Acne on the back of women and men, how to get rid at home, photo
Acne on the back: get rid of at home( with photos before and after treatment)
Acne is a source of many people's complexes. This problem becomes especially obvious in the summer when you want to wear a swimsuit or a jersey, but you have to give it up so that no one sees the condition of the skin of the back.
Acne is a skin disorder that occurs due to clogging of hair follicles with sebum, dust and keratinized skin particles. The following photos clearly show how they can look.
Features of the disease
This disease occurs in both men and women at any age, more often in the summer. It is believed that the appearance of acne on the back is associated with the performance of heavy physical work, with malnutrition, with alcohol abuse, with a violation of the hormonal background and the work of the endocrine system, with insufficient hygiene, synthetic clothing that does not allow air to pass through.
It is easy to detect acne in your body, black, inflamed or suppurating points are visible on the body. It is worth remembering that they can not be squeezed out, otherwise the infection will spread further along the body and cause a massive appearance of rashes. Then the victims of this rash have a question: "How to get rid of acne?"
Medical treatment
For the beginning of treatment it is necessary to visit doctors who will understand the causes of the appearance of rashes and pick up suitable medications. Before this, you will have to undergo examination and visit a gastroenterologist and endocrinologist, they are obliged to find out whether everything is in order with the patient's body. If the result is positive, then immediately it is worth going to the dermatologist. He is able after examination to determine the severity of the disease and prescribe a course of treatment of antibiotics or their combination with hormonal drugs. The doctor can also recommend the use of B vitamins, the use of ointments with sulfur and diet to avoid foods containing fats, chemical additives, a huge amount of sugar and salt.
Home treatment
To prescribed medications and recommendations, you can add treatment at home, which will only accelerate complete recovery.
The simplest recipe for cleansing and opening pores is called baths on herbs or with sea salt. For example:
- In 3 liters of water add 250 grams of conifer needles and boil for a couple of minutes, let the broth steep for an hour, and then pour into a warm bath and dip into it so that the chest does not fully sink into the water( harmful to the heart), the maximum time of the procedure is 15 minutes.
- Pour hot water( its temperature is somewhere 38˚) and add sea salt with herbs( chamomile, thyme, hops), take the bathroom for 15 minutes.
After any medical bath, experts advise to pour a contrast shower and wipe yourself with a soft towel.
After cleansing and uncorking the hair follicles, you can apply a therapeutic, anti-inflammatory mask according to the following recipes:
- Mix 10 ml of peroxide with 25 grams of yeast( to look like a creamy mixture), apply on your back for 20 minutes, use this remedy every 3 days.
- Grate the cucumber and pour boiling water, after 2 hours put the mixture on a cloth, put on face for 30 minutes.
- 2 table spoons of St. John's wort, pour a glass of boiling water, after 2 hours, the infusion can be wiped face.
- Chamomile, celandine or marigold to pour alcohol, allow them to brew and add water( ratio 1:10), the resulting solution to rub the skin.
To fix the effect, it is recommended to take infusions that will restore the body from the inside. For example, chop the root of fresh ginger mixed with honey( ratio 1: 1) and take 1 spoonful after eating( mix stored in the refrigerator).
So, for recovery, you just need to follow the doctor's instructions, do not forget about folk remedies, because all this will allow you to become the owner of clean, healthy skin.
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Acne is a source of many people's complexes. This problem becomes especially obvious in the summer when you want to wear a swimsuit or a jersey, but you have to give it up so that no one sees the condition of the skin of the back.
Acne is a skin disorder that occurs due to clogging of hair follicles with sebum, dust and keratinized skin particles. The following photos clearly show how they can look.
Features of the disease
This disease occurs in men and women at any age, more often in the summer. It is believed that the appearance of acne on the back is associated with the performance of heavy physical work, with malnutrition, with alcohol abuse, with a violation of the hormonal background and the work of the endocrine system, with insufficient hygiene, synthetic clothing that does not allow air to pass through.
It is easy to detect acne in your body, black, inflamed or suppurating points are visible on the body. It is worth remembering that they can not be squeezed out, otherwise the infection will spread further along the body and cause a massive appearance of rashes. Then the victims of this rash have a question: "How to get rid of acne?"
Medical treatment
For the beginning of treatment it is necessary to visit doctors who will understand the causes of the appearance of rashes and pick up suitable medications. Before this, you will have to undergo examination and visit a gastroenterologist and endocrinologist, they are obliged to find out whether everything is in order with the patient's body. If the result is positive, then immediately it is worth going to the dermatologist. He is able after examination to determine the severity of the disease and prescribe a course of treatment of antibiotics or their combination with hormonal drugs. The doctor can also recommend the use of B vitamins, the use of ointments with sulfur and diet to avoid foods containing fats, chemical additives, a huge amount of sugar and salt.
Home Treatment
You can add home treatment to prescribed medications and recommendations, which will only accelerate complete recovery.
The simplest recipe for cleansing and opening pores is called baths on herbs or with sea salt. For example:
- In 3 liters of water add 250 grams of conifer needles and boil for a couple of minutes, let the broth steep for an hour, and then pour into a warm bathroom and immerse it in such a way that the chest does not fully sink into the water( harmful to the heart), the maximum time of the procedure is 15 minutes.
- Pour hot water( its temperature is somewhere 38˚) and add sea salt with herbs( chamomile, thyme, hops), take the bathroom for 15 minutes.
After any medical bath, experts advise to pour a contrast shower and wipe yourself with a soft towel.
After cleansing and uncorking the hair follicles, you can apply a therapeutic, anti-inflammatory mask according to the following recipes:
- Mix 10 milliliters of peroxide with 25 grams of yeast( to look like a creamy mixture), apply on your back for 20 minutes, use it every 3 days.
- Wipe the cucumber and pour boiling water, after 2 hours put the mixture on a cloth, put on face for 30 minutes.
- 2 table spoons of St. John's wort, pour a glass of boiling water, after 2 hours, the infusion can be wiped face.
- Chamomile, celandine or calendula, pour alcohol, allow them to brew and add water( ratio 1:10), the resulting solution to rub the skin.
To fix the effect, it is recommended to take infusions that will restore the body from the inside. For example, chop the root of fresh ginger mixed with honey( ratio 1: 1) and take 1 spoonful after eating( mix stored in the refrigerator).
So, for recovery, you just need to follow the doctor's instructions, do not forget about folk remedies, because all this will allow you to become the owner of clean, healthy skin.
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See also: The original way to permanently remove pink pimples!