  • The "barometer of envy" test

    This test will help you learn how to manage envy, so that it does not spoil your life.

    1. You came to work in a new suit, and your colleague bought exactly the same on a seasonal sale. You. ..

    a) rejoice that she was so lucky;

    b) promise yourself that next time you will not throw money away and go on sale together with a colleague;

    c) aloud regret it: at sales often offer goods with a marriage.

    2. Raised in the position of a colleague, not you, despite all your merits. You. ..

    a) double the official zeal so that next time you will not be avoided;

    b) congratulate the employee, with great difficulty concealing disappointment and restraining tears;

    c) tell everyone around that your boss has a preference for men.

    3. Your friend fell in love with a real prince and not without reciprocity. Do you think:

    a) and what did he find in it? Lucky some. ..;

    b) we should walk with her husband under the moon, it will revive our relationship a little;C) cheers! I hope they succeed.

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    4. At a corporate party, you are horrified to notice that one woman is dressed just like you. What to do?

    a) nothing: for you it does not matter;

    b) try to keep as far as possible from it: do not like to be like someone else;

    c) hastily retired: it looks better!

    5. During the family meeting mother-in-law praises the second daughter-in-law. You:

    a) start and start talking loudly about your latest achievement at work;

    b) take offense, but do not submit to the mind: you know your own worth and without its questionable compliments;

    c) fall into a rage, and at home you will tell your husband that his mother is ill brought up.

    6. You have increased your salary. How are you feeling? AD) rejoice. You know that you deserve it;B) make the decision to work even better;

    c) are sure that other employees received an increase significantly more than you.

    7. At the parents' meeting, the teacher did not praise your son, but his friend's mom heard a lot of pleasant things. Your actions:

    a) talk to the teacher after the meeting;B) strictly control the performance of homework, hire a tutor;

    c) forbid your son to be friends with this crook.

    And now calculate your results according to the table, and you'll find out if you know how to win a duel with your own envy.

























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    7-13 points. Everything's under control!

    If you are jealous of someone, it is very rare, and there are almost no reasons for this. But how else: you have everything in perfect order with self-esteem, you set real goals and strive to achieve everything you want. You know that success in life can be achieved through hard work. You know how to learn from your mistakes, value achievements of other people. But try to analyze their successes and defeats, this will help develop a plan to conquer the peaks. Maybe you sometimes offend someone from envy, but you know how to ask for forgiveness. Do not hesitate to do this every time, learn, improve in the profession - and your face will not be distorted by envy and eyes will radiate with joy!

    14-18 points. Do not compare!

    You are used to comparing yourself with everyone around you. If a person does something better than you do, he becomes your rival # 1.You are convinced that in fact you are better, and your "throne" will not yield to anyone. And if someone overtakes you on all points of the competition called life? With a strong opponent, you try to be on the same level. You live in constant struggle, but it is impossible to be equal to all. Alas, there are people who are more successful than you - and there is nothing to be done about it. Determine what you want to achieve in life, write in the form of plans for the five-year plan, for a year, for six months - and go for it! Work on yourself, and they will say about you: "Lucky for her!"

    19 points or more. Open your eyes!

    You do not believe that your plans or dreams can be fulfilled, but when the prize does not go to you, you pronounce the magic spell "me or no one" and act. .. Worst of all, you do not hide your envy at all and without remorseto harm rivals. And if you have a lucky smile, you immediately check to see if someone has allocated more than you. It seems that envy spoils your nerves. It's time to do her training. Because of her, you live in perpetual stress, constantly comparing yourself with other people. Probably, you are not sure of your own strengths and do not even try to appreciate yourself. Believe in yourself, and you will succeed.