  • Love affair at work

    A recent study by the American Management Association revealed that official novels lead to a wedding. But whether the spouses remain colleagues - is unknown. So, if you were in a male environment. ..

    Situation: Nothing personal.

    The reason why you can be the only girl in the company of your former classmates( classmates, colleagues, neighbors) or just good male friends is likely to be a simple accident, for example, at a corporate party. So, if you suddenly found yourself in the men's company alone, keep the presence of the spirit. Do not be offended, discovering that with your appearance there was some tension. Tell me honestly that you are discouraged no less and expected to see here Galya( Olya, Katya and all the others).Find out all together how it all happened. For sure there is the most ridiculous and simple explanation.(And Galya and Olya will appear in two hours, waving champagne and cursing traffic jams.) Do not rush at all with phrases such as "Suffer me a little more, I'll soon leave, ha-ha!" On the contrary, become a full participant in the party. As you know, men do not know how to make tea themselves. So act as the organizer of a supercomplex action on serving the table and preparing snacks from chips and nuts. Manage and direct the male energy into the constructive channel. Gratitude will come immediately - in the form of compliments and admiring views. And in a couple of days legends will go about your economy.

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    Do not doubt that men will want to talk about women. Only in your presence will it be much more difficult. So listen more, and if necessary, act as an expert to whom naive listeners address their questions. So you can get to know your friends and the hidden secrets of men. Well, who else is so lucky?

    Never take sides of men if the conversation has slipped into ordinary vulgarity. You give them a short pleasure, turning from a good friend into a hard-hearted cake friend, but your reputation is the end. At the same time, remember that men hate our manner of striking to extremes. A portrayal of the theme "Oh, boys, what are you talking about?" They are as disgusting as a rude gallop: "Well, honestly, boys, give!"

    Even with a friendly party, it is necessary to leave nicely and on time. You have every right to ask the men about who wants to catch you a taxi. The one who rushed from the table first, and is your true friend. If you stand up all at once, then you do not have to suffer from loneliness!

    Situation: He, his friends and you.

    Michael always enjoyed incredible success with the girls. It is not difficult to guess that he himself was ridiculously timid and assumed the importance of the experienced bon vivant precisely because of natural shyness. So, one day he fell in love before losing consciousness. However, despite the fact that the case was inexorably going to the wedding, Michael did not hurry to introduce his Olya to friends."I do not understand why you hide it, like Bluebeard?" "You see, I've often introduced my girls to my friends," he remarked thoughtfully."And what?" - "And then! They behaved as though they wanted to marry not for me, but for each of those sitting at the table. "Michael immediately accused that he was just a zakompleksovanny jealous. But he was amazed at the phrase of one of them: "Whatever I was, but checking by friends is the main test for girls. You want to be seductive just at the moment when we expect exceptional modesty from you. Is it so difficult to understand? ! "The circumstances under which you, along with your loved one, were in the company of his friends with the complete absence of their girlfriends, can be anything. But remember: his surroundings are studying you, and you are studying them. Do not change anything, do not invent anything specially. We just think that men every day expect from us magical transformations and exciting eccentrics. A good tip to replace cozy jeans for scarlet satin mini shorts is good for those whose relationship has long been cracked. Even if you know for sure that your future depends on the opinion of his friends, dress yourself in such a way that you like only yourself and him.

    Going to a meeting with his friends, do not try to figure out with whom and how you need to behave, who to say something, etc. Men want to see our spontaneous reaction."Wow, how she knows how to guess all my desires!" - he thinks. Otherwise, he can conclude: "Yeah, wants to please everyone, then we have problems. .." Remember the immutable rule - you can not flirt with his friends! They will offer you courtship of varying degrees of intensity, because you are a miracle as good. But this is not the only reason. They will want to know better that unique and unique, because of which their Sasha began to skip hockey and bath. And only your inaccessibility will tell them: "Lucky guy, I would have this."He will appreciate it. And friends will confirm: you are what you need. In any situation, keep your self-control( and face).This rule will be useful to you in case your darling will soak off something. .. But we will not force up, because nothing has happened yet. If you do not know how to react, switch attention to yourself. Suit and joke, and a sudden insight: "Oh, I completely forgot to call Sveta. .." Take a pause! And then without strangers you all discuss.

    Situation: Search on their territory.

    The adventure of all known adventures - a sudden appearance in an unfamiliar men's company. Goal? Of course, the search for your half. Just do not think that all normal girls have normal relationships with partners, and you are alone imposed for the sake of uncertain prospects. With this approach to your own life, it is better not to leave the apartment at all. If you want to find a man of your dreams in an unfamiliar company, do not flirt with everybody. First you need to get to know and understand. It will be seen further. It may well be that one of the new friends will decide to give you minutes in advance after the beginning of the acquaintance. Do not be afraid to be correctly understood - strongly push back the impudent. Men of dreams do not behave this way. Get rid of the syndrome of the fatal beauty once and for all. Women with a vicious look and experience of disappointment are good only on the pages of novels. Be yourself - there are no men who do not appreciate honesty in a woman.

    Being in the center of attention, do not be shy, do not cringe and do not be jealous. Feel free to ask questions, respond to others, express your own opinion on any occasion. You are confident - do not forget about it. Do not think about whether you look good. The vanity around the cosmetic bag is canceled. Men are annoyed by girls, obsessed with their appearance. Do not spin continuously in the hands of a powder compactor or comb, do not try to fade make-up. Be natural - and your attraction will definitely be appreciated.

    Even if you are in no hurry, look at the clock, interrupt any conversation, leave the unfinished glass and say good-bye. Let them ask to stay. Let them propose to return. Decide for yourself whether to continue your acquaintance. If the applicant for the role of life partner in the company is not found - this is not an excuse to diverge in different directions. Maybe you just have not seen it among your new friends yet?

    Situation: Colleagues are also men.

    If in personal life some problems can be solved with a charming smile and shining eyes, then at work this trick will not work. The collective of like-minded men is quite another matter. An example from personal experience: in an exclusively male team, I worked exactly six years. The first three of six are better not to remember at all. I made all possible and impossible mistakes, except for the service novel, fortunately. At meetings with the management, I cheerfully pointed out to the head of his mistakes in the management of the company. I was entering into a superhuman rage. I then demonstrated a maidenly weakness, then I became part of the role of an aggressive feminist. As a result, she received neither an increase in salary, nor a promotion. Fortunately, it came to me in time that you need to change course. No, I did not become a coquettish little fool. For starters, I just bit my tongue and turned into an attentive listener. Then she changed the wardrobe. The result - two months ago I was promoted to the position. And when recently moved to a new apartment, the entire men's team in a friendly fit dragged my cabinets and nightstands.

    1. If you were the only girl among male colleagues, the main thing - do not provoke. Sexuality is a weapon directed against us. Men are shy of office romances no less than ours. A little severity of your business reputation does not hurt at all. There are no stockings in the mesh and a deep neckline!

    2. Find yourself a "girlfriend" from among the surrounding men, and problems with communication at work will be solved by yourself. After all, the worst thing is isolation. Do not let yourself become the fifth wheel in the cart just because you have nothing to say about football. In the men's team there is always someone who loves Ronaldo just because it's necessary. Your task is to calculate a soul mate. Do not doubt that he will support you in a better way than another friend.

    3. Do not compete with men - who will sit in the workplace. Good work does not mean to lose consciousness. Dignity of women in the ability to restore order: plan your day and know how to go home on time.

    4. Take advantage of the "weaker sex" only in case of emergency. Namely: when the chief tries to make you a servant for all occasions. Then you have the right to say that the capacity of the female body is great, but not unlimited. In all other cases, the reference to the fact that you are a woman will cause a legitimate protest. And you do not want to hear: "A weak woman? Then stay at home! "

    5. Be loyal. You will be very surprised, but the boss is always right. This is not a joke - your boss is really sure of it, and the doubter will be given a black label with a personal record. And most importantly - never discuss with your male colleagues the orders and actions of the boss. You think, only we, women, gossips? So, you first came to the men's team.