposure to the sun, without causing a significant damage to the skin condition( on average, sunbathing is allowed 10-15 minutes, if you use sunscreen, for example with SPF 8, you should multiply 10 by 8, that is inthe average can be walked painlessly along the beach for an hour and a half).Cosmetics with ultraviolet filter does not protect from infrared radiation, so beware of heat stroke;

    for white women with blond hair and light eyes is recommended SPF 15-30;

    for women with dark hair and fair skin - SPF 8-20;

    for women with peach skin and dark blond or chestnut hair - SPF 6-15;

    dark-skinned women can do with a low degree of protection - SPF 4-15.

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    When buying cosmetics manufactured in the US, be careful: the level of protection indicated on American preparations is higher than that adopted in Europe, that is, SPF 15 in America is equal to SPF 10 of the European standard.

    Although sunscreens are 95 percent protective for the skin, they can not serve as a guarantee against skin cancer. It is much more effective to simply avoid rest under the open sun. And under the awning we will get about 70% of the sun's rays. Staying in the shade, in water or in clothes, you can avoid sunburn. Cotton, for example, skips up to 6 percent of ultraviolet rays( wet cotton - up to 20), water - up to 60( assuming you plunge to a depth of half a meter), and sand and pebbles reflect 17 percent).

    Do not use last year's cream( even if it was in the refrigerator all winter).Under the influence of the sun and time, he, most likely, has already lost its protective properties. Apply sunscreen is recommended 20 minutes before sunbathing.