  • How to store food

    There are certain rules for storing products. Perhaps, they will seem boring to someone, but it is compliance with these rules that will save you from food poisoning, and will also bring maximum benefit from the consumption of a particular food.

    The longer the finished dish is stored, the less vitamins remain in it;food loses its flavor, aroma. Therefore, as it is tedious, it is desirable to avoid re-heating food.

    Salads are the fastest spoilage. Therefore, lettuce, especially vegetable, should be eaten within 15 minutes after it is cooked. If you want to keep the salad longer, cut the foods, but do not fill them - in this form the salad can be stored in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Refuel salad immediately before meals.

    When storing dairy products the account goes for hours: even in the cold at a temperature of + 4-8 ° C they will remain fresh for very short: milk - 20 hours, curd - 36 hours, sour cream - 72 hours. Just cakes and cakes are kept very little - from 6 to 72 hours. But butter can be stored at this temperature for 10 days.

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    If you are going to cook the meat, fish or poultry in the next 24 hours, you can put them to store the

    on the top shelf of the refrigerator. If you need to store the purchase longer, send the product to the freezer. After defrosting, cook the meat immediately and do not refreeze it.

    If you opened canned food in a metal jar( no matter what it is - fish or green peas), try to eat them immediately. In extreme cases, canned food must be consumed within 24 hours from the moment of opening, and even for short-term storage of metal dishes, they must be shifted to glass or ceramic dishes and put in the refrigerator. Otherwise, if canned food is left in a metal jar, under the influence of oxygen, there is an increased corrosion of the metal, which passes into the product. .. Surely you noticed how the taste of the same green pea is spoiled.

    If the vegetable or fruit is spoiled, it is not an obstacle to its use: you can simply cut out the damaged area and eat the unspoiled part. However, some scientists argue that every vegetable( fruit), as well as a person, has its own biofield. If the vegetable is rotting, it means that its energy envelope is broken, and from the point of view of energy such a vegetable, even if it is to clean all the damaged areas, will not be as useful as the whole.