  • Powder

    Face powder is the best friend of the make-up artist, as it can give any skin a truly enchanting look.

    Compact powder( pressed) has the advantage of being convenient to carry around: it will not crumble and will not stain your bag. If during the day you need to adjust your makeup, it is more convenient for this purpose to use a compact powder. Recently, most women prefer this kind of powder.

    Friable powder has the appearance of a powder. This is not very convenient, so it is not desirable to carry it in your purse. But no compact powder will not lie on your face as friable. It is distributed over the face with an even, thin transparent layer and at the same time produces a strong cosmetic effect.

    Packaging loose powder often costs more than a compact packaging. However, pay attention to the weight! In general, friable powder weighs in 1,5-2 times more than compact, and therefore use it economically more profitable. So, if the compact powder for intensive use is enough for about half a year, then the powdery powder of the same manufacturer will serve you 1,5-2 years.

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    Another advantage of loose powder is that it has the longest effect, therefore it is used by professional make-up artists and models.

    Cream powder - a combination of foundation and powder. Well hides skin imperfections, giving it a matte shade.

    How to choose a powder

    By the color saturation of the powder happens:



    is translucent.

    With colored powders, be extremely careful, since the use of lilac, green, bright pink and yellow-orange shades requires special skill and considerable experience in the application.

    Carefully apply with a powder containing gold and silver glitter - this powder should not be applied to the middle of the face. Shine can be appropriate only on the temples, the side surfaces of cheekbones, in the decollete and on the hands, and only in the evening light.

    Special care must be taken when using dark powder - it is not recommended to powder the area around the eyes.

    How to choose the color of the powder

    When choosing the color of the powder, remember the important nuances: first, the color of the powder should be one tone lighter than the natural color of your face;secondly, the color of the powder should not contrast with the color of your hair.

    The most commonly used powder colors can be conditionally divided into three main ones.

    Light powder with a pink tint. This is powder of blondes. However, this tone is suitable for all white women with a range of hair not only of different shades of blond, but also with dark-copper hair color.

    Light with a cream shade( ivory).This shade of powder is suitable, if the skin is light enough, but has a light beige-yellowish color, and the range of hair varies from light to dark brown.

    Beige and bronze. This is the perfect shade of powder for dark-skinned men with dark hair. In addition, you can use it if you are very well tanned.

    Before you buy

    Before you buy a powder, if there is such an opportunity, use the samplers - they are available from all reputable cosmetic companies. Powder and evaluate during the day the skin condition. A good powder should improve the color of your face, even

    stay on the skin, long to keep it dull;this powder should not crumble.

    Even with the healthiest skin, only high-quality powder should be used. A good powder should contain talc and colloidal kaolin, which help soft and good tone application to the skin. The same properties are possessed by calcium and magnesium carbonates, which also covers the skin well, smoothes the relief and makes the powder more light, crumbly. Starch and lanolin are unwanted components contained in the powder. They testify to the old technologies of tonal production. In addition, they can draw moisture out of the skin.