
How to stop hair loss at home, how to save your hair

  • How to stop hair loss at home, how to save your hair

    Hair loss is not the most pleasant part of the life of any girl. However, when the hair falls not so much, it's not alarming, because always grow new, but there is another way, when it falls just the same uncontrollably much, even literally claps. In such cases, you must immediately take action, but first to understand the cause of the problem, which can be quite a lot: scorching sun, dry wind, unsuccessful staining.

    And this is only a small part. In this article, you will learn how to stop hair loss at home, and what to do to prevent fallout after treatment.

    First, before you deal with the problem, you need to more clearly understand the reasons for its appearance, so first I propose to deal with these reasons and delete them from your daily routine:

    1. Strong influence of external natural factors. This includes: a long stay under the scorching sun, dry wind, withered hair and making them thin and brittle. Also, excessively humid weather, from which in some women hair is more quickly fouled and also becomes more vulnerable. This includes chemical treatment of hair: styling, painting, laminating, straightening, biocoasting, etc.;
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    2. Depression, stress, and other strong psychological experiences affect not only the nervous system, but also the rate of hair growth;
    3. Insufficient or excessive hair care. Note that in such a period, as in winter, hair care is not required to be carried out too often, but in the summer just the frequency - 3-4 times a week - will not hurt;
    4. Lack of blood or its abundant loss;
    5. Thyroid problems.

    Secondly, it is worth remembering that hair loss is a completely normal development cycle, and if for a long time you did not observe a decrease in your hairline, then this is actually bad, and not good. Still, the average rate of hair loss per day varies between 50 and 150 hairs, but when more than 100 drops out daily, you should really think about how to reduce and stop such frequent loss.

    Folk masks from hair loss

    The first answer to the question of how to treat hair from hair loss at home is, of course, the regular application of folk masks. That is, masks from natural products, such as eggs, pepper, oils, salt, kefir, clay, etc.

    The most successful for preventing non-genetic and non-diffuse hair loss are multistage masks using pepper or eggs. But it is worth noting that pepper is used sharp, and may not suit everyone. If you are going to use it, you should know for sure if you are allergic to this product or not, also if you are itching around the scalp, then do not use any sharp masks or masks with salt.

    Video lessons from lovers and master classes from professionals will help you save your hair from falling out or apply masks for preventive purposes.

    Ampoules and tablets against hair loss

    Folk remedies do not always help as much as one would like, and women may have more serious hair loss, for example, even with clumps. In this case, it is recommended to use ampoules and anti-hair loss pills, which are more effective in supplying the hair with the necessary nutrients, but, of course, more expensive.

    Tablets are bought when the hair is badly missing a certain group of vitamins( C, B, D, PP most common).Of course, for example, vitamin C is contained in the yolk, and you can use it with not such big problems with hair loss.

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