  • Colors and makeup

    You already know the merits and demerits of your face, learned how to emphasize beauty and how to hide problems.

    However, in makeup you need to use the color scheme correctly. After all, if you do not, the appearance can become either unattractive or repulsive.

    Rules for combining colors

    It is generally recognized that there are three primary colors: red, blue, yellow. All other colors and shades are obtained from different combinations of primary colors. Colors are divided into cold and warm. All the shades of blue are referred to as cold colors, and the shades of yellow and red are to warm. Green can be referred to a cold color or warm, depending on the fact that it is predominantly blue or yellowness.

    All colors for convenience of perception are combined in a so-called chromatic circle.

    In a chromatic circle, the shades of one color smoothly pass into the other. Let's see how this happens.

    Let's start with the color of wisdom - blue. Cold blue - purple - cold red - warm red - orange - yellow - warm green - cold green - blue - cold blue.

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    Opposite chromatic colors have two important properties for makeup:

    if they are near, then reinforce each other;

    when applying one color to another - they extinguish each other.

    Suppose you have a skin of a yellowish hue. If you put on blue clothes or do makeup in blue tones, you will intensify the yellowness of the face, and this effect is absolutely not desirable for you. Examples of such unsuccessful combinations: yellowness of the teeth will be emphasized by the lipstick of a purple hue, and the closely related surface of the face of the face of the face of the face will be especially noticeable in makeup in green tones and with green clothes. Conversely, combinations such as

    blue eyes and a beige or orange shade of makeup are perfect combinations with an intensifying positive effect;

    green eyes and red lipstick and clothing. Experiment with the color and you will find something that is right for you! In the meantime, some recommendations.