
Reviews for argan oil for hair and ways to use it for hair

  • Reviews for argan oil for hair and ways to use it for hair

    Argan oil for hair: reviews and description of all the useful properties of this product

    Argan oil for hair is increasingly being used with modern care and various hairdressing procedures. Another name for this oil is Moroccan. According to the statements of women who at least once used it in hair care, after that the hair becomes shiny, dandruff and itching of the head disappear, elasticity appears, obedience to any hair, and strong curl disappears.

    This product is obtained by cold pressing from argan tree fruit, which grows in Africa, on the territory of Morocco. Fruits are collected by hand, and after that the oil is squeezed out.

    Useful properties

    Argan fruits contain polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6, the amount of which is about 80%.Among them, oleic, linoleic and palmic acids, which play a crucial role in maintaining the beauty of the skin and hair.

    In addition, in argan oil a lot of vitamin A, E and F, as well as natural antioxidants( tocopherols and polyphenols), antibiotics, fungicides and sterols. The latter are rarely found in other oils. That is why the use of argan oil in cosmetics and with hair care is more than justified.

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    Reviews of women

    This is what Victori8135 wrote in its review: "I am constantly in pursuit of the dream of growing long hair, which, in addition, will be healthy. When it became possible to buy discounted argan oil, I decided not to miss this chance. No sooner said than done. Recently began to use it.

    Just want to warn: girls, the oil is very saturated, so enough 1-2 drops, more and not necessary. Make sure that the oil does not run down your hair. The trick here is that it will be rather difficult to wash it off afterwards.

    I, for example, just apply a couple of drops just above the ear - and that's it! The result: the hair is healthy and shiny incredibly! You can just keep on your hair for a couple of hours, and then wash it with shampoo, as usual. The photo below is after use in a month and a week. "

    The user of GalinAh writes : "It is familiar with this oil for a long time. In Morocco, it prepares food, is added to various face masks and creams. In general, I also decided to try. I used butter in a simple way: I applied it on dirty hair before washing it all along the length, and also on the roots. Went a couple of hours, and then just washed my head.

    Oil is not heavy at all, it is washed off easily. After drying, the hair becomes soft and shiny, and most importantly - the hair starts to grow even in those places where there were bald places! »

    The girl Kaktusssss poetically called the oil of argan" liquid gold on my bathroom shelf. "Here is what she writes: "This is a real treasure for the hair. With regular use, returns to damaged and dry hair natural softness, silky and shine. Helps with brittleness, reduces the tendency to cross.

    Perfectly nourishes the hair without making it heavier. This is especially important for owners of fine hair. Usually I make a mask on my hair for the night. I just apply a small amount of oil for the entire length and make a "gullet" on my head. I have 1 tbsp.tablespoons oil. If used when laying a hairstyle, you can put 3-5 drops on damp hair and start doing a haircut.

    Interestingly, the negative impact of heat treatment( hair dryer, ployka) is sharply reduced. If you are afraid that the oil will not wash, just add it to your balm, and then wash your hair as usual. And I spread my photos after this procedure. "

    User under the nickname Hamochka writes: "Yes, he has no equal at all! I suffered a long time with split ends, until I met this oil. All ten years I had on my head a sponge instead of a luxurious mane, and now I'm just delighted - the situation has changed!

    After masks with argan oil, the hair just stopped cutting, they are moistened and nourished, shiny, easy to comb and began to grow rapidly. It is best to apply oil to the dried ends and before washing your hair.

    Girls, this is some kind of fairy tale! Hair starts to flow freely over the shoulders, shine! You can use this oil even on dyed and melted hair. In support of my story, I post the photo "before" and "after".

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    Argan oil for hair is increasingly used with modern care and various hairdressing procedures. Another name for this oil is Moroccan. According to the statements of women who at least once used it in hair care, after that the hair becomes shiny, dandruff and itching of the head disappear, elasticity appears, obedience to any hair, and strong curl disappears.

    This product is obtained by cold pressing from argan tree fruit, which grows in Africa, on the territory of Morocco. Fruits are collected by hand, and after that the oil is squeezed out.

    Useful properties

    Argan fruits contain polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6, the amount of which is about 80%.Among them, oleic, linoleic and palmic acids, which play a crucial role in maintaining the beauty of the skin and hair.

    In addition, in argan oil a lot of vitamin A, E and F, as well as natural antioxidants( tocopherols and polyphenols), antibiotics, fungicides and sterols. The latter are rarely found in other oils. That is why the use of argan oil in cosmetics and with hair care is more than justified.

    Reviews of women

    This is what Victori8135 wrote in its review: "I am constantly in pursuit of the dream of growing long hair, which, in addition, will be healthy. When it became possible to buy discounted argan oil, I decided not to miss this chance. No sooner said than done. Recently began to use it.

    Just want to warn: girls, the oil is very saturated, so enough 1-2 drops, more and do not. Make sure that the oil does not run down your hair. The trick here is that it will be rather difficult to wash it off afterwards.

    I, for example, just apply a couple of drops just above the ear - and that's it! The result: the hair is healthy and shiny incredibly! You can just keep on your hair for a couple of hours, and then wash it with shampoo, as usual. The photo below is after use in a month and a week. "

    The user of GalinAh writes : "It is familiar with this oil for a long time. In Morocco, it prepares food, is added to various face masks and creams. In general, I also decided to try. I used butter in a simple way: I applied it on dirty hair before washing it all along the length, and also on the roots. Went a couple of hours, and then just washed my head.

    Oil is not heavy at all, it is washed off easily. After drying, the hair becomes soft and shiny, and most importantly - the hair begins to grow even in those places where there were bald places! »

    The girl Kaktusssss poetically called the oil of argan" liquid gold on my bathroom shelf. "Here is what she writes: "This is a real treasure for the hair. With regular use, returns to damaged and dry hair natural softness, silky and shine. Helps with brittleness, reduces the tendency to cross.

    Perfectly nourishes the hair without making it heavier. This is especially important for owners of fine hair. Usually I make a mask on my hair for the night. I just apply a small amount of oil for the entire length and make a "gullet" on my head. I have 1 tbsp.tablespoons oil. If used when laying a hairstyle, you can put 3-5 drops on damp hair and start doing a haircut.

    Interestingly, the negative impact of heat treatment( hair dryer, ployka) is sharply reduced. If you are afraid that the oil will not wash, just add it to your balm, and then wash your hair as usual. And I spread my photos after this procedure. "

    User under the nickname Hamochka writes: "Yes, he has no equal at all! I suffered a long time with split ends, until I met this oil. All ten years I had on my head a sponge instead of a luxurious mane, and now I'm just delighted - the situation has changed!

    After masks with argan oil, the hair just stopped cutting, they are moistened and nourished, shiny, easy to comb and started to grow rapidly. It is best to apply oil to the dried ends and before washing your hair.

    Girls, this is some kind of fairy tale! Hair starts to flow freely over the shoulders, shine! You can use this oil even on dyed and melted hair. In support of my story, I post the photo "before" and "after".

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