  • How often should I wash my hair?

    Hair is said to be a beauty rim, emphasizing it, and, if necessary, obscuring faults. Therefore, we must take care that the hair is healthy and beautiful. Often the condition of the hair depends on the general state of health. Most noticeable this is in the early spring, when the body is tired and lacks vitamins, - the troubles with the hair grow twice. After the holiday, if you were sensible and did not subject the hair to excessive sun exposure, they become soft, shiny, easy to fit. But this does not mean that you should neglect daily or periodic hygiene measures and wait for another vacation.

    Let's start with the basic - with washing your head. This simple matter is not at all simple.

    The frequency of washing hair, first of all, depends on the desire of their owner to do it. If we talk about specific terms, then there is no unequivocal answer and can not be. In many respects the answer to this question depends on the condition of the hair - type and length, as well as on the nature of the activity, the time of the year. Usually this period is 2-3 days. With dry hair washing can be done once in 8-10 days without any loss for appearance. With a mixed type, hair is usually required to be washed after 3-4 days. As for unhealthy hair, it is not the frequency of washing the hair that is more important here, but the frequency of the use of special drugs that suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands, microscopic fungus and skin cleansing from sebum.

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    Hair washing. Do not save on shampoos. Disappointment from a poor kind of hair lasts longer than the joy of the resulting savings. Before washing your head, you must thoroughly comb your hair. This is done to improve the circulation of the scalp, and hence, improve hair nutrition. Water for washing hair should not be very hot( about 35 ° C).Very hot water for hair is harmful: it leads to increased secretion of fat glands.

    Moisten your hair, pour a little shampoo on your palm and rub on the head until the foam appears. Then carefully rinse the hair and repeat the procedure again. Repeated soaping the head with shampoo is mandatory: only the second time there is actually washing, and the first removes the dust.

    Hair rinsing. After washing the head, the hair should be thoroughly rinsed, preferably under a stream of warm running water. Is it harmful to rinse your hair with water and vinegar? No, it's not harmful. If the water is hard, then add the vinegar to the water for the last rinse, even necessary. To add it is necessary at the rate of one tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water. Instead of vinegar, you can take lemon juice. It is also good to rinse your hair with fresh beer, as dermatologists advise.

    Rinsing hair in herbal decoctions has a therapeutic effect, if this procedure is patiently done for a long time. Mixtures can be made by yourself: with oily hair - ayr, chamomile, nettle in the same proportion or a decoction of rhizomes of burdock.

    When dry blond hair, chamomile with mallow is recommended.

    When sticking greasy hair and seborrhea, it is recommended to wipe the skin thoroughly every day with cotton wool soaked in any alcohol-based lotion. This lotion can be applied to the skin and using a pipette, and then, running your fingers into your hair, rub it.

    If the disease of the hair, despite proper care, the use of appropriate products, and also the rational nutrition, rich in vitamins and mineral salts, does not pass for a long time or increases, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist for advice and undergo a special course of treatment.

    After washing, the hair must be combed. If you can use any comb before washing, then it's better to abandon metal, and also from massage brushes. It is better to use wooden or plastic combs. Wet hair under own weight, and also owing to influence of water, become vulnerable to rough combs.

    Hair drying. Hair should be dried as soon as possible, as long exposure to moisture is harmful. It is best to dry your head with a hot towel. It is not recommended and too rapid exposure to heat.

    In the presence of fatty dandruff, it is necessary to carefully remove it from the surface of the skin, applying three to four hours before washing the ointment containing sulfur and salicylic acid( 10% each).

    If you have dry, brittle hair, damaged by waving, then a few hours before washing, rub into the scalp and strands of hair natural olive oil, put on a nylon cap and wrap the head with a warm towel.

    A few tips for those whose hair is different from normal.

    Oily hair is a typical phenomenon for young people. And it's useless to think that salvation here is a frequent wash. On the contrary. Recommendations are as follows: before washing, rub sour milk into the skin, curdled milk. A few words about the hair. The most convenient will be a short haircut. It does not require complicated care, it is always fashionable.

    Dry hair is best washed with egg yolk, or rub warm vegetable oil before washing. And one more important point: in the summer, being in the sun, make sure that your hair does not dry out, do not break down, do not fade. Cut the tips from time to time.