  • Face massage

    Facial massage is an effective means of preventing wrinkles. If it is performed regularly and correctly, the skin will remain fresh and elastic for a long time. Facial massage

    improves blood circulation and metabolism in the skin,

    promotes the removal of decay products through the pores of the skin, relieves fatigue.

    Attention! Contraindications for massage are: dilated vessels, any inflammatory skin diseases, severe cardiovascular diseases, hypertension III degree, facial hair growth. Of course, facial massage is best performed in the beauty salon. Nevertheless, if you do not have the opportunity to visit the beautician regularly, you can perform a facial massage for yourself.

    Facial massage is performed on cleansed skin. Before the massage, it is recommended to make a steam bath or a wet compress.

    The neck is released from the ornaments and the collar, the hair is removed to the tail or under the kerchief. It is desirable to perform self-massage in front of the mirror, while the muscles should be relaxed.

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    The main techniques of self-massage are stroking and effleurage.

    Stroking is performed slowly, easily and smoothly with your fingertips or their back.

    Felting is done by the pads of the fingers of both hands. If a more vigorous effect is necessary, the pinching is carried out with the tips of 4 straightened and closed fingers or alternately with the pads of the 3rd and 4th fingers.

    To help your fingers slip better and your skin does not stretch, you can use a night cream or olive oil for dry and normal skin massage. Moisturizing gel or cream, day cream is much less suitable for massage. With a massage of oily skin, talc is used, which after washing should be washed off. Only after 30 years with a massage of oily skin can use a nourishing cream. If you plan to apply a mask after the massage, then massage should be done without any cosmetic products, just on clean skin.

    Massaging the skin, you can not shift it. Before you repeat a certain movement or move to the next section of the skin, the fingers should stay for a second on the part of the face where the last movement has ended.

    Facial massage is carried out in three stages: first, with respect to the whole person, stroking, then - effleurage and then - again stroking. Each movement produced at each stage is repeated three times. So, let's begin.


    1. Stroking starts from the neck. Movements are carried out by the back surface of the hand. The sides of the neck move from top to bottom.

    2. In front of the neck move, on the contrary, from the bottom up, thus it is necessary not to touch the area of ​​the thyroid gland. Movements are also made by the back of the hand.

    3. The submaxillary region is stroked with the back of the fingers of the left hand from the right to the left.

    4. Then the submaxillary region is stroked with the back of the fingers of the right hand. Stroking is carried out from left to right.

    5. Stroke the chin and lower cheeks with the palmar surface of the fingers from the middle of the chin along the lower jaw and up to the ear lobes. The middle part of the cheeks is stroked with the palm surface of the index and middle fingers from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the ear, with special attention being paid to the folds at the corners of the mouth - they are gently stroked several times.

    6. Do the same movements, only with inflated cheeks.

    7. Stitches the upper part of the cheeks with the tips of the index and middle fingers from the back of the nose to the temples.

    8. The forehead is massaged, stroking the skin from the middle of the forehead to the temples with the tips of the index and middle fingers.

    9. The forehead is stroked in the direction upwards from the eyebrows to the hair.

    10. To smooth wrinkles between the eyebrows they are fixed with the pads of the fingers.

    11. The skin around the eyes is massaged very neatly. First, stroking is done with the pads of the four fingers of the

    ( all except the large one) from the bridge of the nose as the eyebrows grow to the temples.

    12. Then stroking around the eyes is done with the pads of four fingers( all but large ones) from the temples along the lower eyelid to the inner corner of the eye.


    Perform after stroking is performed. Beading is carried out in the same manner as stroking, in the same direction.

    1. Beveling starts from the neck. Movement is carried out by the pads of the fingers of both hands along the lateral surface of the neck from top to bottom. In front of the neck move, on the contrary, from the bottom up. It is necessary not to touch the area of ​​the thyroid gland.

    2. Pokolachivanie in the submaxillary region is carried out by the back side of the fingers. Beat the chin and lower cheeks from the middle of the chin along the lower jaw and up to the lobes of the ears.

    3. Beat the middle part of the cheeks from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the ear. Then they do the same, but with their puffed cheeks. Beating with the hanging cheeks is done with straightened and closed fingers. The upper part of the cheeks is stroked from the back of the nose to the temples.

    4. The forehead is beaten from the middle of the forehead to the temples. Dummies in the eye area alternately with the tips of the 3rd and 4th fingers perform very gently, easily, without shifting the skin. First, the beating is performed from the bridge of the nose as the eyebrows grow to the temples, then from the temples along the lower eyelid to the inner corner of the eye.


    Performed at the end of the massage. Carried out in the same way as the first stage.

    Self-massage should last 5-8 minutes. It should be performed daily, in the morning and in the evening. If the massage is performed correctly, a light even blush and a pleasant sensation of warmth should appear on the skin.

    In addition to massage, you should perform gymnastics for the face and neck.

    The most simple exercise for the prevention of wrinkles in the mouth: sit in front of the mirror and, articulating actively, pronounce the sounds of O, V, A, S.

    For neck exercises are useful with the inclination of the head forwards and backwards, right-to-left( shoulders are not raised at the same time).

    Healing properties of plants people have learned to use for medicinal and cosmetic purposes many centuries ago. In Russia, where they always paid great attention to the cleanliness and neatness of the body, natural products were used for the preparation of cosmetic products long ago.

    So, for example, in the old days, in order for the skin to be healthy and light, the girls went to the forest in the early spring and washed themselves with birch sap, or as it was then called. Popular was the washing of sauerkraut juice, cucumber pickle, milk, broths of herbs. And in those old times, to give the skin freshness and velvety, the girls lubricated the skin before going to sleep with strawberry berries.

    At the moment,

    women are valued at least as much as those bought in the store. After all, the independent manufacture of masks - this is not a real concern for your skin, but also an opportunity to feel yourself a cosmetologist who knows how to make cosmetics "to order".Let even for myself.

    Various vegetables, fruit and other products can be used for making masks.

    Many masks use honey. This product is very useful, but if you are allergic to honey, it is not recommended to use it even as part of masks.

    Mask recipes presented in this topic are designed for different skin types.

    Cosmetic products, including masks, are selected taking into account the skin type.

    Normal skin looks healthy, with even and small pores. It is elastic, tender, has an even color, without acne and irritation.

    Oily skin looks thick, rough, pale and glossy due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands. Usually oily skin shows enlarged pores and gums, which makes it look like a lemon rind. It is prone to inflammations, acne and acne.

    Dry skin looks very good in youth - it is matte, thin, delicate. But then it can look excessively dry, flake off, on it may appear dilated small blood vessels - due to a lack of sebum, dry skin reacts to temperature changes. Dry skin quickly grows old, wrinkles appear early on it.

    Withering skin is the skin on which the first signs of aging have appeared. This happens in 30-35 years. Natural cosmetics for aging skin can begin to be used from this age.