  • Habits that prevent us

    Catch your reflection. You do not miss any showcase or mirror. And even if the make-up and hairstyle are okay, you still do not miss the opportunity to make sure that you really exist in the world, and even the most beautiful, charming, stylish and fashionable.

    Than it threatens? The consequences are twofold: on the one hand, painful narcissism( from the series "I kissed myself, leaving for work"), on the other - no less painful self-doubt. You've probably seen these girls: if they do not have a mirror at arm's length, they just lose face. Do you want to fill up their ranks?

    How to fight? Try to remember in the evening what kind of people you saw on the streets, what rags in stores, what kind of showcase you have seen is decorated with the greatest taste. In memory, only the repeatedly reflected "you" will be revealed. And imagine how this "cute" habit looks from the outside.

    Believe in the signs. Superstition is a tenacious thing. The legs themselves choose the road that the black cat did not run across, the heart stops at the sight of a woman( men) with an empty bucket, and a broken mirror makes you crumble from the seventh heaven to the ground if you in this sky recklessly woke up one wonderful morning. And because of what he sees, it's better to stay at home and sleep the rest 24 hours.

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    Threatens? Life is like a horror movie! A little - three times spitting over the left shoulder, jumping on the left leg or a convulsive search for a tree - after all, knocking on the tree at the right moment in our time is not so easy: all around the plastic and chipboard. Some, however, quite have enough of their own heads.

    How to fight? Do not lose heart at the sight of a black cat - on the contrary, chase him and make sure that he is not dangerous. Counter to a woman with an empty bucket put it on his head. After waking up the salt, do not wait for someone to start a quarrel, and urgently start it first. How else?

    Wear men's clothing. When your loved one is not at home, you can wear his "Livesys".Penetrating the smell of toilet water evokes pleasant memories, and indeed they are so comfortable, especially in combination with his own free T-shirt. .. Beauty! If, after returning from work, your friend says: "And what, it's for you!" - then you can drag both items of clothing to your shelf. And men's sweaters? They are so nice to walk a dog and go for bread. .. And then this knitted miracle is not a sin and put on a job, putting on top of the poncho and picking up the bag.

    Threatens? After you go beyond your body, your feet will bring you to the department of men's clothing, where they sell such remarkably spacious and concise sweaters, jackets and T-shirts. Soon you will get tired of wearing curls and you will make yourself a haircut. First under the boy. Then half box. And then you'll sing: "No mans - woman!" The final chord will be someone's friendly clap on the back and a cheerful shout to the whole street: "Seryoga!

    How to fight? Everything is simple: just go for a walk in sneakers, an outstretched sweater, worn out jeans and a beloved sweater for women's clothing stores( or even better expensive expensive boutiques), and you will feel like an elephant in a china shop and necessarily want to return to the origins of femininity.

    To dream and be inactive. You close your eyes. And here it is - your starry hour: on the dazzling red carpet you go under the handle with the most beautiful man of the planet, around the jubilant crowd of fans. Money, fame, own business, car, and all because you are the best, the most intelligent and talented. In this, honestly, no one doubts. .. except yourself. Why did you ignore the acquaintance with people from whom such a future could depend? And when you and several other colleagues were offered to take part in the competition for filling a vacant position two steps higher than your current position, you surrendered and refused. Each year, you set a goal to master the foreign language perfectly, but the result remains at the level of a dream: go-go-like courses and throw everything at the initial stage. Looking at the slender girls, you always think: "I'll start doing morning exercise, going to the gym, refusing dinner - and I'll be better than any supermodel."And on this all the dreams come to an end.

    Threatens? Dreams Come True! But only in those cases when the illusory goal is supported by specific actions aimed at achieving it. And if you dream, lying on the couch, then you can sleep through your whole life, in the end you can not achieve anything and be disappointed in everyone, but first of all in yourself.

    How to fight? To begin with, get rid of your own laziness. Write down every day on the items that need to be done. And in the evening, evaluate yourself, how many points this or that work was done. Be braver and harder, get acquainted with people who can help in the future. Read the success stories of famous personalities and make sure that everything in life is given primarily through hard work. Encourage specific examples. Dream and act!

    Return shopping to the store. No one argues: shopping is the best remedy for stress. And what is the result? Mountains of clothing that can never be worn, nowhere and under no circumstances. The sight that has relaxed for a day takes on a different view of things, and you, inspired by the fact that the price tags are not yet cut off, are carried back to the store, looking forward to a serious conversation in elevated tones with boutique managers, and most importantly, the return of lost banknotes.

    Threatens? For half a year now, two weeks before your salary, you do not have a penny left. And this despite the fact that sellers, subject to the rule "the buyer is always right", always return you money!

    How to fight? It's time to include the brain and start a notebook. It is with these two components that you can go to the store. To walk around the departments, consider everything, try on the most interesting things and write down the prices. Then go home and think about what you saw. And only the next day, having determined the priorities, go to the place of relaxation.

    Gnaw seeds. Seeds. .. How much in this word! It seems that they have always existed and will never end. To break away from them is a real feat, to which few outstanding personalities are capable. Disease seeds begin in adolescence( when from beating through the edges of the body energy literally itches the hands) and often becomes chronic. When the TV shows the necessary for cultural development, but too tight film, the seeds make it look more rhythmically, without distracting at all with a quiet rustle from the director's main idea. Yes, and in general the seeds pleasantly diversify any family event.

    Threatens? After each session, the path of "rodents" lies straight to the bathroom - clean off the hands with pumice and a washcloth. So for the love of seeds you will have to give up the manicure. And reading a new book Murakami generally stretch for an indefinite period - checked by own experience! Seeds are such an infection( sorry for being frank), which leaves no time for anything else.

    How to fight? Try not to take sunflower seeds in hands for three days. If your nerves are at the limit, it's time to sound an alarm - this is sunflower dependence! Press off the floor ten times, do thirty sit-ups, draw fifty sunflowers( the face of the enemy should cause allergies).Buy yourself a "Minton" or chewing gum, and your hands take up drawing cartoons, playing piano or computer. Learn to make origami, in the end!

    Thinking about age. You are little consoled by the postulate "To a woman for so many years, what does she look like"?Life, after all, is strangely arranged: when you are seventeen, no one takes you seriously, because you are not twenty-seven. But as soon as it turns out that you are already twenty-seven, you start looking for wrinkles and you get a mirror and your beloved one question: "I will not give more than twenty, is it true?"

    Threatened? In response, a mirror( that's a bastard!) Says in a human voice: "Give it!", And the only and unique( that's a liar!) Mumbles: "Do not give!" And then he looks at the young ones. And if you do not fall out of it in a swoon, then you become depressed.

    How to fight? It is difficult to replace these thoughts with others, since there is a place for the most different sentences in your head. And for the negative - in general, always please! But there is a way out. You can buy all the youth collections, read Seventeen, listen only to downhole music, do not celebrate birthdays, lose your passport and say that you are twenty-five and no more. If, of course, you do not appreciate your own life so much.

    Late always and everywhere. All have long been accustomed to that you must necessarily wait. You are no longer you, if you come to a meeting before someone. This is your life position - a lady should wait at least 15 minutes - a diplomatic move, a way of thinking. As you like, you can fence yourself and make up an exculpatory tale. Sooner or later you will not be expected, and even worse - and listen.

    Threatens? When you were asked to come early to work to prepare the necessary documents for signing an important contract, you, of course, could not overcome your archival habit and failed not only yourself, but your firm. Thanks to this, there was no bonus( salary, work).Or do you like this way to check the feelings of your man: they say, it will wait, that means, he loves? Then, one fine moment of long( painful) waiting for his Miss Non-punctuality, fate can give him a meeting with a beautiful stranger. Alas, you no longer interest him. ..

    How to fight? The easiest way is to translate the arrows of your alarm clock for an hour ahead. Even after being late by habit for a legal fifteen minutes, you will arrive on time for work. If you have an appointment, ask your boyfriend to pick you up. So you will have the opportunity to test it for punctuality.

    Hanging on the phone. It's not for nothing that the folk wisdom says: "The language will bring to Kiev".Prestigious work, the sea of ​​friends and acquaintances around the world - in many respects it is the merit of your extra communicative abilities. You always have something to tell, the main thing is to have a listener nearby. Although the lack of it does not bother you at all, because there is a phone( mobile, home, work).Having typed a certain number, you will get from the ground so necessary to you interlocutor. Pouring a nightingale, from the heart, share your impressions of the magazine article you read or yesterday's movie premiere, chirrup about the weather outside the window, what is happening now in your general department, and, of course, the plans for the next two years. It takes five minutes, ten, half an hour, and your flow is so endless. ..

    Threatens? Half of your income goes to pay for phone bills. Then you complain: I did not buy anything, and the money - that, went away. .. And at the meetings you are chastised because you are distracting your colleagues from work with your telephone chatter( it's all the same interesting to overhear what ended your last date).Due to the fact that you talk a lot, you can not trust responsible business, corporate secrets - but what if you accidentally spill it out?

    How to fight? Take a vow of telephone silence for just a week - calls only on the case. Disconnect your home phone, and close the mobile phone in a safe or give it to a friend for storage. Save both time and money. Yes, and nervishki coast. And if you really want to speak out, take a sheet of paper and throw out all your emotions and impressions on it. But what if a beautiful story worthy of the pages of a magazine or a book turns out?

    Read horoscopes. To say that there are a lot of horoscopes now means to sin against the truth. Their number is off scale! Competition compels astrologers to write more and more in detail, to find new words, concepts, luminaries, interactions and connections. And to compare the predictions of the astrologer A with the predictions of the astrologer B is just as interesting how to read the rout of the critic In the play that the critic G raises to the skies.

    Threatens? All the press you are now viewing, starting with the last page, pretending to be an expert on the Arab principle of reading. You rejoice from the words "Venus and Jupiter today in creative tandem", and the line "Taurus! Do not rub with money "makes you replace expensive shampoo with a mixture of honey and egg. Honestly, the love of astrology does not fit well with such a concept as common sense!

    How to fight? Remember what happened in your life in the last three months, when you clearly( read manic) followed the star clues. The phrase "The bosses is preparing an unpleasant surprise" was guilty of the fact that in answer to questions from his boss you could not connect two words. And would you destroy a fragile female friendship request to lend one and a half thousand dollars, if the horoscope did not advise "boldly ask for debt"?