  • Test "career from dawn to dusk"


    1. You are going to work. Look in your purse. Keys, a purse, a passport, a mobile, a beautician are all in place. Choose another item that you will take with you:

    diary( address book);



    candy( chewing gum).

    2. You leave the house, run to the subway, open your purse to get your wallet, and you realize that you forgot it at home. It's too late to return, and you start rummaging through your pockets, bags and packages in search of money stuck. How much will you collect?

    3. At work you are catastrophically late, so you rush along the corridor headlong, fly into your department and grab a large box that stands near the common table. In front of everyone, it falls. What is it that spills out?

    nothing - the box is empty;

    garbage, paper trimming, old checks;

    containers with today's lunch;

    packaging with stationery.


    1. At lunchtime you and your colleagues went to eat. At the table, a heated argument arose about fashionable performances and talented actors. You are asked: if you were an actress, in which pictures would you like to play? You choose:

    instagram viewer




    2. Imagine that the play you have chosen is the main mise en scene, in which the fate of your heroine is decided. Describe in detail this scene.

    3. What did critics write about your game?

    4. Imagine that you are a young mathematician who takes part in the contest "The Best Mathematician of the Century".Under the terms of the contest, you need to solve ten difficult tasks in a short time. How many tasks do you manage to solve?


    1. You call a friend and invites you to see a new detective. After watching, you discuss the movie. Which character did you like best?





    2. On a sheet of paper you need to draw a star, and all of them must be of different sizes. Now one of the stars draw a tail.



    1. What you take with you "beyond the program" points to your weak point.

    Diary( address book).You do not trust your memory and prefer to hedge, although many data are in your mobile phone and work computer.

    Hairspray. You think that your career largely depends on the appearance, and try to always look at the "million dollars".But do not bet only on this. Impeccable appearance does not replace professionalism.

    Talisman. It seems that you consider yourself not very lucky person. So the talisman for you is not superstition, but an urgent necessity. By the way, nothing wrong with that. If it's hard for you to believe in yourself, start by believing in your talisman. Whenever he brings good luck, your self-confidence will grow: "I will achieve it".Pure psychology and no mysticism. Verified!

    Sweets( chewing gum).You are used to relieve nervous tension with something tasty. A little bit - and you're after candy to sweeten your life. Not the most useful habit! Try to go to nuts and fruits - they perfectly tone up.

    2. The amount that you have scraped shows how much money you can easily part, when, for example, in the office they will collect a gift for a boss or a bouquet to a birthday colleague.

    3. The contents of the box - this is what you are trying to hide from colleagues.

    The box is empty. Most likely, you have nothing to hide. You do not keep a stone in your bosom, do not participate in intrigues, and in the team you are loved.

    Rubbish, paper trimmings, old checks. It seems that you are one of those who at first seem to be a simple and open person. However, in fact, you have accumulated a whole mountain of unexpressed feelings - from fatigue to extreme disgust for work. If you were presented to the top with a clogged box, then, probably, you are dissatisfied with so many in life in general and at work in particular.

    Containers with lunch. Perhaps you are on a diet and feel extremely uncomfortable. This psychological discomfort prevents you from working fully.

    Packages with stationery. You are a very disciplined person. Even too much - never admit to colleagues that it is difficult for you, either scary or bad. Listen to the advice of psychologists who unanimously "argue that sometimes revealing themselves and asking for help is by no means a sign of weakness!"Rather, on the contrary - it speaks of courage and wisdom.


    Movies are an imaginary world that you would like to put into practice.

    1. The type of play in which you see yourself is your idea of ​​life and attitude towards it. A musical or a criminal drama, Hamlet's monologue or a clown's clown's number - what did you choose? Pay attention to what is your pride: dramatic talent( to take time off work), humor( to laugh the angry boss), analytical skills( to understand the intricate threads of intrigue in your home office).

    2. The main stage of your film shows how you imagine a turning point in your life. What is it - career growth, marriage or something else? And if you consider yourself a one hundred percent business lady, but you are sure that Julia Roberta would have played better in Pretty Woman, maybe, in fact, your dream is to meet the prince from the penthouse and forget about working days from 9 to 18?

    3. Film critics look professional look at your game and evaluate it impartially. What did they say?"Not enough expression," "too emotional," or "implausible"?This assessment indicates your weaknesses in dealing with people. Remember about this, especially since movie scenes sometimes happen in everyday life.

    4. The number of solved tasks is the level of your self-confidence( not to be confused with self-confidence!).

    10 tasks. You directly radiate self-confidence. The main thing is that this confidence does not turn into arrogance. Arrogant people want to challenge and entrust the most difficult work in the hope that they will not cope. Why should you once again prove that you are not a camel?

    7-9 tasks. You can be called a cautious optimist. You hope for the best, but you scroll through the possible negative options in your head. This approach helps you to walk confidently along the career ladder.

    5-6 tasks."Let's start from the calculations for the worst, leaving pleasant surprises in reserve," Mark Twain described the position of most people. This is just about you. You have an average level of self-confidence: not very brash, not very sure. You will not be entrusted with super important matters and it is difficult to get through to bosses with such a worldview. Because the leader is the one who believes in himself so much that he knows how to infect others with his enthusiasm.

    3-4 tasks. It looks like you are opening an umbrella before the first cloud appears. You always exaggerate the difficulties, do not take on serious matters and therefore miss the chance to increase your authority in the team. It's an "ostrich policy," although you can call it perspicacity or attention to detail.

    1-2 tasks. You urgently need to develop a sense of your own worth. The only thing that prevents your success is you.

    About tasks. Either you just do not believe that you understand something in mathematics, or it's a more complicated story. You appreciate yourself so highly that you can not accept the idea of ​​defeat. Therefore, you are "insured" in advance-you pretend that all this is too complicated or uninteresting. If you do not learn to face the fears and take on allegedly uninteresting things to you, then your colleagues and superiors really will consider that you are no good at anything. But you will remember that you just did not try to do anything to find a better job or to earn more.


    1. This test shows which model of behavior you are accustomed to adhere to in the work collective - especially in non-standard situations.

    Counsel. In a crisis situation, it is you who will fight to the end, you will go ahead or you will look for a workaround when all the others surrender. These are excellent qualities, the only thing that is sad is that you spend too much energy on such impulses, solving the problems of the entire collective on the principle of "one for all".

    Detective. You do not know what panic is, and you keep clarity of thought in any situation. If something unexpected has happened in the office, they ask for help. On the one hand, you are considered indispensable, and on the other - your own work often suffers from excessive philanthropy.

    The accused. You seem to be a person who can be trusted to solve any problems, but this is not entirely true. When the "tough game" begins, you delay, review plans, discuss the situation with everyone in a row, instead of making some decision. And you're wasting time.

    Witness. You are one of those who in any situation seeks to find a compromise and solve everything peacefully. But keep in mind that your flexibility and the desire to please everyone can lower your stocks. Do what you think is right, and remember: you are not a dollar, to please everyone.

    2. This figure describes the current state of your career. A star with a tail is a comet. The comet in all cultures was considered a harbinger of catastrophes. Let's see what star you made a comet from.

    From the smallest - no serious troubles at work now you are not threatened.

    From the big - you subconsciously feel that something is wrong, even if outwardly at work everything is all right.

    Of the largest - alas, your work is not satisfied. It seems like there are too many of them, and you just do not physically cope. Workaholism is a kind of disease. But it lends itself to treatment, the main thing is the desire of the "sick"!