  • Recipe for Eternal Youth

    . No matter how old you are, you always want to look younger. The advice of professionals will help you with this.

    1. Do not get carried away with decorative cosmetics of cold tones - "winter" scale emphasizes wrinkles. Almost the same effect gives a bright lip contour. To select the lips, use a pencil of neutral color for lipstick. Too dark and bright colors of lipstick very well emphasize your age. The tonal cream of too dark shades looks on the withering skin quite unnaturally. And do not overdo it with ink! This especially applies to the lengthening or the lash-giving eyelashes.

    2. Do not watch every single dash on your face for hours. The people around you, first of all, pay attention to the smile and your attitude towards them, and not to wrinkles. Do not try to return youth, adhering to the image created at the dawn of youth. Change your makeup, hair style, style of clothes. What looked good about you 15 years ago, today may be vulgar and inappropriate.

    3. Appearance with age is undergoing changes, and therefore the golden rule: if you can not stop time, move in step with it. If you are going to dye your hair, it's better to redefine their type and shade, as well as the makeup palette that you use in this period. Nature rarely makes mistakes: in search of new shades do not deviate from the natural color of hair more than two tones( lighter or darker).

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    4. With age, hair can become stiff and dull. Deep food( weekly masks) plus conditioner( balm) after washing your head will help restore the hair softness and shine. In the conditioner, which rinses the hair after washing, add vitamin C( it is sold in pharmacies in the form of powder).Thanks to this simple procedure, you can keep the color of the colored hair longer and give them shine.

    5. Long hair is very difficult to keep strong and healthy, so it's best to choose a simple technique and a short haircut. It is advisable to cut hair ends every five to six weeks. So they will stay healthy( they will not be cut off) and will easily fit.

    6. Use hand cream as often as possible, especially after contact with water. Rub the cream with massage movements, not forgetting the side parts of the palms. Regularly use a scrub to exfoliate the dead cells and thus allow the hand cream to penetrate deeper layers of the skin. Pay special attention to the elbows - there wrinkles are particularly noticeable.

    7. Every day rub a special oil or cream in the cuticle to soften it and stimulate a healthy growth of the nails. To achieve the best effect, do this at night. Nails begin to separate with age and often break down. Using a special suede brush, polish them with a subsequent moisturizing cream. Soap dries the skin, which means it can become an enemy for gentle hands. Try to use a gentle remedy with moisturizing supplements. Every week, do a manicure and always apply a protective coating to the nails. It is advisable to file nails daily - this will prevent them from breaking and breaking.

    8. Drink 2 liters of water per day, sleep 8 hours in a cool, well ventilated room, breathe fresh air and do not avoid exercise. Going to the street, always apply funds that protect the face from the harmful effects of the sun. Moderately sunbathe. Make sure that your day or tonal cream contains U-Filters.

    9. For washing and cleaning, use products marked "for sensitive skin".Do not forget to apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream for the night. Massaging the skin - it not only imparts muscle tone, but also exfoliates dead cells. Once a month, do a deep cleaning. Weekly massage with a cream containing vitamin E, it helps to strengthen the structure of the skin.