  • Breast Care

    Masks for breasts

    Masks are best applied after peeling so that its active ingredients penetrate deeper into the skin.

    Cottage cheese mask 2 tbsp.l.cottage cheese beat with a spoon of olive oil( you can add a little fresh sour cream, and in the summer - fruit juice), the resulting mass to apply a thin layer on the neck and chest. After 20 minutes, rinse with a mild decoction of chamomile.

    Orange mask Peeled and finely chopped orange with a wooden spoon. The resulting gruel should be applied to the chest and shoulders, covered with gauze. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with boiled water and apply cream to the skin. This mask refreshes and nourishes the skin. And for oily skin in an orange you can add beaten egg white - it will be an excellent tool for tightening extended pores.

    Mask with egg yolk

    1 egg yolk to grind with 1 tsp.vodka, 1 tsp.sour cream and juice 1/2 lemon or orange. Apply the mixture on the chest, after 15 minutes, rinse with water.

    Refreshing mask

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    Grate the boiled potatoes and add 2 tbsp.l.cucumber or tomato juice. The resulting mass is applied to the chest. After 15 minutes rinse with warm water.

    Mask against aging

    2 tbsp.l.salt dissolve in 1.5 cups of warm boiled water, get the resulting solution to moisten the cheesecloth, squeeze and put on the chest for 3-4 minutes. Then apply a nourishing cream.

    Additional procedures

    Good effect on the breast wiping with cold water with vinegar or with salt using a towel from a terry towel or sponge. A mitten, soaked in one of these solutions, it is easy to massage the breast along circular massage lines.

    If the skin on your bust is not too thin, such a massage can be done with a soft bristle brush made from natural bristles. When using the brush, be careful not to scratch the skin. It is best before this procedure to rub the breast with a small amount of fat cream or olive oil.

    Massage and gymnastics for the chest

    With the help of a massage, you can maintain the elasticity and elasticity of the skin of the chest. It is thanks to the massage that blood circulation improves, the metabolism is normalized and the outflow of lymph is intensified.

    Breast massage is performed using stroking techniques on the circular massage lines of the breast. When performing massage, always count on the strength with which you work on the skin and muscles of your body. It is recommended to refuse from various types of massage with strong pressing effects, as it can damage the mammary glands.

    Jet massage

    An interesting and no less effective massage is a scattered stream. With its help, you can more intensely affect the skin, affecting shallow muscles and stimulating nerve endings. Thanks to this massage, the sensitivity of the skin and nipples is significantly increased. Water temperature,

    used for massage, should be comfortable for you, but strive to make it every day more and more cool.

    1. Adjust the head of the shower, then direct the jet to the chest. The pressure should not be too weak, otherwise the massage will be ineffective, but should not be too strong - because of possible injury to the chest. Promote in a circular motion the jet from the ribs to the shoulders, grasping the decollete zone - along the circular massage lines. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

    2. Stand for a while under the shower.

    3. Wet the skin with a towel.

    4. Apply balm or cream to correct the breasts, avoiding the area of ​​the nipples.

    water jet massage This is the best of massages, since in this case the water has a gentle, gentle effect on the skin of the breast, while the muscle tone rises.

    Massage by a stream of water should be carried out regularly, preferably every morning. If you do not have enough time, try to do it at least 3-4 times a week. With this hydromassage you can easily tighten the pectoral muscles, improve local blood circulation, while the metabolism in cells and tissues will increase, which will increase their regeneration. And this means that the old cells will be updated faster.

    Massage by a stream of water is carried out in the same way as a massage with a scattered jet - with the help of a stream of water from the hose, you should move along the circular massage lines of the chest. From each side make 10 such circles.

    In the area of ​​the intercostal space and under the breast, the movements should be more intense - these zones are responsible for the height of the chest. When performing a massage, it is very important to avoid pressure on the parotid zone and the nipples themselves - here the skin is very sensitive. The duration of this hydromassage is 8-10 minutes.

    After massage, the breast should be rubbed with a soft terry towel on circular massage lines, then apply a special balm for breast correction( you can just nourishing the cream on the breast, avoiding the nipples).

    Gymnastics for the chest

    These exercises are recommended to be performed as follows: in the first 10 days - 10 times each exercise, then gradually increasing the number, bring up to 20 times( at the maximum rate work 10 days), and then again 10 times eachan exercise.

    Give yourself a star

    Standing on tiptoe, get an imaginary star, quickly pulling up the right, then the left hand and with each "capture" compressing the brush into a fist. This exercise stretches the upper part of the body and strengthens the spinal musculature.

    Surrender to the dance

    Extend the arms to the sides and, bending them in the elbow, freely "throw" the forearm. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the chest and gives a beautiful posture of the upper body.

    Seagull flight

    Stand up straight, slightly spreading your legs. Pull your arms out to the sides and swing them up with your hands. At the same time, take both hands back and return to their original position. When performing this exercise, large and small pectoral muscles will become stronger.

    Pose of the deity

    Sit on a chair. Connect your hands over your head with your fingers up. Shoulders be pulled back, elbows slightly bent. Turn the head to the left, and the left elbow at the same time take it back. Return to the starting position.

    Then turn the head to the right and pull back the right elbow. This exercise not only strengthens the pectoral muscles, but also improves posture. This exercise lifts the shoulders and strengthens the muscles of the chest.

    Explanatory helper

    Pull your hands forward with your palms up, laying on each of the thick topic( dictionary).Now, without lowering them, take both hands away from the sides back. Perform the exercise mainly by straining the pectoral muscles. The systematic execution of this exercise will return your breast an excellent shape.