  • Nail art

    Neil-art takes a special place in the art of manicure. We can say that this is the highest point in the craft of nail design. Actually, "nail art"( nail art) from English and translated - "nail art."And there are a lot of directions in this art. The range of techniques and methods of nail art is constantly expanding, so new solutions and drawings for nails are constantly being born and improved, whole collections of drawings on nails are created on the basis of certain nail design technologies.

    Neil-art is a modern and dynamic art, therefore it is necessary to constantly monitor new trends in this direction and master often changing technologies and new materials. The art of nail art consists of two interrelated currents: nail art and nail decoration. In the first case, a full color gamut of varnishes is used, in the second - on the nails attach jewelry, any objects that do not exceed the nail in size. Usually these are decals, rhinestones, bindises, ornaments for piercing.

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    Basic tools and materials for nail art

    Varnishes for nail art are suitable for almost any. But it is better to buy those that are sold in tubes with special brushes of different thicknesses. Because the thinner the nap, the more subtle lines they can draw.

    Transparent varnish-fixers. Cover the creation of nail art.

    Brushes for drawing. Can be of different thickness, but in any case should have sharp tips. Short brush( 1,5 mm) for drawing lines, long( 3 mm) - for circles, points, spiral, etc.

    Flat brush for priming. Needles or toothpicks. Used in weaving techniques.

    Color-shaker - a brush with a tip made of polystyrene, which serves for drawing. Professional tool.

    Tweezers with flat ends. For capturing rhinestones and other ornaments.

    Thin scissors. For foil and decals.

    Stencils and templates for quick nail decoration.

    Airbrush gun. Professional tool: creates fine lines, sputtering, transitions between varnishes.

    Various ornaments. Rhinestones, sequins, colored ribbons, foil, stickers, feathers, piercing items, bindises, dried parts of plants, threads, colored sand, feathers, etc.

    Adhesive for nail art.