  • Retro style and vintage style


    The name of this style comes from the Latin word retro, which means "back".In this style, the motives and details of modeling, typical for the last decades of the XX century, as a rule, from the 20's to the 70's, are used.

    However, the image created in retro style is not a direct copy of the fashion of this or that past decade, it is rather a stylization for it. Clothing in retro style is sewed from modern materials by talented fashion designers.

    To clearly understand what retro is, you need to navigate the fashion of the past. So that you have at least a general idea of ​​it, pay attention to the illustrations. If you want the image created in retro style to be completed, you need to use the appropriate accessories and shoes. And in any case, you can not combine the details of clothing from different eras - otherwise you will be dressed simply tasteless. The retro style is not suitable for daily wear. Nevertheless, in this way you will look good at an antique exhibition or a social event.

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    Vintage style

    Vintage is an excellent option for those who are not interested in mass consumer goods, who want to look stylish and at the same time emphasize their individuality. Vintage things can often be seen on the stars of show business. For example, the admirer of this style is Nicole Kidman.

    What is vintage? Translated from French, this word means "harvest of a certain" year or "high-quality wine of long-standing aging".In translation into the language of fashion, wine-tasteless is called authentic or original clothes of the 1920s-1980s, but some fashion historians suggest that only clothing, created before the 60s of the last century, is considered vintage.

    Vintage should be distinguished from the banal "second hand" for a number of features. The first and main criterion is age. As we have already said, only clothes older than 20 can be called vintage.the second criterion of vintage: it clearly should be seen "squeak of fashion" at the time of its creation. The third criterion: style. That clothing was included in the vintage, it must be original and original.

    The modern interpretation of vintage is much broader. For example, vintage fabrics can be used to sew modern clothes, or vintage patterns can be used to create new fabrics and materials. But it will no longer be genuine vintage, but a combination of vintage and vintage styling.

    The same vintage items can be found:

    for free - exploring grandmother's chests and mother's dressers;

    for a penny - rummaging in a pile of rubbish in second hand stores and flea markets;

    for a relatively affordable price - in specialized stores, but they are much more abroad than us, so it makes sense to look for vintage gizmos through the English-language Internet;

    is very expensive - with a famous fashion designer.

    To fully endure the vintage style, do not forget about accessories - style decorations( necklaces and especially brooches), glasses, bags, belts. In addition, keep in mind that in the eyes of others, wearing a thing from the past, you seem to recognize the merits of that time, subscribe to the commitment to it. If this is the case, then

    knowledge of history here will be at hand - at least in order to feel confident in vintage clothing.