  • General information about food

    The food we eat consists of chemicals. They are divided into the main groups: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

    Proteins are irreplaceable substances in human nutrition. They are the building blocks of all cell elements. Muscles, heart, brain and even human bones contain a significant amount of proteins. Proteins take a direct part in muscle contraction, oxygen supply, protect the body from harmful substances. Proteins can be used by the body and as an energy source: when a 1 g protein is cleaved, an energy equal to 4 kcal is released. During fasting, the body first consumes the reserve fat, and then the muscle mass decreases.

    Fats are used by the body as an energy source;When splitting 1 g. of fat, 9 kcal is released - so their consumption with food is justified. The human body must have the necessary fat reserves, will be consumed by hypothermia, starvation, heavy physical work. In addition, fats contain fat-soluble vitamins and protect the skin from drying out in contact with water.

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    Carbohydrates are the main energy supplier for the body. They should account for more than half the energy value of the diet. When the digestion of 1 g of carbohydrates is released 4 kcal - the same amount of energy is secreted and proteins, but unlike them, carbohydrates are easily broken down. Carbohydrates are needed for the normal metabolism of proteins and fats. Together with proteins carbohydrates form a number of important biological compounds - certain hormones and enzymes, secrets of salivary and other glands forming mucus.

    Indigestible substances - fiber and pectin - play a special role in nutrition. They are not sources of energy, but without them, normal digestion is impossible.

    Vitamins and minerals are needed in very small quantities, but without them the normal work of the whole organism is simply impossible.

    In the following articles we will tell you more about the above substances, and, perhaps, you will learn a lot about them and new interesting things. However, we do not encourage, looking at a piece of fragrant cake, to think only about the amount of fats and carbohydrates. Learn to make your diet correctly and enjoy delicious and healthy food!