  • Chemical peeling

    This kind of skin rejuvenation is carried out with the help of weak solutions of various acids. The procedure is as follows: first, the skin is cleaned, then a special acid solution is applied to it on a uniform layer. A corpuscle causes a slight chemical burn, which, in turn, stimulates the regeneration of skin cells and improves its appearance.

    The strength of the resulting burn depends on the type and concentration of acid used, the duration of acid-skin contact, and the individual characteristics of the client.

    To prevent the injury from getting too deep, a few minutes after applying the acid, the skin is treated with a neutralizer solution. After the procedure is completed, a special moisturizing cream is applied to the skin.

    Chemical peeling is superficial, medial and deep.

    The most gentle and safe is the surface peeling. To carry it out, use fruit acids( alpha hydroxy acids, or ANA acids).For people aged 20-28 years, surface peeling is recommended to be performed once a year. The procedure is usually carried out for 3-4 sessions with a frequency of 10-15 days. Persons aged 28-35 years are recommended to perform rejuvenation 2 times a year for 6-8 sessions.

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    After a superficial peel on the skin, a mild redness persists, disappearing within 2-24 hours. In people with increased sensitivity of the skin after the procedure in the cheek and eyelid area, surface crusts may appear, which themselves will disappear within 2-3 days.

    Trichloroacetic acid is used for medinal peeling. This kind of rejuvenation is advisable to apply in 40-50 years. Median peeling is a much more traumatic procedure than a superficial option. After the procedure, the skin becomes white, then red, and during the next day the redness increases. Subsequently the skin starts to be strongly shelled, but crusts which are formed, it is impossible to delete independently - them simply grease with a cream. Home mode after mid-peeling should be observed about a week. Moderate redness of the skin may persist for another 1-2 weeks, but it can be hidden with a foundation. Median peeling is carried out for 1-3 sessions with a break of 1-2 months.

    Deep peeling is performed using phenol, under anesthesia. This substance should be used very carefully: the risk of scarring increases.

    After chemical peeling 1-3 months you can not sunbathe - neither in the sun, nor in the solarium. All this time the skin needs intensive moisturizing and protection. To keep the results of peeling longer, you need to protect the skin from ultraviolet, using sunscreen, and also at home use a cream with a low concentration of glycolic acid.

    Chemical peeling is used not only to rejuvenate and prevent aging, but also to treat acne and reduce the fat content of the skin.